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词汇 margin
释义 mar·gin 英ˈmɑːdʒɪn美ˈmɑrdʒɪnAHDmärʹjĭn ★★★☆☆高四六研GIMT宝46八COCA⁴⁴²⁶BNC⁴⁸¹⁵iWeb³²⁴²Economist⁴⁰¹²


blank space round the written or printed matter on a page


edge or border

C差数,差额; 余地

an amount by which one thing is greater than another

the boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundaryan amount beyond the minimum necessary;

the margin of victory

the amount of collateral a customer deposits with a broker when borrowing from the broker to buy securitiesfinance the net sales minus the cost of goods and services soldthe blank space that surrounds the text on a page;

he jotted a note in the margin

a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits
margin, brim, brink, edge, rim, verge


1.edge指物体两平面交接处的边缘或边线; brink指悬崖峭壁的边缘; brim指如壶、杯、碗等各种形状容器的内侧边缘,也指帽子的边; rim指任何圆形物体的缘、周或边; verge指一平面或广阔区域的尽头,也常指道路的边缘; margin指书页的空白边缘,也可指物体的边缘。

2.用在比喻中, edge指尖锐性、严峻性等; verge表示濒临某种感情或行动的状态; margin的意思是“留有余地”; brink常用于借喻中,指濒临某种危险。

来源于拉丁语margo, marginis, f边缘,史前日耳曼语marko。
词根词缀: marg=mark + -in
用作名词 n.
动词+~adjust〔justify〕 a margin调整页边空白allow a margin允许误差keep〔leave〕 a margin页边留下空白lower the margin降低限度set a margin固定好页边空白形容词+~comfortable〔handsome, huge, large, wide〕 margin宽边narrow〔slender, slim, small〕 margin窄边insufficient margin for safety不够安全note-issuing margin发行纸币的限度safe margin安全系数fair〔large〕 margin of profit相当多〔大量〕的利润good margin of profit厚利narrow〔slim〕 margin of profit薄利名词+~loss margin亏损限度retail〔wholesale〕 price margins零售〔批发〕价格限度road〔way〕 margins路边safety margin〈物〉安全系数介词+~by a margin以…幅度之差by a narrow margin勉强地increase by a wide margin大幅度地增长in the margin在空白处on the margin在空白处,在边缘~+介词margin for error误差限度margin of a book〔page〕书〔页〕边margin of death死亡边缘margin of profit利润margin of safety安全系数margin of subsistence生活的最低需要
非常记忆mar骂人〖拼音〗+g鸽〖编码〗+in在…里面〖熟词〗⇒会骂人的鸽子在店里带来利润词根记忆mar是mark的变体,记号、符号+in→记号常标于书页空白处→页边空白词根记忆marg边界+in→书页的边界→页边空白marg边界+in→书页的边界⇒页边空白近义词 rim边brim边side边play玩lip嘴唇edge边缘room房间verge接近scope机会space空间skirt裙子brink边缘border边界leeway余地fringe流苏corner角落surplus过剩slack松弛的circuit巡回freedom自由latitude纬度boundary边界division划分perimeter周长tolerance宽容allowance零用钱gross profit毛利sideline球场边线security deposit保证金gross profit margin毛利额,毛利率…
用作名词n.He has the habit of making notes on the margin while reading.他读书时有在页边空白处作注释的习惯。
The village is situated at the margin of a forest.村子位于森林的边缘。
He is on the margin of bare subsistence.他正处在挨饿的边缘。
We allowed a margin of 20 minutes in catching the train.我们有20分钟的余地赶火车。Pmargines缘Pa-marginA边界Pmargination着边Pmarginatea.有边缘的Pinframarginal缘下的Pintermarginal缘间的Pseptomarginal隔缘的Psupramarginal绿上的Pextra-marginal超边际Plateromarginal侧缘的Pmarginateda.有边缘的Premargining增加保证金Pintramarginal边缘内的Pemarginatea.顶端微凹的Pextramarginal意识域下的Pmarginoplasty睑缘成形术Pmarginaliapl.旁注次要项目Pmarginala.边缘的最低限度的有旁注的Pcallosomarginal胼胝体额上回的扣带缘上回的Psubmarginala.靠近边缘的界限以下的标准以下的Pmarginalizev.使显得微不足道使处于边缘使无实权Pmarginallyad.记在页边有旁注边缘边沿地区边际限界勉强够格无关紧要少量

用作名词We came to themarginof the wood.我们来到树林的边缘。
We allowed amarginof 20 minutes in catching the train.我们有20分钟的余地赶火车。
There is nomarginfor error in our plan.我们的计划中不留有误差幅度。
Our pricing policy aims at producing a 35% grossmargin.我们的定价政策目的在于赢得35%的毛利润。
She win the seat by amarginof ten votes.她以十票优势赢得席位。
The little boy likes to make notes in themarginof books.小男孩喜欢在书页空白边上做笔记。
The reserve board raisedmarginsfrom 50 to 60 percent.联邦储备银行董事会将定金从百分之五十提高到百分之六十。用作及物动词The shore wasmarginedwith foam.岸边都是泡沫。noun.border;room around something
同义词 edge,limit,surplusallowance,bound,boundary,brim,brink,compass,extra,field,frame,hem,latitude,leeway,lip,perimeter,periphery,play,rim,scope,selvage,shore,side,skirt,space,trimming,vergeconfine,elbowroom
反义词 center,inside,interior,middlecore
beachnoun sandy area by body of water
borderverb bound on;be on the edge
abut,adjoin,be adjacent to,bind,circumscribe,communicate,contour,decorate,define,delineate,edge,encircle,enclose,flank,frame,fringe,hem,join,line,march,margin,mark off,neighbor,outline,rim,set off,side,skirt,surround,touch,trim,verge
bound/boundsnoun farthest limit
boundariesnoun outer limit
abuttals,ambits,barriers,beginnings,borderlands,borderlines,bordersboundsbrinks,circumferences,circumscriptions,compasses,confines,edges,ends,environs,extents,extremities,frames,fringes,frontiers,hems,horizons,limits,line of demarcations,lines,marches,margins,marks,meres,metes,outlines,outposts,pales,perimeters,peripheries,precincts,purlieuses,radii,rims,sides,skirts,terminals,terminations,termini,verges
boundarynoun outer limit
abuttals,ambit,barrier,beginning,border,borderland,borderline,bounds,brink,circumference,circumscription,compass,confines,edge,end,environs,extent,extremity,frame,fringe,frontier,hem,horizon,limits,line,line of demarcation,march,margin,mark,mere,mete,outline,outpost,pale,perimeter,periphery,precinct,purlieus,radius,rim,side,skirt,terminal,termination,terminus,verge
brimnoun edge of object, usually the top
border,brink,circumference,fringe,hem,lip,margin,perimeter,periphery,rim,skirt,verge That deal would see the Nasdaq in control of virtually all US listings, which is also a high margin business.
交易完成后,纳斯达克将事实上完全控制美国的上市业务,这也是一项高利润率业务。 fortunechina

Analysts doubt that this gap is sustainable: competitors will continue to go after Apple and squeeze its margin.
分析家不相信这个差距会持续下去:竞争者将继续追赶苹果,挤压其利润。 ecocn

Breakpoint icons also appear in the fringe or margin.
断点图标同样显示在边框或边栏上。 cnblogs

From that overlook in the Awash, we could also look west, farther into the past to the foothills of the escarpment forming the western margin of the study area.
从阿瓦什的那处远眺点俯视出去,我们还可以看到整个研究区域的西部边缘,那里是悬崖的前陆,属于更古老的史前时代。 yeeyan

His widely applauded reforms allowed illiquid shares of state- owned enterprises to be traded, as well as the introduction of index futures and margin trading.
他的改革措施广受欢迎,包括允许国有企业的非流动资产进入交易,以及引进期货指数和保证金交易等。 yeeyan

Intel loves high margins, and their market monopoly allows them to pursue margin at the expense of innovation.
英特尔钟爱高额利润,并且他们的市场垄断地位允许他们以创新为代价去追逐利润。 yeeyan

Of course, most accounts still have Apple making close to a 50 percent margin on the device.
当然,大多数分析表明苹果在这款设备上仍然有接近50%的利润。 yeeyan

Speculators were allowed to buy shares on margin and could even borrow from the company to do so.
投机商被允许仅支付保证金以购买股份,甚至能够从公司本身借钱购买。 ecocn

That is all that having more margin meant to me I was right more emphatically.
这是所有更多的利润对我意味着更多的强调我是对的。 yeeyan

This is a story about a few people I've known who lived“ on the margin,” and how I believe Austrian thinking applies to them and probably countless others like them.
这个故事是关于我所认识的那些住“在边缘”的人,以及我是如何认识到到奥地利学派思维解释了他们和其他无数同样人的处境的。 yeeyan

This will help to provide an additional margin of protection against the complete collapse of banks that burn through all of their equity.
这将为银行提供一项追加保证金,从而有助于防止那些所有股本都被烧蚀掉了的银行完全崩溃。 ecocn

When markets tumbled and investors needed to raise cash, gold was the natural asset to sell, especially after the Chicago Mercantile Exchange raised the margin requirement for gold contracts.
当市场暴跌和投资者需要筹集现金时,黄金是有待出售的天然资产,特别是在芝加哥商品交易所提高黄金合约的保证金要求之后。 yeeyan

You have to understand the cost structure of technology, what its impact is on your margin and what the impact of your technology investment is on growth, shrinkage, and market share.
您必须理解技术的成本结构,它对您的利润的影响如何,以及您的技术投资对增长、收缩和市场份额的影响是什么。 ibm

You have to know how changes inside or outside the business affect gross margin.
你应该知道企业内外的变化是如何影响毛利润率的。 yeeyan




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