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词汇 maret
释义 maret
Among them, 80% was for export, 20% was for domesticmaret.2005年实现产值1.;41亿元,出口创汇763万美圆,实现利润830万元,上缴国家税金150万元。
Thus, tLhe Soviet Union and East-Eutopean megatransformation resulted form socialist natural economy, the only way out is sticking to the road of socialistmareteconomy.因此苏东巨变的深层经济原因在于社会主义自然经济,其出路只有一条,即坚定不移地走社会主义市场经济道路。
The two individble and interrelated aspects: positive and negative in fluences of socialistmareteconomy on Marxism teaching were discussed in this crticle.本文论述了社会主义市场经济对马克思主义理论课的积极促进作用和消极影响这互相联系、互相依赖、不可分割的两个方面。
But it is too enough tO follow up themaretand accept it to win more market shares, the power of competition roots in strengthening the interior management and administration of the enterprise.然而一味地围绕市场而救市场是当前不少企业存在的误区,市场竞争力的根本在于加强企业内部管理,并指出了加强企业内部管理的有效方法。
As a warhouse retail business, its charateristic is to meet the needs of themaretandcustomer, to bulid up its own brand image, and incorporate other industries' experience to improveits service.好又多这种货仓式零售业态的特点是适应市场和购实者的行为,以变应变,在广大顾客中树立自身的品牌形象,并不断吸收其它业态的特点,使服务更加完善。
It expatiates on the management statllsand investment operating of the insurance caPital of American IntemationalAssurance Co., Ltd. after she entered the Guangzhou insurancemaret.详细阐述了美国友邦保险有限公司广州分公司进入广州寿险市场的经营状况和运作保险资金的投资情况。




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