

单词 marcotte
释义 marcotte 英'mɑːkɒt美'mɑːkɒt COCA⁹⁵⁷⁵⁶
And according to Marcotte- Jervoe, the new addition has already had a positive effect: Sales at Japanese McDonald's stores rose almost5% in May.
据玛科特• 杰沃的说法,销售这种大汉堡带来了积极的效果:5月份,日本麦当劳店的销量上涨了近5%。 blog.sina.com.cn

“There was a lot of screaming in the halls for that one,” Dr. Marcotte said.
“当时大厅里响起了一片尖叫,”马克特博士回忆道。 yeeyan

Crazier still, Dr. Marcotte and his colleagues have discovered hundreds of other genes involved in human disorders by looking at distantly related species.
还有更为疯狂的事儿,马克特博士和他的同事们在研究一些和人类亲缘关系非常远的物种时发现了其他上百种和人体遗传障碍相关的基因。 yeeyan

HUNTER Edward M. Marcotte and colleagues at the University of Texas at Austin have found hundreds of genes involved in human disorders.
“猎手”爱德华 M.马克特 Edward M. Marcotte和他在奥斯丁的德州大学的同事们发现了与人类遗传障碍相关的上百种基因。 yeeyan

If Dr. Marcotte could analyze data like these, he reasoned, he might find gene modules doing different things in distantly related species.
马克特博士认为如果他也有办法这样分析数据,那么他将有很大机会找出那些基因模组,它们在一些关系遥远的物种中干的是不同的活儿。 yeeyan

Protestors destroyed a McDonald's restaurant in Millau, resulting in the death of a McDonald's crew member and prompting McDonald's to take action, says Marcotte- Jervoe.
玛科特-杰沃说,示威者砸毁了位于法国米洛的一家麦当劳餐厅,导致一名餐厅员工死亡,这迫使麦当劳不得不采取行动。 blog.sina.com.cn

Strangely, though, Dr. Marcotte did not discover the new genes in the human genome, nor in lab mice or even fruit flies.
奇怪的是,马克特博士不是在人类染色体组中发现那些基因的,甚至也不是在实验室的小白鼠和果蝇身上。 yeeyan

While McDonald's continues to work on improving its image in France, Marcotte-Jervoe says that “ it now considers itself a more welcome part of French society.”
麦当劳还在继续努力提升在法国的形象,玛科特-杰沃表示: “现在麦当劳在法国社会更受欢迎了。” blog.sina.com.cn




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