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Mar·cos 英ˈmɑːkəʊs美ˈmɑrkosAHDmärʹkōs COCA¹⁶⁵⁵⁴BNC¹⁴¹⁷⁶ 基本例句 n.马可仕¹⁰⁰ As Ramos rose through the ranks of the Philippine military, he knew better than most the excesses of the Marcos regime. 拉莫斯成长在菲律宾军营,他非常清楚马科斯政权的暴行。 hxen Besides, Marcos himself had promoted his savvy younger cousin to head the military-led national police force. 马科斯还变本加厉地亲自提升他诡计多端的堂弟统领军事化的国家警察部队。 hxen Castillo de San Marcos soon became Fort Saint Mark. 圣马科斯堡很快就变成了圣马克堡垒。 yeeyan In electing Mr Aquino, voters used a new computerised vote- counting system almost as revolutionary, by Philippine standards, as the “ People Power” uprising that toppled Marcos. 投票时,选民们使用了一种全新的电脑计票系统。 对于菲律宾而言,这就像“人民力量”推翻马科斯一样富有革命意义。 ecocn The coordinator of Brazil's Amazon Indian organization COIAB, Marcos Apurina, said he hoped the images would draw attention to the plight of the indigenous peoples and encourage their protection. 巴西亚马逊印第安协助者组织,马科斯.阿普日纳 Marcos Apurina,说他希望这些图片能吸引大家对原住民生存状况的关注,并提高对他们的保护。 yeeyan The former Philippine first lady, Imelda Marcos, said she cried on hearing the news. 菲律宾前第一夫人,伊梅尔达·马科斯,坦言自己听到这个消息后也流泪了。 yeeyan The Spanish built nine forts in this area before they built San Marcos. 西班牙人在他们建造圣马科斯堡之前在这一地区建了九个堡垒。 yeeyan A large sign says “ National Park Service, Castillo de San Marcos.” In English the name means the “Castle of Saint Mark.” 在圣马科斯堡入口附近是一个停车场,这里树着一块大牌子,上面写着:“圣马科斯堡国家公园管理局”,其英文的意思是“圣马克堡”。 yeeyan Although he was too young for military service the war touched Ramos when he helped shield his second cousin, Ferdinad Marcos, then a lieutenant in the underground guerrilla army, from the Japanese. 尽管他太小无法服兵役,可他还是接触到战争,因为他曾帮助保护他的堂兄,费迪南德·马科斯脱离日本人的魔掌,当时马科斯是一名地下游击队中尉。 hxen An innovative idea by Texas State University- San Marcos SIFE is promoting small businesses in their community while also helping college students save money. 得克萨斯州立大学圣马科斯分校的 SIFE小组想出一个主意,既能帮社区内的小型企业进行市场宣传,又可以帮大学同学节省开支。 yeeyan And yet the opinion polls suggest that Mrs Arroyo went on to become the most unpopular president since Marcos. 但现在的民调显示,阿罗约总统成为继独裁者马科斯之后最不受欢迎的总统。 ecocn Entrepreneurs have made the most of it: some of the most popular souvenirs in Chiapas today are T-shirts and chess sets featuring Subcomandante Marcos and co. 而商人们却借此找到了发财捷径:现在恰帕斯最受欢迎的纪念品中就有印着副司令马科斯及其同伙的 T恤衫和国际象棋。 ecocn Filipinos revered Mrs Aquino because she toppled a corrupt dictator, Ferdinand Marcos, and restored democracy. 菲律宾人尊敬阿基诺夫人是因为她推翻了腐败独裁者费迪南德·马科斯,并且在菲律宾恢复了民主。 ecocn In the following interview he and Dr Marcos Espinal, Executive Secretary of the Stop TB Partnership, talk about his new role and the current status of the tuberculosis TB pandemic. 在以下采访中,他和控制结核病伙伴关系执行秘书马科斯•埃斯皮纳尔博士谈到所担负的新角色以及结核病流行现状。 who Juan Ponce Enrile, the defense minister, was asking him to join an uprising against Marcos. 国防部长胡安·庞斯·恩瑞尔请求他加入反抗马科斯的起义。 hxen The government said it would abide by the constitution. But martial law makes Filipinos nervous, because President Ferdinand Marcos used it in the1970s to establish a dictatorship. 菲政府称其会严格遵守宪法,但是军事管制引起了菲律宾民众的恐慌,因为在1970年,当时的总统费迪南德•马科斯正是利用军事管制建立了独裁统治。 ecocn The San Diego- Carlsbad- San Marcos metropolitan area has a population of around3- million. 在美国圣地亚哥的卡尔斯巴德·圣马科斯都会区,人口约300万。 yeeyan Three days later, on February25th1986, Marcos was on his way to Hawaii and Mrs Aquino was presidentsee article. 三天后的1986年2月25日,马科斯逃往夏威夷,阿基诺夫人就任总统。 ecocn To reach the Castillo de San Marcos you must drive through part of the city of Saint Augustine. 要去圣马科斯堡,你必须驱车经过圣奥古斯丁市。 yeeyan Today, the Castillo de San Marcos still seems to protect the city of Saint Augustine. However, no enemy has attacked since the year seventeen forty. 如今,圣马科斯堡似乎仍然保护着圣奥古斯丁市,然而,自从1740年以后,圣奥古斯丁再也没有受到敌人的攻击。 yeeyan We spend a great deal of time at the riversin San Marcos and New Braunfels and we really like the Children’s Museums in both Austin and New Braunfels. 我们在河边度过了非常美好的时光那条河位于圣马科斯和新布朗费尔斯之间,还有我们真的很喜欢奥斯汀和新布朗费尔斯的儿童博物馆。 yeeyan Marcos and his notorious free-spending wife, Imelda, were forced to flee the country. 马科斯和他声名狼藉、挥霍无度的妻子伊梅尔达,被迫逃离菲律宾。 hxen Marcos Espinal: The MDG for TB calls for halting and reversing the epidemic. 马科斯•埃斯皮纳尔:与结核病相关的千年发展目标要求遏制和扭转这一流行病趋势。 who |