

单词 Marconi
释义 Mar·co·ni 英mɑːˈkəʊniː美mɑrˈkoni英mɑ:'kəuni美mɑ:'kəuni 高COCA⁵²⁴⁷⁰BNC²³⁷⁹⁰

Italian electrical engineer who invented wireless telegraphy and in 1901 transmitted radio signals across the Atlantic Ocean 1874-1937近义词 Guglielmo Marconi马可尼1874-193…
Marconipatents his directive horizontal antenna.马可尼获得定向水平天线专利权。
For that, thank the cross-breeding ofMarconi's radio and the microprocessor.这,得益于对微处理机和马可尼的无线广播进行的整合改造。as in.(radio
同义词 transmission,wirelessWalkman,radiotelegraph,radiotelegraphy,radiotelephone,receiver,telegraphy,telephonyAM-FM,CB,radionics,radiotelephonics,shortwave
radionoun communication by electronic air waves
AM-FM,CB,Walkman,radionics,radiotelegraph,radiotelegraphy,radiotelephone,radiotelephonics,receiver,shortwave,telegraphy,telephony,transmission,wireless Mr King’s background at Marconi may well have counted in his favour when it came to appointing a new chief executive.
到了任命新的首席执行官的时候,金先生在 Marconi公司工作的背景也为他加分。 ecocn.org

On December12th,1901 Italian engineer Marconi first realized the humanity surmounts Western the radio correspondence, at that time each second transmission capacity only was several bits.
1901年12月12日意大利工程师马可尼首次实现人类跨越大西洋的无线电通信,当时每秒的传输容量仅为几个比特。 queshao

A sloop uses what is called a Bermuda or Marconi rig: the tall, thin, triangular mainsail we're all so used to seeing on the water.
单桅帆船使用所谓的百慕大或马可尼帆:我们在水上常见的那种高而窄的三角形主帆。 yeeyan

Built in1936, the Marconi type-702 has been crowned the oldest working television set in Britain.
一台制造于1936年的“马克尼702型”电视机日前成为英国最早的可使用电视机。 cri

Built in1936, the Marconi type-702 is the oldest working television set in Britain.
制造于1936年的这台马可尼702型是现存英国最老的一台尚可运行的电视机。 yeeyan

His successor focused the company on IT and communications, renaming it Marconi.
他成功让通用电气公司专注于 IT和交流,把它重新命名为 Marconi。 yeeyan

His invention was a truly revolutionary moment in communication, with the potential to surpass the discoveries of Marconi and Alexander Graham- Bell.
他的发明也一举超越了马可尼发明无线电和亚历山大·贝尔发明电话称得上名副其实的通讯革命。 yeeyan

In October Sweden's Ericsson bought bits of Marconi in Britain for around $2 billion.
去年10月份,瑞典的爱立信出资20亿美元收购英国马可尼公司。 ecocn

John Weston, the abrasive boss of British Aerospace asked Mr King, who had been finance director at Marconi for several years, to handle strategy for the merged firm.
粗暴的英国航空航天公司老板 John Weston要求担任 Marconi财务主管多年的金先生来把握这个合并公司的战略。 ecocn

Modern devices have a spectral efficiency more than one trillion times greater than Marconi’s original device did112 years agoit broadcast in Morse code over a very wide frequency range.
现代的无线通讯设备的频谱效率比112年前马可尼原始的电报机利用莫尔斯码在很宽的频率内播送高十亿倍。 ecocn

Mr King began his career in1976 as a trainee accountant with Marconi, a defence- electronics subsidiary of Arnold Weinstock’s GEC, Britain’s biggest industrial conglomerate.
金先生于1976年在 Marconi担任会计实习生,从而开始了他的事业,这是 Arnold Weinstock建立的英国最大的工业联合企业 GEC的军防电子子公司。 ecocn

Sheriff Marconi Lima said: “ In eight years of policing I've never heard anything like it.”
治安官马可尼·利马说:“在我维持治安的8年中,还是头一次听到像这样的事。” cri

The three suspects were grilled by police chief Marconi Lima before being released on bail.
现在,这三位犯罪嫌疑人被警察局长马克里 Marconi Lima关押在案,等候保释。 hjenglish

WHEN Guglielmo Marconi was granted patents on his “ wireless telegraph” in 1897, the future of his invention looked modest.
1897年,当古列尔莫-马可尼Guglielmo Marconi获得“无线电报”专利权的时候,他的这项发明前景并不怎么被看好。 ecocn

Marconi tied several antennas to kites.
马可尼在风筝上系了几根天线。 http://mysearch.100e.com




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