

单词 marches
释义 Mar·ches 英ˈmɑːtʃɪz美ˈmɑrtʃɪzAHDmärʹchĭz COCA²³³⁷⁷BNC¹⁶⁰⁸²Economist⁹⁶²⁹

the third month of the year, next after February

vi. 进军; 行进

walk with a regular, especially forceful, step like a soldier

vt. & vi. 使前进

cause sb to march


action of marching; progress when marching advance


the distance covered while marching in a certain period of time


procession from one place to another by many people, especially as a protest


piece of music written for marching to

the month following February and preceding Aprilthe act of marching; walking with regular steps especially in a procession of some kind;

it was a long march

we heard the sound of marching

a steady advance;

the march of science

the march of time

a procession of people walking together;

the march went up Fifth Avenue

district consisting of the area on either side of a border or boundary of a country or an area;

the Welsh marches between England and Wales

genre of music written for marching;

Sousa wrote the best marches

a degree granted for the successful completion of advanced study of architecture
march in a procession;

They processed into the dining room

force to march;

The Japanese marched their prisoners through Manchuria

walk fast, with regular or measured steps; walk with a stride;

He marched into the classroom and announced the exam

The soldiers marched across the border

march in protest; take part in a demonstration;

Thousands demonstrated against globalization during the meeting of the most powerful economic nations in Seattle

walk ostentatiously;

She parades her new husband around town

cause to march or go at a marching pace;

They marched the mules into the desert

lie adjacent to another or share a boundary;

Canada adjoins the U.S.

England marches with Scotland

用作动词 v.
~+名词march the army to指挥军队向…行进march the thirty miles行军30英里~+副词march hand in hand手挽手前进march well列队行进很整齐march aimlessly盲目进军march arduously奋勇前进march briskly步伐轻快march cautiously谨慎行事march dramatically显著地进行march endlessly无穷发展march fruitlessly无效地进行march leisurely从容开展march magnificently壮观地前进march monotonously单线行进march morosely进展缓慢march pompously自负地进行march slowly缓慢地行进march steadily稳步前进march tirelessly坚韧不拔地前进march uninterruptedly不停地前进march away离开,出发march the prisoner away把犯人押走march by走过march off列队离去march war prisoners off to prison押送战俘去监狱march on行进,前进march out列队出去,出发march past以分列式行进,走过march up and down踱来踱去~+介词march against向…推进,向…行进march against the enemy向敌人进军march along the highway沿公路行进march at double-quick跑步前进march at ease常步前进march from…to…从…行进至…march from the barracks to the parade ground从营房齐步走到练兵场march from victory to victory节节胜利march in fours四人一排行进march in procession列队行进march into行进,进入march into a city开进城march into town行军进城march on向…方向进军march on a fortress向要塞进军march on the next town向下一个城镇进军march out of a fortress撤离要塞march through行经…march through the streets列队经过街道march to向…方向进军march to a tune on the bugle和着军号的节拍前进march towards向…方向进军march with a red flag at one's head打着红旗行进用作名词 n.动词+~command march统帅行军direct march指引进程extend march扩大进程follow the march of events跟上局势的发展force march加快进程have a long march走很长的路make march行军make a full day's march走了一整天的路resume one's march继续行军review the march检阅游行steal a march on sb偷偷地抢在某人的前面beat a march on one's drum击鼓奏出进行曲compose a march创作进行曲play a march演奏进行曲strike up a march奏起进行曲形容词+~bloody march血染征途cautious march谨慎的行军circuitous march曲折的前进disorderly march混乱的行军double march跑步走dreadful march可怕的行进dreary march忧郁的行进endless march无尽的行程forced march强行军,兼程行军forward march发展fruitless march无结果的行军general march全面进军hobbling march踌躇不前inevitable march必然的进展long march长途行军measureless march不可估量的进展rapid march急行军severe march艰难的历程silent march沉默的行军slow march慢慢的前进steady march有规律的行程stormy march风雨旅程victorious march胜利的进军dead march葬礼进行曲famous march有名的进行曲statelymarch庄严的进行曲tediousmarch冗长乏味的进行曲名词+~death march死亡行军funeral march葬礼进行曲hunger march反饥饿游行military march军乐进行曲peace march争取和平的游行wedding march婚礼进行曲介词+~after march行军之后at slow march缓慢行进in the march of time随着时光的流逝on the march在行军中,在进行中education on the march发展中的教育with the march of time随着时光的流逝~+介词march against朝…行进march from自…行进march in procession列队前进march into向…行进march of affairs事情的进展march of time时光的流逝march to向…行进march toward朝…行进
用作名词n.mad as a March hare

像三月里野兔般疯狂 completely insane

march past v.+adv.

检阅时列队行进 march in a ceremony past an officer

march pastA division of soldiers who won honour for their bravery in the last war will march past during this afternoon's ceremony.在上次战斗中因表现勇敢获得荣誉的一个师,将在今日下午的典礼上列队行进接受检阅。用作名词n.on the march

行进,行军; 在发展中 marching ahead; advancing

the march of

稳步的发展或前进 the steady development or onward movement of sth

钱博士march边界+es复数形式⇒边界地区march边界+es复数形式⇒边界地区近义词 filepacegaitstepwalkstumpparadecareerpassageprogressevolutionprocessiondevelopmentprogressiondemonstrationwalkn. advancev. countermarch反义词 stopv. halt
用作名词n.March 8 is International Woman's Day.3月8日是国际妇女节。
They returned from Beijing to Haikou on Mar. 19.他们3月19日从北京回到了海口。
Have you got two double rooms for March 1st, and 2nd?三月一、二日你们有两间双人间吗?
I'd like to reserve a large corner room for the night of March 7,8, and 9th.我想在三月七、八、九三个晚上预订一个大间客房。
March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers.三月的风、四月的雨,滋润五月的花儿开。用作动词v.
S+~+AQuick march!快步走!
After a rest, they marched on.休息一会儿以后,他们继续前进。
She was very angry and marched out of the room.她非常生气,大步走出了房间。
They marched onward.他们向前前进。
The men marched shoulder to shoulder.战士们并肩前进。
We marched for several days and reached Gequ River.我们经过多日的行军,来到了葛曲河。
The soldiers are marching well today.今天士兵们列队行进很整齐。
The boy told them the troops had marched by.那男孩告诉他们部队已经走过去了。
They marched into the city at dawn.黎明时,他们进了城。
The workers marched in procession to the square.工人们列队向广场行进。
The groups are marching in procession.队伍正在列队行进。
We formed lines to march in procession onto the platform.我们按直线排成队爬上平台。
The soldiers marched along the road.部队沿着道路行进。
The brave soldiers were marching on against the enemy's bullets.英勇的战士冒着敌人的炮火前进。
The aggressor troops marched into the neighbouring country on the pretext of searching for their missing soldier.侵略军开进一个邻国,借口寻找他们失踪的士兵。
No one can stop us from marching to the four modernizations.谁也阻挡不了我们向四化进军。
Demonstrators marched through the street.示威者的队伍穿过了街道。
They marched ten miles with nothing to eat.他们空着肚子走了10英里。
The army has marched 40 miles today.军队今天已行军40英里。
In the city, more than 30,000 people marched, protesting violence.在那个城市,有3万多人游行抗议暴力。
S+~+ n./pron.The officer marched his soldiers away.那军官把士兵带走了。
They marched the prisoner away.他们把犯人押走了。
The police marched him off to prison.警察把他带到监狱。
With the help of the village residents, he marched the man off to the local public security station.在村民们的协助下,他将那家伙送到了当地公安机关。
The little boy behaved badly, so his mother marched him up to bed.那小男孩表现很不好,他妈妈就让他上床睡觉去了。
The prisoners of war were marched off to the company headquarters.战俘被押往总部。用作名词n.They made several night marches during army training.在军训期间,他们进行了几次夜间行军。
Scouts were sent out to discover the enemy's line of march.派出侦察兵去侦察敌人的路线。
It's a march of ten miles.这是10英里行程。
The soldiers were making triumphal march through the city.战士们正举行胜利游行穿过那城市。
The march should reach the outskirts of London on May 27th.游行队伍将于5月27日到达伦敦的市郊。
The band played a march.乐队奏了一支进行曲。
Soldiers like militarymarches.战士们喜欢军队进行曲。

March指公历一年中的第三个月份,农历中的3月是the third moon。




march的基本意思是“前进”“使前进”。作“前进”解时,常用于部队行军,有时也可用于指示威队伍的“游行”; 作“使前进”解时,常用于押送犯人等。

march既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语; march用作不及物动词时,后跟表示具体多远的名词性短语作状语。

march可接away, in, into, off, down, up等表示前进的方向。





用作名词Not a single man fell out in the longmarch.在长途行军中没有一个人掉队。
The army was now on themarchto Shanghai.部队当时正向上海进军。
Science is on themarch.科学正在进步中。
The peacemarchattracted a large turnout.和平游行吸引了大量的参加者。用作动词The shower being over, we continued tomarch.阵雨过去之后我们继续行进。
The troopsmarchedon.部队继续前进。
The teachermarchedthe children out to the playground.教师带领孩子们排队去操场。用作名词verb.walk with deliberation
同义词 advance,boot,debouch,drill,file,journey,mount,move,pace,parade,patrol,pound,proceed,progress,promenade,range,space,stalk,step,stomp,stride,strut,traipse,tramp,treadforge ahead,go on,hoof it,move out,pound the pavement,step out
反义词 decline,decrease,disorder,halt,retreat,retrogress,stay,stop,wait A previously announced labor strike and further protest marches are planned for Wednesday.
先前宣布的罢工和进一步的示威游行将在本周三举行。 yeeyan

For20 years, non- violent protests, marches and strikes by the Indians wore down British resistance.
20年来,印度人非暴力的抗议、游行和罢工打败了英国人的抵抗。 yeeyan

One part vigil for women who've been touched by violence and one part protest against that violence, Take Back The Night marches are held annually in cities around the world.
如今世界各地每年都会举行“还我安宁夜”游行,一方面为了守护那些遭受暴力侵害的妇女,另一方面为了抗议暴力行为。 yeeyan

At first, the monks limited themselves to chanting prayers and sermons, and urged the Burmese public not to join their marches.
起初,僧侣们只是给祷告者祈祷、布道,并且敦促缅甸公众不要参加他们的游行。 ecocn

Deng's market-oriented reforms, by contrast, were subtle and cumulative, the stuff of Davos speeches rather than rousing marches.
相比之下,邓主张的微妙渐进式的改革,原料则是达沃斯的演说,而非令人激动的游行。 yeeyan

Dozens of cities have their own marches and protests.
数十个城市都有自己的游行和抗议。 ecocn

He led marches and protests throughout the segregated south, preached non-violence in the face of violence and went to jail several times for his actions.
他在种族隔离的南方领导抗议游行,面对暴力宣扬非暴力,并且因为这些行动,几度身陷囹圄。 www.voanews.com.cn

Indoctrination continued to involve mass marches, rallies, and staged performances, sometimes including hundreds of thousands of persons.
灌输还通过群众游行、集会和舞台表演进行,这些活动有时有几十万人参加。 yeeyan

Most protests plan to make a point and move on, a strategy they've implemented in some cities with targeted marches for specific causes since the camps were broken up.
自从露营被破坏,大部分的示威者都为某些特定原因,计划继续实施在之前几个城市已实施过的定向游行战略。 yeeyan

Mr Sicilia has led marches all the way up to the American border and into El Paso.
西西里亚领导的游行从两国边境一路行进到美国城市艾尔帕索。 ecocn

One anti- gay campaigner said that God had burned down Sodom and Gomorrah and would burn down Moscow too if gay rights marches were allowed.
一名反同性恋的运动人士表示,上帝已经焚毁了所多玛和蛾摩拉,如果允许进行同性恋权利游行,上帝也会焚毁莫斯科。 hxen

Prince Edward escaped from custody and joined royal supporters in the Welsh marches.
王子爱德华从监禁中逃跑,加入了在威尔士游行的王室支持者大军。 yeeyan

The past two months have seen huge protest marches by students, in which a small, violent minority have clashed with riot police.
过去两个月里出现了大规模的学生抗议游行,其中一小撮暴力分子还与防暴警察发生了冲突。 ecocn

The violence is often set off by events such as marches, feast days or elections.
这些暴力冲突常常是由游行、狂欢节或是选举之类的事件引起的。 ecocn

The marches of the past week have shown that many whites, blacks and Asians stand with Latinos in demanding more humane federal immigration policies.
上周的游行已经显示,为得到更多的人道的联邦移民政策,许多白人,黑人,以及亚洲人都纷纷站在了他们的一边。 ecocn

There are likely to be more big marches in the coming years, as the government’s cuts bite.
在接下来的几年里,政府削减开支的结果一一显露,很有可能会有更大的游行。 ecocn

This time the cacerolazos, as they are called, are being staged in the name of educational Utopia—and in response to a cack-handed government ban on marches.
他们自称为抗议者,这次他们是以教育乌托邦的名义进行抗议的,也是对政府实施禁止游行拙劣禁令的回应。 ecocn

Two independent marches occurred in Philadelphia in1975 and in Brussels in1976 as women with candles walked through the streets at night.
1975年的美国费城和1976年的比利时布鲁塞尔各举行了一次游行,众多妇女手持蜡烛夜行在大街上。 yeeyan

Yes, they have every right to protest. Marches and sit-ins have played an honourable part in American history. The right of the people peaceably to assemble is enshrined in the first amendment.
当然,他们完全有权抗议,游行和静坐在美国历史上扮演着光荣的角色,人民和平集会的权利受到宪法第一修正案的保护。 ecocn




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