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marathonersCOCA⁷⁷⁴³⁴BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺⁶ 基本例句 n.马拉松运动员原型marathoner的复数 After coaching marathoners for more than30 years, I've come to believe that the long run is the essence of a marathon training program. It delivers the exact conditioning need for the task. 作为有30余年经验的马拉松教练,我相信长距离跑是马拉松训练的精髓,它可以提供完成马拉松所需的一切能力。 pao.3j3j.com And lots of recreational marathoners“ retire” to the half marathon distance so they can still challenge themselves without the extreme time commitment or increased injury risk. 许多马拉松运动员“退役”后便来参加半程马拉松赛,这样他们可以不用有什么时间上的限制或者增加受伤的风险便仍旧可以挑战自我。 yeeyan And they cover those miles in different ways— some are marathoners, while others, especially females, run faster for fewer hours. 此外,它们跑完这段距离的方式各不相同,有些像马拉松运动员,其它的,尤其是雌鼠,跑的速度比较快,用的时间也就比较短。 yeeyan Basically, it’s a form of speed training for marathoners, but you could adapt it for other training. 这是一种马拉松选手的速度训练方法,不过你也可以用于其他训练。 yeeyan It is also important that marathoners use the long run to experiment with taking energy gels during long runs. 同样重要的是,马拉松选手可以利用长距离跑在长距离跑途中试吃能量凝胶。 bbs.running8.com “ Marathoners run until they fall down, ” she said. “马拉松运动员就是跑到倒下为止,”她说。 yeeyan According to the Livescience of October21, a new study promises a mathematical solution to keep marathoners far from “hitting the wall”。 据生活科学网站10月21日报道,一项最近研究发现,一种数学方法可以帮助马拉松运动员远离“速度障碍”。 edu.sina.com.cn As with successful marathoners, job hunters have some secret tactics that make their success look easy to others. 正如成功的马拉松选手一样,求职者们的一些秘密招数会叫别人看来他们的成功是轻松获得。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn Ask marathoners or other extreme athletes, and they will tell you that after a draining event, they are more likely to come down with a cold or the flu. 问问马拉松运动员或其他极限运动员,他们会告诉你在一项让人汗流浃背的比赛之后,他们更容易患上感冒或流感。 yeeyan At the start,884 marathoners agreed to participate, and643 of those finished and were included in the study results. 在起跑时,884名马拉松跑步者同意参加,其中完赛者643名计入研究结果。 pao.3j3j.com But most running experts will tell recreational marathoners that it's not a good idea to run more than20 miles at one time during training. 但是,大多数跑步专家会告诉那些非专业马拉松人,在训练过程中,一次性跑20英里以上不是一个好主意。 blog.sina.com.cn Elite world-class marathoners often have such a highly developed fat-burning engine that they can run marathons at 85 percent or higher of their maximum. 顶尖的世界级马拉松选手通常具备高效能的脂肪代谢能力,使他们能用85%甚至更高的最高心跳来跑马拉松。 douban Finke believes marathoners should focus on consistent, easy- paced training runs that help them build endurance without getting hurt every couple of months. Finke认为马拉松应该专注于统一、简单步伐的跑步训练,这种训练会帮跑步者在不受伤的情况下提升耐力。 www.kle100.cn For most first time marathoners, goal setting is simple… To finish the race! 对于绝大多数第一次参加马拉松的人而言,设定目标是很简单的,就是完成比赛! yeeyan For marathoners, the last quality session should be at marathon pace; 对于马拉松参赛者,最后一个高品质练习应该是比赛配速跑; bbs.running8.com Her parents were marathoners and high school track and cross-country coaches. 她的父母均曾跑过马拉松,担任过高中径赛和越野赛项目的教练。 ebigear In one representative experiment, the knees of experienced marathoners, with multiple races behind them, were scanned with magnetic resonance imaging technology, and then scanned again10 years later. 在一个代表性的食盐中,有经验的马拉松运动员在参加更多的长跑之前做了磁共振成像测试,然后十年之后又重新做了测试。 yeeyan Many marathoners fail to standardize their pre-race meal. 大多数马拉松跑步者没有他们的标准赛前餐。 www.99yd.org Most marathoners fail to use sports drinks properly during the race. 大多数马拉松人在赛程中没有正确地使用运动饮料。 q.lining.sina.com.cn One of the marathoners is Christine“ Kiki” Homer of New York. Her brother, LeRoy Homer was the co-pilot of Flight93. 马拉松选手之一就是来自纽约的克里斯汀“奇奇”荷马。她的哥哥,罗伊荷马是93号航班的副驾驶员。 remword Some marathoners actually think that walking during the race will improve their times. 有些马拉松人认为在比赛过程中走一走可以提高他们的成绩。 q.lining.sina.com.cn Ten meters from the finish, I experienced the leg- lock usually reserved for marathoners. 当离终点仅有十几米时,我经历了通常马拉松人才能经历的“锁脚”。 bbs.running8.com These goof-ups represent the key reasons why marathoners often end up with disappointments rather than personal records. 这些傻瓜错误就是为什么许多人跑完马拉松之后得到的是失望而不是个人记录的主要原因。 q.lining.sina.com.cn This is due, in part to poor race execution, but also to a fundamental training flaw: very few marathoners spend training time at their goal marathon pace. 这是,部分地由于比赛执行不好,还由于一个基础训练的瑕疵:几乎没有马拉松跑步者按照他们的马拉松目标配速进行训练。 bbs.running8.com Too many marathoners forget that fitness is the ultimate predictor of marathon success. 太多的马拉松人忘记体能是马拉松成败的关键。 blog.sina.com.cn Too many marathoners try something new on race weekend. 太多的马拉松人在比赛的周末尝试新的东西。 wntest.ustc.edu.cn True, some elite marathoners do run sans sneakers. 当然,有些马拉松好手确实穿胶底运动鞋跑步。 yeeyan When you're subjecting the body to lots of physical stressors, like ultra- marathoners do, you have so low a percentage of body fat that the skin is not looking as youthful and supple as it could. 当你让你的机体承受巨大的物理压力,就像终极马拉松运动员那样,你身体中脂肪含量如此之低以至于你的皮肤看起来没有那么年轻和有弹性。 yeeyan Marathoners represent only a small fraction of the nearly15 million frequent runners in the U. S. 马拉松参与者只占美国将近1,500万人经常跑步人群中的一小部分。 tesoon |