

单词 Marasco
释义 Marasco maˈrɑːskoʊ COCA¹⁸²⁵⁷⁵
“ They hook themselves up to the receptors in the skin, ” says Dr Marasco.
“它们把自己铆钉在皮肤里的感受器上,” Marasco博士说。 bdza

“ This is unchartered territory, ” says Dr Marasco.
“这是一个未知领域,” Marasco博士说。 bdza

“ When the amputee wants to open or close their hand, these muscles twitch, ” says Dr Marasco.
“当截肢患者想张开手掌或握住拳头,这些肌肉就会抽动,” Marasco博士说。 bdza

“It is risky to base a vaccine on just one, ” Marasco says.
“只含有一个免疫靶点的疫苗是有很大风险的。 ”马拉斯科说。 yeeyan

Despite his informal approach, Marasco does not shy away from hard topics, including fair compensation for technical people.
不管它的非正式方法, Marasco没有羞于严厉的话题,包括对技术人员的公正的纠正。 ibm

If you can accept the notion that it is fine for Marasco to experiment with topics far afield from project management and software just to get you thinking, then you will have fun.
如果您可以接受一个想法,即对于 Marasco来说尝试远离项目管理和软件的话题而只是让您思考是很好的,那么您将会得到乐趣。 ibm

In February, Marasco and colleagues reported that they had found10 antibodies that bind to a conserved pocket on the stalk see video, top.
今年2 月,马拉斯科和同事报告说,他们已经找到了10个可以与颈部保守区结合的抗体见顶部视频。 yeeyan

Such antibodies could be manufactured and used to treat flu directly, says Marasco, although the need for safety testing means none will be ready in time for the current pandemic.
马拉斯科说,尽管安全性测试的需要意味着不能及时为当前的流感大流行起到作用,但这种抗体可以生产并直接用于治疗流感。 yeeyan

Marasco offers sound advice in a down- to-earth style, often through the guise of a fictional friend, Roscoe Leroy, an experienced project manager who is just entering the software arena.
Marasco以实际的形式提供了合理的建议,经常借用一个虚构的朋友, Roscoe Leroy,一个刚进入软件舞台的有经验的项目经理作为说辞。 ibm




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