

单词 mapping
释义 map·ping 英ˈmæpɪŋ美ˈmæpɪŋAHDmăpʹĭng COCA¹⁴³⁸⁰BNC¹²⁰⁶⁰iWeb⁶⁰⁰⁸Economist¹⁰¹⁰⁶
mathematics a mathematical relation such that each element of a given set the domain of the function is associated with an element of another set the range of the functiongenetics the process of locating genes on a chromosomemapping device布局设备,变换装置…aerial mapping航空测绘…geologic mapping地质填图,地质制图…close mapping详测,精密制图…field mapping野外制图memory mapping存储器交换topographic mapping绘制地形图thematic mapping专题制图homomorphic mapping同态映射address mapping地址映射video mapping频谱扫描指示…complex mapping复映射mapping function映射函数contour mapping等高线绘制photographic mapping照相制图linear mapping线性映射conformal mapping共形映射象…mapping degree映射度,映像度…color mapping彩色映射, 颜色变换…map地图
map-ping⇒n.绘图⁸⁹;数映象动词map的现在分词形式.近义词 map地图function职务chromosome mapping染色体作图mathematical function数学函数single-valued function单值函数

用作名词Equal-area projections are preferred for statisticalmapping.等面积投影通常均优先用于统计制图。
The province boundaries are marked in with a finemappingpen.省区界限是用很细的绘图笔加画在地图上的。
This method reduces a great deal of computing andmappingwork.这一方法大大减轻了计算与绘图的工作量。
More commonly the separation is based on the scale of themapping.较常见的是根据制图的比例来划分。
Ecological landscapemappingis one of the fields of thematicmapping.生态景观制图是专题制图学的重要发展方向之一。
Themappingprecision accords with the requirement of practicality.映象精确度达到实用要求。as in.measuring
同义词 aligning,averaging,calculating,calibrating,checking,gauging,grading,leveling,rhyming,scaling,surveyingas in.outlining
同义词 aligning,banding,bounding,charting,circumscribing,delimiting,delineating,depicting,designing,diagramming,drafting,drawing,girdling,planning,plotting,projecting,tracingdrawing up
measuringnoun weighing
outliningnoun sketching
aligning,banding,bounding,charting,circumscribing,delimiting,delineating,depicting,designing,diagramming,drafting,drawing,drawing up,girdling,mapping,planning,plotting,projecting,tracing A mapping from one file needs to be duplicated in another file.
来自一个文件的映射需要在另一个文件中复制。 ibm

The mapping can be unidirectional or bidirectional.
映射可以是单向的或者双向的。 ibm

As an alternative, you can use attributes on classes and properties, instead of mapping files.
还有一种方法,你可以使用类的特性和属性来替代映射文件。 cnblogs

But the mapping is not itself the tailoring we require.
但是这个映射本身不是裁剪所需要的。 ibm

Continuing with this design, you can place all of the business logic and transition mapping in a utility class for use by both our controller and JSPs.
继续这个设计,您可以将所有的业务逻辑和转换映射放在一个实用程序类中,以供我们的控制器和 JSP使用。 ibm

Each extension mapping describes the data movement of sources to targets.
每个扩展映射描述从源到目标的数据移动。 ibm

Each mapping expresses the rule of creation of target structure from the source structure.
每一个映射表达了数据源结构的目标结构的建立规则。 ibm

For consumers, though, navigation and mapping applications will be the most obvious examples of the trend.
不过,对消费者而言,导航和地图应用将是这种趋势下最显著的实例。 yeeyan

For each mapping, set the conflict detection and resolution.
对于每个映射,设置冲突检测和解决方法。 ibm

If this is the case, you can move directly to the UCM model with no mapping from your current model.
如果是这种情况,你可以直接转换到 UCM模型,而不用从你的当前模型进行映射。 ibm

In this case, you can use a mapping to convert the message from one structure to another.
这种情况下,您可以使用一个映射来将消息从一种结构转换为另一种结构。 ibm

In the context of this tutorial, you are mapping all fields.
在本教程的环境中,您要映射所有字段。 ibm

In the process of this mapping, and stakeholder approval, these practices gain credibility in importance.
在这个映射,及项目涉众核准的过程中,这些实践增加了可靠性。 ibm

In this case a mapping can be used to convert the message from one structure to another.
在这种情况下,可以使用映射将消息从一个结构转换为另一个结构。 ibm

Since we have only one mapping, it is selected by default.
由于我们只有一个映射,所以它是缺省选中的。 ibm

So as I mentioned earlier, it would be perfect for mapping.
正如我早先提到过那样,它将成为完美的映射。 yeeyan

These types correspond to each parameter at the source inputs and target outputs that you chose for the mapping.
这些类型对应于您为该映射选择的源输入和目标输出的每个参数。 ibm

To look into: Mapping the user to All Authenticated Users, or to Everyone.
要调查:就将用户映射为所有授权的用户,或映射为每个人。 ibm

We define this mapping in the deployment descriptor of the enterprise application.
我们将在企业应用程序的部署描述符中定义此映射。 ibm

Welcome to the marvelous world of data mapping, where every rule has an exception.
欢迎来到奇妙的数据映射世界,这里的每条规则都有例外。 ibm

While mapping a standard to a business provides helpful insight into the standard and the process, it is only part of the effort needed to integrate them.
将标准映射到业务会给你提供对标准和过程非常有帮助的理解,而这只是你需要集成它们的工作的一部分。 ibm

Within these environments, you can create and apply patterns to your model with varying levels of automation to support mapping the pattern roles to your model objects.
在这些环境中,可以为模型创建和应用模式,并能利用各个级别的自动化功能来支持将模式角色映射到模型对象。 ibm

You can either use all of the defaults on the following pages or modify the role to user mapping if users are different on the target machine.
在下面这些页面中,您可以使用所有的默认值,或者如果用户在目标机器上是不同的,则修改角色到用户的映射。 ibm

You can use it to move all data of interest, and the mapping between the assets in each tool can be customized if necessary.
您可以使用它来移动所有您所感兴趣的数据,而每一个数据资源之间的映射如有需要可以进行定制。 ibm

You only have one rule defined in your project, so there is a clear and simple mapping.
可能您在您的项目中只有一个定义的规则,所以这里有一个清晰而简单的映射。 ibm

You'll do this from the mapping model.
你可以从映射模型完成这个步骤。 ibm

Mapping can solve all of these problems.
映射可以解决所有这些问题。 ibm

Mapping to stored procedures.
映射到存储过程。 ibm




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