释义 |
mao tzedong 基本例句 毛泽东 This essay sets forth the coutent and practical significance of Mao Tzedong's thought against putrescence and his unders…本文阐述毛泽东反腐败思想的内容和实践意义,以及对拒腐防变的认识。 When putrescence is fought against and probity is promoted nowadays in our country,it is significant for us to review Mao Tzedong's theory and practice against putrescence.在我国进行大规模反腐败斗争之际,重温共和国的缔造者毛泽东的反腐败理论和实践具有重大现实意义。 Mao Zedongdeparted this life in 1976.毛泽东逝世于1976年。 |