

单词 many-sided
释义 many-sided ˈmeniˈsaidid

having many parts or sideshaving many aspects;

a many-sided subject

a multifaceted undertaking

multifarious interests

the multifarious noise of a great city

a miscellaneous crowd

full of variety or interest;

a many-sided personality

蒋争熟词记忆many多side边ed…的⇒多边的;才能多方面的many多side边ed…的⇒多边的;才能多方面的近义词 deep深的complex复杂的multilateral多边的multifarious多种的versatile多才多艺的multifaceted多层面的complicated复杂难懂的miscellaneous多方面的

用作形容词One may use a polycrystalline sample rather than a single crystal for many studies.我们可以用一种多晶样品代替单晶进行多方面的研究。
Poaceae is an important and big family among monocotyledon plants in China, and it has been researched in many aspects.摘要禾本科是单子叶植物中的一个大科,国内对其已有较多方面的研究。 At present, it has produced many-sided negative effects on the village market progress, legalization, the construction of basic power and the civilization course.
目前,宗教势力对农村的市场化进程、法治化进程、基层政权建设以及文明进程产生了多重的负面影响。 cnki

In Zhuang original religion, there are many-sided natural worship, birds, frogs and oxen worship.
在壮族的原始宗教中,有多元自然崇拜,也有鸟、蛙和牛等动物崇拜。 cnki

Industry layout is economic strategy which involves in many-sided, many- targeted, many- factored effect, and it affects the overall situation.
产业布局是一项涉及多层次、多目标、多部门、多因素影响的经济战略部署,具有全局性和长远性。 dictall

Originated from the basic education system of Baohaosi, stereo- construction is becoming many-sided.
源于包豪斯基础教育体系之一的立体构成是多向度的艺术。 cnki

The brilliant many-sided enterprise image, such as the matter image, the spirit image and behavior image and so on, should be set up to bring up the Self Enterprise culture.
论述了要造就自我的企业文化,就要努力去造就光辉的企业立体形象,即:企业的物质形象、精神形象及行为形象。 dictall




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