

单词 arabica
释义 a·rab·i·ca 英əˈræbɪkə美əˈræbɪkəAHDə-răbʹĭ-kə
A blend of Hawaiian fancy Kona and other high- mountain- grown Arabica coffees.
夏威夷可纳咖啡和其他高山种植的阿拉比卡咖啡的混合物。 blog.sina.com.cn

As a result, gourmet coffee usually encompasses coffee beans grown from Arabica coffee plants that are situated at a high altitude.
因此,高海拔地区的阿拉比卡咖啡树更容易出产极品咖啡。 swisscoffeer.com

It is introduced the course, achievement, existent problem and prospect on selecting and breeding ofCoffea arabica in Yunnan Dehong Tropical Crops institute.
介绍云南省德宏热带农业科学研究所小粒咖啡选育种研究的历程、成就、存在的问题及展望。 iciba

K-LINK Arabica Coffee is made from a unique blend of high quality Arabica coffee beans with ginseng and ganoderma extract.
康立灵芝人参咖啡是由独特的高品质阿拉比咖啡豆、人参与灵芝所制成的。 k-link-sg

Poor harvests of high- grade Arabica beans have also contributed to the surge in coffee prices.
优等的阿拉比克咖啡豆的低产量也是咖啡价格高的原因。 yeeyan

The body of Arabica coffee let you sense the richness and thickness of coffee in your mouth.
阿拉比卡咖啡让你感受到浓郁的美妙滋味。 imal2u

The higher the Arabica coffee plant is, the higher the chance is that it will produce coffee beans that can be classified as gourmet.
阿拉比卡咖啡树长得越高,其出产极品咖啡豆的几率就越高。 cafeone.cn

The relation between chilling injury and membrane permeability depended on the growth stage of Coffea arabica leaves and the ambient environment.
在比较冷害程度和膜透性变化的关系时,必须特别注意叶子所处的生长阶段和外界环境条件所产生的影响。 http://dj.iciba.com

As early as1988, Nestle decided to support the cultivation of Arabica beans in Yunnan and has been working closely with local officials to develop the company's program.
早在1988年,雀巢决定支持云南种植咖啡豆,并且与当地官员密切合作推进公司的计划。 yeeyan

It is a constant feature of infusions of Arabica, where it can be said to dominate.
它是阿拉比卡咖啡溶液中不变的特性,可以说起到主导作用。 baristacn

Low- caffeine, making coffee with a sweet, delicate aroma. It is obtained from the best varieties of Arabica beans, giving it its intense, unique taste and light-coloured cream.
低咖啡因,口味甜美;由最优质阿拉伯咖啡豆混合调制而成,口味浓烈独特。 coffeeb2b.com

The investigated population of this study was the Coffea arabica population of26 varieties having been introduced into and being extensively cultivated in China.
本研究以当前国内广为种植的小粒种咖啡品种群体为总体,观察了26个品种幼龄树的28个性状。 cnki

The arabica species is indigenous to Ethiopia, but has been successfully transplanted to the rest of Africa, Latin America, and Asia.
阿拉伯咖啡原产于衣索比亚,现在已经被成功移植到非洲的其他地区,拉丁美洲以及亚洲。 blog.sina.com.cn

This is a blend of different varieties of Arabicacoffea arabica, a smaller part of Robusta, giving the coffee a unique, sweet and intense taste and a delicately fruity aroma.
这种包含各类阿拉伯咖啡的混合调制品以及较少量的罗步斯塔咖啡,令冲泡出来的咖啡甜美、浓烈、独特、并带有精致的果味。 coffeeb2b.com

Today, coffee beans are often classified by growing region, making the term specific to the Arabica beans grown throughout Yemen.
时下,人们往往依据咖啡豆生长的地区来分类,于是摩卡咖啡这一名称只限于生长在也门地区的阿拉比卡咖啡豆。 cri

While Arabica coffee beans that have grown in excellent conditions under organic means will generally constitute a gourmet coffee, coffee economics have ensured that this is often not the case.
当阿拉比卡咖啡豆在极好的环境下有机种植一般就会产出极品咖啡。然而咖啡市场的运作并非如此。 cafeone.cn

Yunnan Blue Supreme is made from a blend of high quality Arabica beans including rare wild coffee beans.
优级云南蓝是由优质的阿拉比卡咖啡豆与少量的野生咖啡豆混合而成的。 feikuan




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