

单词 manufacturing sector
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A strong rise in export orders in the past three months is driving sustained growth in the manufacturing sector, which looks set to continue into2011.
过去三个月中出口订单的强劲增长促进了制造业领域的持续增长,预计2011年还会保持这种增长的趋势。 yeeyan

At the same time, there remains little evidence of a broader recovery outside the manufacturing sector.
与此同时,仍然没有足够的证据表明在制造业之外还有更为广泛的复苏。 ecocn

A reading over50 indicates an expansion of activity in the manufacturing sector, while one below50 suggests a deterioration.
这一指数高于50表明制造业处于扩张状态,低于50时则反映制造业状况在恶化。 yeeyan

Despite growth in the services and manufacturing sector, the Indian economy is heavily reliant on the monsoon.
尽管服务业和制造业有所增长,印度的经济仍然很大程度依赖着雨季。 ecocn

He says the manufacturing sector could potentially yield higher profits and higher living standards.
他说,制造业可能会获得更高的利润和更高的生活标准。 ebigear

The weak report adds to evidence that the manufacturing sector is weakening as the year wears on.
耐用品订单报告的表现不佳更加验证了今年美国制造业的日益疲软。 yeeyan




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