

单词 Arabians
释义 Arabians əˈreɪbiənz COCA⁶⁷⁴⁶³BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺
n.阿拉伯人;阿拉伯半岛居民Arabian的复数形式原型arabian的复数 Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.
克里特和阿拉伯人,都听见他们用我们的乡谈,讲说神的大能作为。 ebigear

In temperament, Arabians are intelligent, affectionate, fiery, courageous, gentle, with high self-esteem.
阿拉伯人的气质,聪明,深情,如火,勇敢,温柔,高自尊。 www.hc263.net

The ankle- length garment with long sleeves are what the Arabians wear to ward off the scorching heat and desert sand.
阿拉伯人穿着及踝长的、长袖的衣服以隔绝酷热和沙漠的沙子。 hxen

The Ottomans, Arabians, and English all decided that I was a warmonger that must be stopped after China fell.
中国败亡之后,奥斯曼、阿拉伯和英国都觉得必须要阻止我这个战狂。 civclub

Do you find it interesting to watch two Arabians talking?
你认为观察两个阿拉伯人谈话很有趣吗? ruiwen

Especially in the reign of Basil II, he achieved splendid military achievements against Bulgarians, Arabians, Russians, and so on.
特别是瓦西里二世统治时期,战果辉煌,取得了对保加利亚、阿拉伯、俄罗斯等人战争的胜利。 dictall

God helped him against the Philistines and against the Arabians who lived in Gurbaal and against the Meunites.
神帮助他攻击非利士人和住在姑珥巴力的亚拉伯人,并米乌尼人。 galcc.org

In the south, Nubians and Arabians were in danger of being conquered by the expanding powers, who had decided not to engage each other.
在南方,正在扩张的国家决定暂时不再互相对抗,这使得努比亚和阿拉伯人处在被他们征服的危险之中。 clanlong

It dates back to a ball game called Cuju in ancient China, and was introduced to Europe by the Arabians, where it has developed into the modern football game.
最早起源于中国古代的一种球类游戏“蹴鞠”,后来经过阿拉伯人传到欧洲,发展成现代足球。 soso.54wlr.com

It is also one of the oldest breeds, with archaeological evidence of horses that resemble modern Arabians dating back4,500 years.
它也是最古老的品种之一 ,考古证据的类似于现代阿拉伯追溯到4,500年前的马。 www.hc263.net

Last year Britain halted a probe into allegations that BAE had bribed Saudi Arabians, citing security concerns.
去年,英国以涉及国防安全为由阻止了一个关于 BAE向沙特政府行贿的调查升格为指控。 ecocn

Linen and cotton paper, which the European learned about from the Chinese through the Arabians, replaced parchment and papyrus from the twelfth century on.
从12世纪以来,欧洲通过阿拉伯人,从中国学制造麻纸和绵纸以代替羊皮纸和草片纸。 tdict

Met lot of guys here, especially for international guys, made friends with2 Arabians,1 Iran, all good.
认识了很多人,特别是国际学生。我已经和两个沙特人,一个伊朗人很好了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Saudi Arabians and those from the United Arab Emirates were among the top consumers of low- fat food products, meal replacements and food supplements.
沙特和来自阿联酋的国家是低脂肪食物、肉类取代食品和食物补品的最大消费国。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

The Chinese, Arabians and Indians used Jasmine medicinally, as an aphrodisiac and for ceremonial purposes.
中国、阿拉伯人和印度人把茉莉作为药用,用作催欲剂或用于礼仪场合。 makepolo

The Arabians out of the deserts are as Fishes out of the Water.
阿拉伯人离开了沙漠,就像鱼离开了水一般。 worklish

Thoroughbreds, Arabians, Quarter horses, and Warmbloods are some of the most commonly affected breeds.
纯种马、阿拉伯马、夸特马和某些温血马是一些最常受影响的品种。 chinahorse

Whether the Arabians welcome the so-called democracy is still uncertain.
阿拉伯人是否欢迎所谓的民主还是一个问号。 blog.sina.com.cn

World renowned breeder Roxann Hart of Rohara Arabians, reminisced and expressed her gratitude about how powerfully this single horse has impacted her life and her breeding program.
世界著名的饲养员 Roxann哈特 Rohara阿拉伯人,叙旧,她表示感谢有力这个单一的马已经影响了她的生活和她的育种计划。 www.hc263.net

You will find that Arabians come in all colors, though the color must be solid.
你会发现在所有的颜色来,阿拉伯人,但颜色必须牢固。 www.hc263.net

Arabians have been dressing like this for over 2,000 years.
阿拉伯人这样穿已经有两千多年了。 hxen




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