

单词 Manuel
释义 Manuel ˈmænjuel 高COCA¹¹⁸⁶⁸BNC¹⁴²¹⁷
He will be replaced by Juan Carlos Pinzón, the chief of staff to President Juan Manuel Santos.
新任者是胡安•卡洛斯•平邹,总统胡安•曼努埃尔•桑托斯的幕僚长。 ecocn

It was rare to see them in this district and Manuel assumed they were lost.
很少在这个地区见到他们,曼纽尔猜想他们迷路了。 yeeyan

The boy wiped a dirty hand across one eye and looked at Manuel.
男孩用一只脏手擦擦一只眼睛,看看曼纽尔。 yeeyan

The commission, chaired by Trevor Manuel, a former finance minister who is now minister of national planning.
前财政部长特雷弗•曼纽尔现担任国家计划部长一职,主持该委员会工作。 ecocn

“ My dear Manuel,” she went on, in icily polite prose, either you stop or you quit the party.
“亲爱的曼纽尔,”奥布里用冷冰冰的礼貌笔触写道,“要么停止对党说三道四,要么退党。” ecocn

As he clambered over the railings he grinned at Manuel.
在他攀爬翻过围栏时他对曼纽尔咧嘴笑了笑。 yeeyan

Don't forget his rival Juan Manuel Marquez.
但不要忘了他的对手胡安·曼纽尔·马奎兹。 yeeyan

HE MAY have owed his election as president to the popularity ofÁlvaro Uribe, whom he served as defence minister. But Juan Manuel Santos has his own priorities.
胡安•曼努埃尔•桑托斯可能把自己能当选总统归功于阿尔瓦罗•乌里韦的人气,但是曾做过阿尔罗•乌里韦国防部长的他也不乏自己的首要目标。 ecocn

I never called you Manuel, idiot.
我从来没叫过你曼纽尔,笨蛋。 yeeyan

Last month Juan Manuel Santos, the country's new president, visited the Kogi to be blessed by the Mamos before his official inauguration.
该国新总统胡安曼努埃尔桑托斯上个月正式就职之前就拜访了科吉人并接受了长老们的祝福。 yeeyan

Mr. Micheletti has repeatedly refused to consider the reinstatement of the ousted president, Manuel Zelaya.
米凯莱蒂先生曾一再拒绝考虑前总统-曼努埃尔塞拉亚复职。 yeeyan

Remember when you called me Manuel?
还记得你叫过我曼纽尔吗? yeeyan

She looked around for assistance and noticed Manuel watching her.
她四面看看寻找援助,发现曼纽尔在看她。 yeeyan

The European Commission’s president, José Manuel Barroso, promoted Lady Ashton because, as a serving commissioner, she ought to be more loyal than a newcomer.
欧盟委员会主席若泽·曼努埃尔·巴罗佐则力荐阿什顿夫人,原因是作为一个服务专员,她应该比新人更忠诚。 ecocn

The vote seemed to strengthen the claims of Juan Manuel Santos, a former defence minister who more than anyone else embodies the continuation of Mr Uribe’s “ democratic security” policy.
前国防部长胡安•曼努埃尔•桑托斯的断言在这次选举中似乎得到有力的证明。 没有人比他更能延续乌里韦的民主安全政策的生命力了。 ecocn

We're in the state once described by that great scholar of cyberspace, Manuel Castells, as “ informed bewilderment”.
我们正陷于某种状态,用著名的信息学者曼努埃尔.卡斯特的描述来说,叫做“知情困惑”。 yeeyan

Without looking at either Manuel or the boy she turned to her companion and they went on up the road together.
没有看曼纽尔也没有看那个男孩,她转向她的同伴,他们一起沿着路继续走去。 yeeyan

Manuel Rosales, the mayor of Maracaibo, Venezuela’s second city, went into hiding.
曼纽尔罗萨莱斯,委内瑞拉第二大城市马拉开波市长,日前躲藏起来。 ecocn

Manuel glanced at her companion with his stooped shoulders and useless bulk.
曼纽尔瞥了一眼她的同伴,那个塌陷着肩膀、没用的大块头。 yeeyan

Manuel had not paid much attention to the fish as he was preoccupied.
曼纽尔没太注意那条鱼,因为他心不在焉。 yeeyan

Manuel heard her ask.
曼纽尔听到她问。 yeeyan

Manuel said that he did but in a voice which gave her no reason to expect his help.
曼纽尔说他会但却用一种不给她任何理由指望他帮助的声音。 yeeyan

Manuel told her the price, adopting the same tone of voice with which he had addressed her previously, but this time he could not help smiling.
曼纽尔告诉她价格,用了他先前和她说话的同样的语气,但这一次他禁不住微笑了。 yeeyan

Manuel watched him while he finished his cigarette.
曼纽尔看着他的同时吸完了香烟。 yeeyan

Manuel watched the couple until they disappeared out of sight.
曼纽尔看着那一对直到他们从视线中消失。 yeeyan




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