

单词 arabesque
释义 ar·a·besque 英ˌærəˈbesk美ˌærəˈbɛskAHDăr'ə-bĕskʹ ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝COCA⁵⁷³⁷⁶BNC⁵⁶³⁴³iWeb³⁸⁵⁸²

position in which the dancer has one leg raised behind and arms outstretched in a conventional posean ornament that interlaces simulated foliage in an intricate design来自法语arabesque,意大利语arabesco。阿拉伯人大多信仰伊斯兰教,伊斯兰教严禁偶像崇拜,因此阿拉伯人的装饰艺术中不能出现具体事物的形象。所以阿拉伯人擅长利用各种抽象的几何和花草图形设计出华丽而独特的装饰图案,这种风格独特的装饰图案就称为arabesque。arabesque spin燕式旋转
GRE红宝书arab阿拉伯, que缺-阿拉伯特别缺水. 所以他们用蔓藤图饰来求雨-阿拉伯式图饰.
源自arab 阿拉伯,音:阿拉伯壁刻,阿拉伯壁刻图案
arab阿拉伯+esque →有阿拉伯风格的图案
arab阿拉伯+esque=ish,具有…属性或特征的,quk-h相通→阿拉伯式的花纹⇒蔓藤花纹。词根记忆arab阿拉伯+ esque → 有阿拉伯风格的图案 ⇒蔓藤图饰词根记忆Arab阿拉伯近义词 adorned动词adorn的过去式,…

用作名词I like carpets witharabesquepatterns.我喜欢带有阿拉伯式花饰的地毯。
That spin in figure skating is performed in anarabesqueposition.那是花样滑冰中的一种自旋运动,其舞姿是复杂的阿拉贝斯克图案。 Martin Nodell's original inspiration for this character drew partly from the classic story of Aladdin and that influence is obvious in the character's very vaguely Arabesque outfit.
马丁.诺德尔对这个人物最原始的灵感来自于阿拉丁的传说,从这身很阿拉伯风格的制服来看,的确这个影响很深远。 yeeyan

As idolatry was prohibited, the main means of adornment was surface decoration through the use of geometry, arabesque and calligraphy.
作为谬见是被禁止的,主要的装饰手法是通过使用几何学,阿拉伯式图饰和书法来作表面装饰。 chinaufo.com

China and India have an arabesque relationship.
中印保持一种阿拉伯藤蔓式的关系。 yeeyan

It creates as a distance between two points, rather than a straight line, an arabesque.

Not much has changed since the 1920s, and walking into the lobby, with ornate Ottoman furniture and arabesque tiles, is like stepping into an Agatha Christie novel.
自1920年代以来没有发生多大改变,步入陈设有华丽的奥斯曼风格家具和阿拉伯式花纹瓷砖的大堂,就像进入了阿加莎·克里斯蒂侦探小说家的小说之中。 yeeyan

That jade- green lotus leaf became her body desire to hide to bare yet at this time of; dressing out with Arabesque; , It concealed and appeared her soft and charming body.
那翠绿的荷叶此时成了她身上欲遮还露的轻罗缦纱,时隐时现出她曼妙的身体。 tianwang

The term for Arabesque is a decorative pattern which is typical of Islamic art.
这个名词指典型回教艺术中的装饰图样。 iciba




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