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mantas 基本例句 曼塔斯 The hypothesis is that mantas use those fins to pick up electrical signals from other animals moving in the water. 这样就有了蝠鲼通过头鳍接受电位信号来感受水中其他动物运动的假设。 blog These massive fishthe wingspans of Maldives mantas can reach12 feet are dynamic filter feeders, shoveling their shoe-box mouths through krill like threshers through wheat, inhaling prey. 这种大型鱼类马尔代夫蝠鲼翼展可达12米是动态的滤食者,它们的大嘴吸入食物就如同向小麦脱粒机里铲麦子一般。 blog Within hours the plankton run out, the feast winds down, and the mantas plow the bay's sandy bottom with their cephalic fins to throw hidden prey back into the water column. 在几个小时内浮游生物的盛宴即将结束,而蝠鲼犁其头鳍于海湾的沙底中,等待下一批猎物的到来。 blog Mantas, easily recognizable by their pectoral“ wings, ” stay near the ocean's surface, unlike other rays. 蝠鲼在海面停留时,胸翼会放射出与众不同的光芒,所以很容易识别。 blog.sina.com.cn Mantas, with their slow reproductive rate, are vulnerable to overfishing, so a robust tourist trade could give local communities an economic incentive to conserve the fish rather than kill them. 蝠鲼繁殖率缓慢,很容易受到过度捕捞,所以强大的旅游业可以给当地社区的经济补助,以保护鱼类,而不是杀死它们。 blog |