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词汇 Mansions
释义 Mansions ˈmænʃənz
The Mansions in Brisbane,Queensland-Australia's name for its Prison Department 位于昆士兰州布里斯班的官邸-澳大利亚人对其监狱部的称呼
A look of nervous curiosity clouds the faces of those who walk haltingly past the crumbling facade of Chungking Mansions in Kowloon district.
香港九龙重庆大厦 Chungking Mansions破败的外墙下,路过的行人步履迟疑,脸上透着既紧张又好奇的神色。 letou

For some Europeans, the pursuit of happiness in the form of monster cars and mansions is objectionable on every possible ground, from aesthetic to ecological.
一些欧洲人认为,无论是从审美还是从生态方面来说,以大型汽车和高楼大厦的形式来追求幸福是无法接收的。 ecocn

In Aino Mina, a“gated” development of broad avenues and tinkling fountains, mansions are springing up.
艾诺米娜是新开发的商业区,有广阔的道路和叮叮当当的喷泉,大厦如雨后春笋般涌现出来。 ecocn

The remake of A Dream of Red Mansions last year, for example, was savaged by critics and savvy viewers across the country.
例如,去年翻拍的电视剧《红楼梦》,就受到了全国上下的评论家以及心明眼亮的观众的猛烈抨击。 i21st

According to Prof Mathews, these illegal workers carry the economy of Chungking Mansions as they are willing to work for a pittance.
麦登高表示,这些非法劳工撑起了重庆大厦的经济,他们愿以微薄的薪水干活。 cjzg

Across the road, work has just finished on the restoration of a series of blue-and-yellow classical mansions: the buildings will provide new offices for Russia's ever- expanding security services.
穿过大街,克格勃大厦恢复苏式经典的蓝黄相间整修工作已经完成:这幢建筑将是俄罗斯不断膨胀中的联邦安全局的新办公楼。 yeeyan

During a lifetime of public service, she has accumulated a fortune that reportedly includes mansions in Mexico City and California and a private jet.
在她公共服务的生涯中,她积累了一笔巨大的财富。据报道,她拥有墨西哥城和加州的豪宅以及一架私人飞机。 ecocn

He also highlights the later American fascination with European style and English aristocracy that led to the marriages and mansions of the great19th- century tycoons.
他还强调了日后美国人对于欧洲风格和英国贵族的着迷促成了许多婚姻和伟大的19世纪楼宇大亨们。 ecocn

He may, for example, simply take the gold or cash out of the vault and live it up, spending money on mansions or yachts.
他可以,比如,仅仅从金库里取出黄金或现金,把这些钱用来买庄园或游艇,好好享受一下。 yeeyan

Here you will find life lived as it always has been in the mansions, courtyards, winding lanes and ancient markets that arose around a city’s royal palace.
在那里你会发现,在大宅里,院子里,弯曲的小巷里和皇宫周围古老的市场里,生活总是一如既往地向前流淌。 yeeyan

In addition to the presidential palace in the capital city of Malabo, President Teodoro Obiang has a summer place in Cape Town, South Africa as well as two mansions in Potomac, Maryland.
除了在首都马拉博拥有的总统府之外,总统特奥多罗·奥比昂在南非开普敦拥有一座夏宫,在马里兰州的波托马可还拥有两处豪宅。 yeeyan

Indonesians have known about the empty stadiums and grandiose governors’ mansions for a while.
一开始印尼人民看到空空荡荡的体育场馆,和'宏伟的州长官邸。 ecocn

It was a city of detached mansions; a Mediterranean lounging-place on the English Channel; and as seen now by night it seemed even more imposing than it was.
它是一座由独立式大厦构成的城市;是坐落在英吉利海峡上的一处地中海休闲胜地;现在从黑夜里看上去,比平时更加显得雄伟壮观。 ebigear

Oh, the mansions, the lights, the perfume, the loaded boudoirs and tables!
啊,那些高楼大厦、华灯、香水、藏金收银的闺房还有摆满山珍海味的餐桌! putclub

The city is full of haunted mansions, taverns, and graveyards, and you can’t go far without hearing stories of cursed pirate ships, Civil War-era spirits, and voodoo hexes.
城里遍布闹鬼的宅子、酒馆、墓地,不出几步你就可以听到许多有关被诅咒的海盗船,内战期间的冤魂和巫毒妖婆的故事。 kekenet

The duchess's fortune includes palaces and mansions throughout Spain, paintings by the likes of Velazquez, Goya and Rubens and huge stretches of land.
女公爵的财产包括西班牙境内的宫殿和宅邸、委拉斯凯兹、戈雅、鲁本斯等名家的画作、以及大量地产。 cri

The same held true in other Manqing palaces, resorts, mansions, royal tombs, and cemeteries, though most of them forbade access to the Hans.
这也同样适用于满清其他的宫殿、别墅、官邸、皇家陵园及坟墓,尽管其中多数禁止使用汉字。 yeeyan

These and similar questions are always on the minds of policymakers in mayors’ offices, governors’ mansions, and the White House.
这些以及类似的问题总是在市长办公室、州政府机关与白宫的决策者们心中牵挂着。 yeeyan

Today it is the wealthiest enclave in the country, with gaudy, grandiose mansions that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
如今它是这个国家最富裕的地区,拥有价值数十万美元,华丽而宏伟的高楼大宅。 yeeyan

Mansions worth millions of pounds stand on the same streets as concrete blocks of community housing.
价值数百万英镑的大厦同混凝土砌块堆砌成的社区住房矗立在同一街道。 yeeyan




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