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词汇 mans
释义 mans
=Member of the Academy of Sciences 自然科学学会会员美
François Fillon, reappointed as French prime minister, loves to get behind the wheel of a sports car, notably at Le Mans, near his birthplace.
再次被任命为法国总理的费朗索瓦·菲永François Fillon喜欢驾驶跑车,尤其是在他出生地附近的勒芒。 ecocn

How sickness enlarges the dimension of a mans self to himself.
疾病大大地扩展了一个人面对自我的范围。 iciba

The wall had gone up in that mans eyes.
那人在心目中已经立起了一道墙。 yeeyan

“ We’ll stop fighting the tyrant and shoot the Americans instead, ” says a veteran of Libya’s war in Chad, who now mans an old anti- aircraft gun on Benghazi’s corniche.
「我们要停止对抗暴君,炮口要对准美国人,」利比亚查德战争的一位退伍军人表示,他现在班加西的滨海道路上负责操作旧式的防空高炮。 ecocn

A Mexican federal policemen mans a checkpoint during a massive anti- narcotics operation in Nueva Italia, Michoacan state.
一位墨西哥联邦警察在一个大规模反麻醉剂运动期间为检查站配备人手。 yeeyan

Audi—again—won the 24- hour race at Le Mans yesterday.
昨天,奥迪又一次赢得了勒芒24小时耐力赛。 yeeyan

Characteristics of urban geologic hazard are that mans activity plays an important role in bourgeon, development and form process of geologic hazard.
城市地质灾害的特点在于,地质灾害的萌发、发展和形成过程中人类活动起了非常重要的作用。 iciba

Enthusiasts from around the world converge on Le Mans for the annual car race.

He moved on to Georgia where he won a league title with Dinamo Tbilisi, and is now a regular for Le Mans in France's top division.
奥沃诺又去了格鲁吉亚,在那儿他为第比利斯迪纳摩俱乐部赢得了联赛冠军,现在,他是法甲球队勒芒的一号门将。 yeeyan

He said Richard Nixon is the kind of man who would take wooden nickels off a dead mans eyes.
他说理查德.尼克松是这样一种人,就连盖在死人眼睛上的木制镍币都要拿走。 yeeyan

I’d driven out to her house one night and his Le Mans was parked in her driveway, her Christmas-tree lights blinking over his hood.
那天晚上我开车去了她家,他的那辆勒芒牌跑车就停在她的车道上,引擎盖上闪烁着她家圣诞树的灯光。 yeeyan

In Le Mans, a junior high school was burned to a cinder.
勒芒的一所初中被烧成灰烬。 ecocn

Ms Johnson now mans Mr Hoffman’s regional office in Fulton, one of16 to open in recent weeks.
约翰逊现给霍夫曼富尔顿办公室地区加派人手,近几周16个即将开放的地方之一。 ecocn

Newman went on to race at Le Mans in1979, placing second in his Turbo Porsche.
1979年,纽曼驾驶他的涡轮增压保时捷获得勒芒拉力赛亚军。 yeeyan

Next to him sits the group's thick-shouldered machine gunner, who mans a .50 caliber with a rusting barrel.
坐在他旁边的是队里壮硕的神枪手,操作一把枪管生锈的50口径机关枪。 yeeyan

One aims to extend the line that runs from Paris to Le Mans all the way to Rennes, the capital of Brittany.
一项工程的目标是把巴黎至勒芒的线路延伸到布列塔尼省的省会雷恩。 yeeyan

Overnight, riot police lifted the blockade at three fuel depots, in Donges, La Rochelle and Le Mans.

Some might venture down to the24 Heures of Le Mans or Italy’s Mille Miglia, where the continentals were better organised.
也有人大胆参加勒芒24小时赛或意大利的一千英里赛,因为在那里有着更好的赛事组织。 yeeyan

Some mans use moisturizers and makeup every day, some of them even wear jewelry!
有些男人每天都使用护肤品和化妆品,有些还佩戴首饰! iciba

The Pope checks the clock while another C.O. mans the switch that activates the electric current into the chair.
狱长看了看钟,另一名狱警已在控制室就位,准备随时拉动开关接通到电椅的电流。 yeeyan

The striker was just another Brazilian journeyman until he exploded last season at Wolfsburg following an unremarkable stint at French side Le Mans.
这名前锋不过是又一位巴西老将而已,他在法甲的勒芒平淡无奇,直到上赛季,他在沃尔夫斯堡爆发。 yeeyan

There’s only one place to truly answer that question: Circuit de la Sarthe in small rural town of Le Mans.
只有一个地方能够真正回答这个问题:法国乡村小镇勒芒的勒芒赛道。 yeeyan

They are also fast: an Audi diesel won the Le Mans24- hour race this year.
它们的速度也很快:装有柴油机引擎的奥迪在今年的勒芒24小时耐力赛中夺得冠军。 ecocn




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