

单词 manos
释义 ma·no·s ˈmeɪnoz COCA⁶⁵¹⁸⁷BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹
n.上磨石¹⁰⁰abbr.流体压力表=manometer原型mano的复数名词复数manos Its total soluble sugar content was detected colorimetrically by the anthrone- sulfuric acid method with manos e as standard.
建立以甘露糖为标准的蒽酮-硫酸分光光度法测定多糖含量; cnki

Mr. Manos's latest program is even more controversial.
巴帕德莫斯最近的计划引来更多争议。 yeeyan

The incredible rock art of Cueva de las Manos Cave of the Hands was proclaimed a Unesco World Heritage site in1999.
令人惊叹的平图拉斯河手洞岩石艺术在1999年被联合国教科文组织宣布为世界文化遗产。 yeeyan

Ioannis Manos, manager of the village, then announced the raising of the flag.
奥林匹克村的经理宣布仪式开始。 www.csonline.com.cn

Largely for “ spiritual reasons,” Nancy Manos started home- schooling her children five years ago and has studiously avoided public schools ever since.
主要是由于“精神方面的原因”,南希•马诺斯五年前开始自己在家里教育孩子,并从此以后有意避开公立学校。 hjenglish

Michael Manos, the head of Microsoft’s data centres, is really excited about these containers.
数据中心主管 Michael Manos因此非常兴奋。 yeeyan

New taxes on business and property will also limit the attractiveness of state assets that the government may want to sell to raise revenue, notes Stefanos Manos, a former finance minister.
因为政府想要卖掉国有资产来增加税收,而新的商业和房地产税也会限制它们的吸引力。 ecocn

Stefanos Manos, an ex- finance minister, says a new state investment company could manage and dispose of property worth€200 billion.
前财政部长 Stefanos Manos表示,一个新的国有资产投资公司可以管理处置价值2000亿欧元的资产。 ecocn

Stefanos Manos, a finance minister in the early1990s, thinks that too little has been accomplished.
塞浦路斯•马诺斯是90年代初的财政部部长,他认为这次完成任务的影响力有如凤毛麟角。 ecocn

The criteria that companies use to pick a site keep evolving, says Mike Manos, Microsoft's director of data centres.
微软数据中心主管迈克·马囊斯 Mike Manos说,公司选择场所的标准也在逐渐改变。 ecocn

The energy the Georgia Tech researchers, including professor Manos Tentzeris above, are gathering comes from radio and television transmitters and cellphone and satellite networks.
佐治亚理工学院的研究人员包括上面照片里的 Manos Tentzeris教授正在收集来自广播电台、电视信号发射机、手机网络和卫星网络的能量。 yeeyan




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