

单词 mannerism
释义 man·ner·ism 英ˈmænəˌrɪzəm美ˈmænəˌrɪzəmAHDmănʹə-rĭz'əm ☆☆☆☆☆高ITGCOCA³⁰²⁴⁷BNC⁴⁴⁵⁵⁵iWeb²²⁹²³
a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individuala deliberate pretense or exaggerated display来自manner,举止,风格,习性,-ism,主义,思想。词义贬义化为矫饰主义。manner-ism学|术|症|法⇒n.明显或过份固守独特格调或形式²⁵;怪癖⁷⁵;手法主义16世纪欧洲出现的一种艺术流派近义词 act行为show证明trait特征habit习惯quirk怪癖trick诡计pose摆姿势parade游行gesture手势display显示pretence假装pretense借口foible小缺点speciality专长difference差异affectation假装idiosyncrasy特质gesticulation手势characteristic特点affectednessaffected的名词形…

A type of schizophrenia, usually starting at puberty, characterized by foolishmannerisms, senseless laughter, delusions, hallucinations, and regressive behavior.青春期痴呆一种精神分裂症,通常始发于青春期,其特征为举止痴呆、傻笑、妄想、幻觉以及退化的举止
He's taken on some irritatingmannerisms.他新添了些讨人嫌的怪毛病。noun.peculiarity of how someone behaves, acts
同义词 eccentricity,idiosyncrasy,quirk,traitaffectation,air,characteristic,foible,habit,oddness,pose,pretension,queerness,singularity,trick
反义词 honesty
affectationnoun pretended behavior to make an impression
air,airs,appearance,artificiality,facade,false front,front,going Hollywood,imitation,insincerity,pose,pretense,pretension,pretentiousness,put on,putting on airs,sham,show,showing off,simulation
affectednessnoun affectation
airnoun distinctive quality or character;style
airsnoun affectation;pretended behavior
affectednesses,arrogance,false fronts,fronts,haughtiness,hauteurs,mannerisms,ostentation,pomposities,poses,pretenses,pretensions,pretentiousness,put ons,shows,superciliousnesses
appearancenoun outward aspect, characteristic
characteristicnoun typical feature, trait
affection,aspect,attribute,badge,bag,bearing,bent,caliber,cast,complexion,component,differentia,disposition,distinction,earmark,endowment,essence,essential,faculty,flavor,frame,idiosyncrasy,inclination,individuality,lineament,mannerism,mark,mood,nature,originality,particularity,peculiarity,personality,point,property,quality,singularity,specialty,streak,stripe,style,symptom,temperament,tendency,thing,thumbprint,tinge,tone,trademark,turn,virtue An ethical sympathy in an artist is an unpardonable mannerism of style.
艺术家如在伦理上有所臧否,那是不可原谅的矫揉造作。 blog.sina.com.cn

Effective speakers adjust their voices to the larger audience and work at avoiding distracting physical mannerism and verbal habits.
有影响力的演说者调整他的声调去面对大量的观众,力求避免分散人注意力的身体习惯动作,力求避免习惯性口头语。 hjenglish

Its mannerism shows absolute domination power of inborn crown!
举手投足间展示着天生王者的绝对影响力! hicoo

Their descendants defined the time period they lived in as Mannerism.
后人将他们所处的时期定义为风格主义时期。 boshuo

We are unaware of such non- verbal communication as facial expressions, mannerism, and the like.
未能捕捉到面部表情、眼神等非语言交流信息。 themanage

Described in terms of both individuals in the context of today's multi- cultural arts toward diversification, I practice in the creation of awareness on Mannerism.
同时以个人的角度阐述在当今多元文化的背景下艺术向着多样化发展,本人在创作实践过程中对风格主义的认识。 boshuo

First you estimate their age by their appearance and mannerism.
首先,你从他们的外貌和言谈举止估算年龄; blog.sina.com.cn

Give each character a different voice and mannerism, and don't be afraid to use your body.
用不同的嗓音或者举动表现不同的人物,而且不要怕使用肢体语言。 yeeyan

He has this irritating mannerism of constantly scratching his nose.
他老是挠鼻子,这个习惯真让人不舒服。 editor.www.iciba.com

He had a mannerism of closing his eyes as he talked, as if he were deep in thought.
他有闭着眼睛说话的习惯,好象是在沉思中。 blog.sina.com.cn

He stresses certain words, or puts emphasis on some phrases; it’s like a mannerism of his.
他强调特定的词,或者一些重点的片语;这像是他的习性。 yeeyan

I can't tell you how impressed I was with his mannerism and just how willing he was to help and do anything that we asked him.
我无法形容他给我的印象,他的言行举止以及我们提问时他乐于帮助的态度。 yeeyan

In accent, mannerism and habit of mind he appeared to be completely Eastern European.
从口音、举止和思维习惯上看,他完全是东欧人。 blog.sina.com.cn

In doing so, Kang narrates the effect of Dali's personality in the past as half of his surrounding were in awe of his eccentrics whereas the other half felt a strong irritation to his mannerism.
就这样,姜叙述达利的性格为他带来的经历,一半是来自对他怪诞的敬畏,另一半则是对他的乖癖感到愤怒。 christies

Like humans, almost all mannerism of contraptions that has a motor requires air to function.
就像人类一样,几乎所有的道德要求,电机式空气的功能。 dlzycf

Mr. Chan refuses works of mannerism and mystification. In a poem entitled The Sail— On Reading Misty Poems by Misty Poets, he expresses his puzzlement.
陈颖杜先生拒绝矫揉造作、故弄玄虚的文学作品。在诗作《帆——读朦胧诗人的诗》中,他不解地问道。 kekenet

Why do you think artists would change from renaissance classicism to mannerism?
为何艺术家要从文艺复兴的古典主义转到矫饰主义上来? chinaw3

Mannerism theory has been substituted by construction's theory, which was regarded as basic teaching theory in the traditional teaching.
以往在传统教育中被视为教育理论基础的行为主义理论已淡出历史舞台,取而代之的是建构主义理论。 fabiao




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