

单词 manned mission
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A manned mission to the Red Planet could turn out to be the21st century's greatest adventure.
载人登陆火星将会是21世纪最伟大的探险,它将实现人类几个世纪以来的梦想。 yeeyan

The six day event aims to highlight the future direction of aeronautical and aerospace technology, coinciding with the40th anniversary of the first manned mission which landed on the moon.
此次博览会正值人类首次登上月球40周年之际,旨在为未来的航空航天技术指明方向。 px0769

By 2025 the goal is to send a manned mission there.
2025年的目标则是完成载人探月飞行。 ecocn

Other plans, however, such as a manned mission to the moon, remain firmly in the realms of speculation— though an unmanned moon rover is not out of the question.
不过,另外的计划,例如是派人登陆月球,暂时还只是停留在口耳之间——不过不载人的月球探测很可能会进行。 ecocn




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