

单词 manikin
释义 man·ni·kin 英ˈmænɪkɪn美ˈmænɪkɪnAHDmănʹĭ-kĭn 高GCOCA⁶⁵⁰⁶⁶BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺iWeb³⁶⁶⁴⁷
a person who is very small but who is not otherwise deformed or abnormala woman who wears clothes to display fashions;

she was too fat to be a mannequin

a life-size dummy used to display clothesman,人,-kin,小词后缀。字面意思即小人,侏儒。后词义与mannequin混淆,也用来指人体模型。man人i,kin-运|活动⇒n.侏儒⁶³;时装模特儿²⁵=mannikin.近义词 form形式dwarf矮子model模范mannikin矮人homunculus矮人mannequin时装模特儿fashion model时装模特儿manakin侏儒鸟产于中美洲和南美…
用作名词Many young girls dreamed to be amanikin.许多年轻女孩梦想成为时装模特儿。noun.(puppet
同义词 doll,dummy,figure,mannequin,marionette
dollnoun toy person
dummynoun mannequin
mannequinnoun life-size dummy
marionettenoun puppet
midgetnoun animal or thing that is very small for its kind
Lilliputian,Tom Thumb,bantam,half-pint,homuncule,homunculus,manikin,midge,peewee,pipsqueak,pygmy,runt,shrimp
modelnoun person, thing that poses
dummy,manikin,mannequin,nude,sitter,subject A numerical thermal- manikin model is established for the study of automotive thermal comfort.
在此基础上建立了数字式暖体假人模型,为汽车空调热舒适性研究提供分析工具。 cnki

A sweating manikin is developed for measuring heat and moisture transfer property of clothing.
研制出汗假人用于测试服装的热湿传递性能。 dictall

SH the clothing manikin Limited company cordially welcome friend from all walks of life comes to visit, the inspection, the discussion service.
世华服装人体模型有限公司热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。 ysh643.cn.gongchang.com

The applications of layer in manikin design, material design, style design, and simulation in solid fitting are analyzed.
以具体的效果图为例。分析了图层在人体模特设计、面料设计、款式设计、模拟立体试衣中的应用。 cnki

After looking at each photo, the participants would point to a manikin that represented their emotional reaction.
调查对象在看完每张照片后,都要指出一个可以代表她们情绪的人体模型。 cri

After seeing by every picture, the participants would point apt a manikin that represented their mawkish response.
调查对象在看完每张照片后,都要指出一个可以代表她们情绪的人体模型。 lolzrr

By the movable heated manikin, the heat resistance distribution laws of a multi-layers clothing ensemble are studied.
利用姿态可调式暖体假人研究了多层服装系统隔热值的分配规律。 dictall

By the movable heated manikin, the laws of clothing heat resistance influenced by wearing poses are studied.
利用姿态可调式暖体假人研究了着装姿势对服装隔热性的作用和影响规律。 dictall

Far better to have your leaders pay lip service to“ freedom” and“ human rights” as they coercively mold you into a docile little manikin fit for their desired bureaucratic utopia.
他会在口头上以“自由”和“人权”之名,将你强制变成一具行尸走肉以使你更好地适应他们渴望的官僚乌托邦。 yeeyan

H point manikin is one of the tools for auto body layout.
点人体模型是车身总布置设计的工具之一。 cnki

Leach demonstrated high-tech, anatomically correct manikin babies that are revolutionizing domestic science curricula in the US.
李区示范在美国本土带起一波科学教育革命的高科技拟真娃娃。 taipeitimes

The human body manikin is a theoretical imitation of human body, it reflects the medical concept of human body.
人体模型是对人体原型的理论摹拟,它集中反映了相应医学模式的“人体观”。 cnki

The paper is consisted of two parts. In the first part, the HETF of three earphones on KEMAR manikin are measured and its repeatability is analyzed.
论文分为两部分,第一部分利用人工头分别对三款耳机的 HETF进行了测量,并分析 HETF的重复性。 fabiao

The three-dimension digital manikin can be used on the human-machine efficacy design of helicopter and pilot training in helicopter simulator.
在此基础上建立运动学模型,可以应用于直升机人机工效设计和训练模拟等方面。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

The relations among the normal objective test, the manikin test and the subjective wear test are discussed.
探讨了服装舒适性研究的三类方法常规容观试验、假人试验、主观试验之间的关系。 cnki

The relationship between fabric warmth retention and thermal insulation of clothing was discussed in this paper. A thermal manikin is used to measure and study the thermal insulation value.
本文探讨服装材料保暖性与服装热阻之间的关系,采用暖体假人进行对比测试,并得出了有关结论。 chemyq

The manikin was appropriate for ergonomics analysis and assessments in primary design of the cockpit.
该模型可以满足主机厂所在初步总体阶段的工效分析、评价工作。 cnki

Then the queen began to lament and cry, so that the manikin pitied her.
然后,王后开始哀叹和哭泣,使假人同情她。 hbexp




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