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词汇 manifest
释义 man·i·fest 英ˈmænəˌfest美ˈmænəˌfɛstAHDmănʹə-fĕst' ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIS宝6八TCOCA⁸⁰⁰⁵BNC¹²³⁷⁴iWeb⁶⁰⁵⁵Economist¹⁷⁴³⁶

vt. 清楚表示; 显露

show clearly; give signs of

vt. 显明; 显现

come to light; appear


clear and obvious

a customs document listing the contents put on a ship or plane
clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment;

the effects of the drought are apparent to anyone who sees the parched fields

evident hostility

manifest disapproval

patent advantages

made his meaning plain

it is plain that he is no reactionary

in plain view

provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes;

His high fever attested to his illness

The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication

This decision demonstrates his sense of fairness

record in a ship's manifest;

each passenger must be manifested

reveal its presence or make an appearance;

the ghost manifests each year on the same day

manifest, evidence, evince, show


show仅指让别人看见,其内容却需通过言行或神色来推敲; evidence尤指用言语或行动来证明尚未完全证明或仍有疑问的东西; evince侧重表露出兴趣、感情、能力等; manifest强调比show更充分、更清楚和更明确地显示。例如:

His answer evidenced a guilty conscience.他的回答证明他良心有愧。
He is a child who evinces great intelligence.他是一个表现出有极高智力的儿童。
The symptoms manifested themselves ten days later.十天后出现了症状。apparent,obvious,evident,clear,plain,distinct,definite,manifest

















该词的词振是拉丁语manifestus,由manu‘with hand,用手加-fest‘struck’打构成,所以它的原义是struck with hand被手打的。被手打的东西可以触摸得到,可以清清楚楚感觉到,也是显而易见的。据此,它的词义由“被手打的”引申为“显然的”。英语在14世纪吸收了manifestus,拼作manifest,也用于此义,以后也作动词用,表示“显示”、“显露”等。manifesto宣言一词和manifest有亲缘关系,虽然也源自拉丁语,但却直接借自意大利语。参见manager
用作动词 v.
~+名词manifest fear显露恐惧manifest hatred显露仇恨manifest the truth of a statement证明说法属实~+副词manifest clearly明显地表示manifest mainly主要表现manifest obscurely隐约表示manifest pitifully流露同情用作形容词 adj.~+介词manifest at a glance此事很明显manifest to对…来说很明显
man手+i连接字母+fest抓,末尾的-t是动词的过去分词后缀,=ed,在此除了构成动词外,还可以构成形容词和名词→抓在手里给人看→清晰显示,表明,证明→构成形容词明显的,显而易见的东西⇒构成名词载货单,旅客名单清晰显示出来给人看的东西。GRE红宝书mani手+fest打→ 用手公开打→公开的 ,明瞭的,尤其要记住'载货清单'一意
man + feast festival 盛宴,节日男人在节日时会买一清单的货回家,通常选在节日时表白自己,表明自己的爱情宣言
方振宇词汇奥秘man手+i+festto strike,敲打→用手敲打→表示
mani手+fest打⇒公开用手打→显然的;注意尤其要记住“载货清单”这个意思,常常会考到GRE难词记忆manifest → mani=with hand+fest=struck打,打击→用手打→使显露→显然的非常记忆mani玛尼〖拼音〗+fest盛会〖熟词〗⇒玛尼在盛会上显示出妖娆的姿态词根记忆mani手+fest仇恨→用手打人,仇恨很明显→明显的词根记忆mani手+fest打→用手打人,怒意很明显→明显的词根记忆mani+fest打击=用手打出=不隐藏=表明近义词 clearobviousunmistakable
反义词adj. unclear
S+~+ n./pron.The disease typically manifests itself in a high fever and chest pains.这种疾病的典型症状是发高烧和胸痛。
The symptoms manifested themselves ten days later.10天后征兆显露出来了。
Has the ghost manifested itself recently?鬼影最近出现了吗?
Her actions manifested a complete disregard for personal safety.她的行动表明她全然不顾个人安危。
She manifested little interest in her studies.她对学习没显露什么兴趣。
Their concern is manifested mainly in fine speeches, rather than in practical solutions.他们的关心主要表现在说漂亮话上,而不在寻找切合实际的解决办法上。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.It was their manifest failure to modernize the country's industries.他们使国家工业现代化方面明显失败。
S+be+~+ prep .-phraseIt is manifest at a glance.此事一目了然。
That is manifest to all of us.那对我们大家来说是显而易见的。
It is manifest to every impartial mind.这对每个无偏见的人来说都是很清楚的。Pmanifestlyad.明白地Pmanifeston.宣言声明Pmanifestativea.显然的明了的Pmanifestationn.显示证明示威运动




用作及物动词His generositymanifestsitself in times of difficulties.他的慷慨在困境中表现了出来。
Opportunities willmanifestin ways you never even dreamed of.机会的到来出乎你的意料。
No one canmanifestthe truth of his statement.没人能证明他讲的是真话。
The contradictionmanifesteditself in the employment situation.在就业问题上矛盾暴露了。
He doesn'tmanifestmuch interest in his studies.他对学习没表现出多大兴趣。用作形容词It wasmanifestto us at a glance.我们对此事一目了然。
It is nowmanifestthat, if you don't return the book to the library right now, you will have to pay a late fine.现在情况已很明白,如果你不立刻把书送回图书馆,你将必须付过时不还书的罚金。
He smiled at themanifestabsurdity.他对这明显的谬论付之一笑。
Hermanifestlack of interest in the project has provoked severe criticism.她对这个计划明显缺乏兴趣,已经激起了严厉的批评。用作名词Can you give us a copy of importmanifest?能给我们一份进口舱单吗?adj.clear, obvious
同义词 glaring,palpable,unambiguous,unmistakablebold,clear-cut,disclosed,divulged,evidencedevincedopen,patent,plain,revealed,shown,toldapparent,big as life,conspicuous,crystal clear,distinct,evident,noticeable,prominent,straightforward,visible
反义词 hidden,ambiguous,concealed,unclear,vagueobscureverb.exhibit, make plain
同义词 demonstrate,embody,illustrate,prove,reveal,signifyconfirm,declare,display,establish,evidence,evince,expose,express,exteriorize,externalize,flash,incarnate,mark,materialize,objectify,parade,personalize,personify,proclaim,show,showcase,sport,strut,substantiate,suggest,utter,vent,voicelet it all hang out,ostend,personize,set forth,show and tell,wave around
反义词 conceal,hide,contradict,cover,deny,destroy,disprove,invalidate,vetobury,obscure,withhold
apparentadjective obvious
barefaced,big as life,clear,clear cut,conspicuous,crystal clear,discernible,distinct,evident,glaring,indubitable,make no bones,marked,noticeable,observable,open,open and shut,out in the open,overt,palpable,patent,perceivable,plain,self-evident,transparent,unambiguous,under one's nose,understandable,unequivocal,unmistakable,visible
appreciableadjective easily noticed;considerable
argueverb try to convince;present support
appeal,assert,attest,claim,contend,controvert,defend,demonstrate,denote,display,elucidate,establish,evince,exhibit,explain,hold,imply,indicate,justify,maintain,manifest,persuade,plead,present,prevail upon,reason,show,suggest,talk into,testify,vindicate,warrant,witness
arguesverb try to convince;present support
altercates,bandies,battles,bickers,breaks with,bucks,bumps heads,contends,crosses,crosses swords,disagrees,disputes,faces down,faces off,feuds,gangs up on,gets in one's face,goes one on one,hammers,hammers away,has at each other,has at it,hash over,hashes,hassles,jumps,jumps on,knocks around,locks horns,mixes it up,pettifos,picks an argument,puts up a fight,puts up a struggle,quarrels,quibbles,rehashes,rows,sasses,sets to,socks it to,squabbles,sticks it to,talks back,wrangles
arguingverb try to convince;present support
altercating,bandying,battling,bickering,breaking with,bucking,bumping heads,contending,crossing,crossing swords,disagreeing,disputing,facing down,facing off,feuding,ganging up on,getting in one's face,going one on one,hammering,hammering away,hash over,hashing,hassling,having at each other,having at it,jumping,jumping on,knocking around,locking horns,mixing it up,pettifoing,picking an argument,putting up a fight,putting up a struggle,quarrelling,quibbling,rehashing,rowing,sassing,setting to,socking it to,squabbling,sticking it to,talking back,wrangling
axiomaticadjective understood;aphoristic
absolute,accepted,aphoristic,apothegmatic,assumed,certain,fundamental,given,indubitable,manifest,obvious,presupposed,proverbial,self-evident,unquestioned So it is the differences that brought you together, and the differences may become starker and more manifest as one grows.
是这些差异让彼此吸引走到一起,而这些差异随着每个人的成长也会越发突出和明显。 ebigear

The asset data contains basic asset information, an asset manifest, the extended metadata, and the asset content Figure3.
资产数据包含基本资产信息,一个资产清单、已扩展元数据和资产内容图3)。 ibm

The manifest can have different sections, but if it only has one, then it is assumed to be CACHE and can be omitted.
清单可以拥有多个不同的区域,但是,如果它只有一个区域,那么这个区域就假定为 CACHE且可以省略。 ibm

Your requirements management plan is the right tool to manifest your rules about how you expect to document and treat requirements in your project.
需求管理计划是一件合适的工具,它将表明您会以何种方式记录和处理工程中遇到的各种需求。 ibm

Any single service specification can have many service instances that manifest that service specification.
任何单个服务规范都可以具有许多体现该服务规范的服务实例。 ibm

Because if you never ponder on those negative thoughts and never say those negative words, they can never manifest into your world.
因为如果你从不消极地思考,就永远不会说消极的话,它们就永远不会出现在你的世界里。 yeeyan

Business rules manifest in a variety of locations within this model set, particularly within process analysis.
在这个模型集中,业务规则出现在很多不同的位置,尤其是流程分析。 ibm

Each term has a unique identifier in the category schema, and this identifier is needed to understand the classification section in the asset manifest file.
在类别模式中每个术语有一个独一无二的标识符,并且该标识符需要理解资产清单文件中的分类部分。 ibm

Europe faces all sorts of social and political problems, which may or may not manifest themselves, but its current dilemma is rooted in basic economics.
欧洲面对各种各样的可能明显或不明显的社会和政治问题,但是现在的为难之处根自最基本的经济状况。 ecocn

Even the best practitioners of software design can't anticipate all the ways a design will manifest and evolve over time.
即使最优秀的软件设计师也不能预料到随着时间的推移设计将显示和演化的所有方法。 ibm

Fear was manifest on her face.

God is unlimited and He will manifest Himself in our lives, if we let Him.
神的权柄是无限,如果我们信他,他会在我们的生活中证明他的存在。 yeeyan

He may change his religion at will may manifest his faith in teaching, worship and observance.
他可以随意改变宗教信仰,可以在教职,礼拜或仪式中表明他的信仰。 ebigear

If we look at the plug-in manifest see Listing1, we see that we have different dependencies.
如果查看插件清单(参见清单1,我们可以看到具有不同的依赖性。 ibm

If anything fails, then you might have left out some files in the cache manifest.
如果出现任何失败,那么您可能在缓存清单中遗漏了一些文件。 ibm

In short, the example shows the power of combining an explicit manifest file with dynamic modifications.
简而言之,这个示例展示一个显式清单文件与动态修改相结合的力量。 ibm

In this example, you have added an explicit CACHE section to the manifest.
在这个示例中,您将一个显式 CACHE区域添加到清单。 ibm

Otherwise, some browsers might not recognize the page as an HTML5 page and might ignore the cache manifest.
否则,某些浏览器可能不会将页面识别为 HTML5页面,并且可能会忽略缓存清单。 ibm

Our solution is a messy one; but a century of manifest failure argues for trying it.
我们的这个方案是有点凌乱,但是一个世纪明显的失败要求我们试一试。 yeeyan

So, all of those dependencies have to appear on one line in the manifest file.
因此,所有这些依赖项在清单文件中必须出现在一行。 ibm

Starting from this manifest falsehood, the behaviorist proposes to operate the “ human Ford” the way the operator drives his car.
从这个明显谬论开始,行为主义者设想着用驾驶员开车的方式驾驶我们这辆“人类福特”。 yeeyan

Surely progress of a particular kind is actually taking place around us and is becoming more and more manifest.
无疑是因为有一种特殊的进步实际上正在我们周围发生,而且变得越来越明显。 kekenet

That is, although you will generate an EBA in this stage, it will not contain an application manifest.
也就是说,尽管您会在该阶段生成一个 EBA,它不会包含应用程序清单。 ibm

Typically, these names will manifest as a garbled sequence of characters.
通常,这些文件名将显示为一个混乱的字符序列。 ibm

Unfortunately opening this door to the possibility it might not be achieved, works against you, weakening your power to manifest the “ impossible”.
不幸的是,打开这扇门的这种可能性也许永远不可能实现,抵抗你,削弱你的力量来造成明显的不可能。 yeeyan

You can retrieve the existing relationships of an asset through the asset manifest.
您可以通过资产清单检索一个资产的已有关系。 ibm




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