

单词 Mang
释义 Mang AHDˈmaŋ COCA¹³⁵⁷²¹BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
The conjugate gradient method is one of effective methods for solving large scale unconstrained optimization problem. Mang developments about this method appeared in recent literature.
共轭梯度法是求解大规模无约束优化问题的有效算法之一,近年来出现了很多共轭梯度法收敛性的相关文献。 cnki

After agriculture goes into the market, it has gained new energy Meanwhile, it reflects mang complicated problems between agriculture micro- control and micro- flexibility.
农业走向市场以后,给农业注入了新的活力,同时也反映出农业宏观调控与微观搞活面临诸多复杂问题。 cnki

Attracted by Zhun Mang's explanation, Yuan Feng intended to take the opportunity to dig out more treasure from him as Zhun Mang talked with zest.
苑风被谆芒的解释吸引住了,他觉得应该把握机会,趁着谆芒兴致好时多挖些宝藏。 blog.sina.com.cn

But mang KDD algorithms usually place emphasis on method and model, and establishing them on the ideal data source.
伏而许多 KDD算法常常强调方法和模型,把方法和模型建立在理想的数据来源上。 cnki

He is a basketball legend and mang people believe he's the greatest NBA player of his time.
他是一个篮球届的传奇人物,很多人认为他是他那个时代 NBA最伟大的球员。 pkuschool

He saw mang children wearing white clothes.
他看见多少孩子穿白色衣服。 blog.sina.com.cn

How mang times must a man look up.
多少时代必须一个人抬头看。 qxuetang

I'm nervous as I've never made a speech before to so mang people, so please forgive me if it shows.
我有点紧张,因为我从来没有在这么多人面前作演讲,所以如果有不得体之处请原谅。 blog.sina.com.cn

It can be quickly decomposed by mang kinds of microbe after being deserted.
弃置后可迅速为多种微生物降解。 iciba

Objective: To investigate drinking condition and baneful degree of Mang people.
目的:了解莽人的饮酒情况及危害程度。 dictall

The Chinese people have also obtained the sublimation and the temperance in this unprecedented disaster. We can learn mang things form the quake.
中国人民在这场特大的地震灾害面前空前团结。我们会从这次地震中学到更多的东西。 blog.sina.com.cn

There are mang problems on mode of traditional advanced vocation technology education.
传统高等职业技术教育育人模式存在诸多问题。 cnki

There are mang evil things.
这有许多邪恶的事情。 fxdm

There are mang reasons for the loss of regional architecture characteristics.
某些建筑地域性特色的丧失具有种种原因。 cnki

This paper discusses mang methods to prove Legs of a triangle and right angles theorem with cut area.
本文论述了用分割面积来证明勾股定理的多种方法。 cnki

Wang Mang was a controversial figure in the Chinese history.

When you face the whales, sharks or giant Mang, do you feel man is very insignificant?
当你面对着鲸、鲨、或是巨莽时,你是否才感受到人的渺小? chinacampus

Mang People look upon then as the “ building material” of the language.
许多人把词汇比作语言的“建筑材料”。 cnki




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