

单词 mandi
释义 mandi 英'mʌndɪ美'mʌndɪ COCA⁷⁴⁵⁵²BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹
The general practitionerGP who called at Mandi’s home after she collapsed one morning prescribed paracetamol and diazepam; and asked Mandi to come to the surgery the following Monday.
一天早上在曼迪晕倒在地后,上门出诊的全科医生给她开了对乙酰氨基酚和地西泮药方,并让她在下周一去做手术。 who

“ Mandi’s symptoms were explained away as a result of her medication, or a progression of her condition, without any evidence that this was the case,” recalls Marita.
玛丽塔回忆说,“对曼迪的症状说成是药物治疗的一种结果,或者是病情的发展,即便没有任何证据说明她的这种病情。” who

After Mandi’s death, Marita obtained her medical records and complained formally to the Healthcare Commission in England, which ruled in her favour.
曼迪死后,玛丽塔搞到了她的医疗记录,并向英国卫生保健委员会正式提出申诉,后者做出了支持她的裁定。 who

By setting up the kiosks, ITC enabled farmers to check that the prices being offered at their local mandi were in line with prices elsewhere.
通过设置这套系统, ITC可以在任何地方让农民在线上核对公司在当地大市场提供的价格。 ecocn

Eleven years after being diagnosed with schizophrenia, Marita’s daughter Mandi experienced severe headaches and began to fall over for no reason.
在被诊断患有精神分裂症11年之后,玛丽塔的女儿曼迪饱受剧烈头疼之苦,并开始时常毫无缘由地栽倒在地。 who

ITC enabled farmers to check that the prices being offered at their local mandi were in line with prices elsewhere.
ITC可以在任何地方让农民在线上核对公司在当地大市场提供的价格 ecocn

McCain Foods offers him an assured price of6.50 rupees$0.14 per kilogram of potatoes, a better rate than the mandi.
麦凯恩食品公司以每公斤6.50卢比0.14美元的保证价收购他的马铃薯,这个价格高于大市场水平。 ecocn

The allopatric coral fossils are collected in the olistostromes of the Upper Triassic Zhuwo Formation in Mandi, Zamtang, and two biozones of Triassic bivalves are established.
首次于壤塘县曼迪乡上三叠统侏倭组的滑塌堆积层中,采获异地埋葬珊瑚群化石,建立三叠纪双壳类两个生物带; cnki




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