

单词 mandatory
释义 man·da·to·ry 英ˈmændəˌtɔːriː, -ˌtəʊriː美ˈmændəˌtɔri, -ˌtoriAHDmănʹdə-tôr'ē, -tōr'ē ★☆☆☆☆高四GIMST宝八COCA⁷⁰⁸⁹BNC⁶³⁶³iWeb⁴⁶³³Economist⁶²²⁰

the recipient of a mandatea territory surrendered by Turkey or Germany after World War I and put under the tutelage of some other European power until they are able to stand by themselves
required by rule;

in most schools physical education is compulsory

attendance is mandatory

required reading

来自mandate,命令。即命令的,引申词义强制的,法定的。intermittent mandatory ventilation间歇性强制通气, 间…mandatory level标准等压面mandatory arbitration强制仲裁mandatory standard法定标准mandatory requirement必须遵循的要求,强制…mandatory target指令性指标comprehensive mandatory sanctions经 全面的强制性…mandatory cryptographic session强制密码会话,命令保…mandatory expenditure强制性开支mandatory control强制性控制mandatory procedure强制性过程
钱博士mandate授权,命令+ory形容词后缀→授权进行的,命令的⇒强制的,有法定义务的方振宇词汇奥秘mand命令,委托+atory表形容词,有…性质的→法定的,强制的,义务的mandate授权,命令+ory形容词后缀→授权进行的,命令的⇒强制的,有法定义务的。GRE红宝书源于: commandn /v 命令
command 命令
词根记忆mand命令+atory近义词 fixed固定的binding镶边mandate命令needed需要的required必需的compulsory强制的imperative紧要的obligatory强制性的mandatary受托人, 代理人…

用作形容词It'smandatoryto pay taxes.缴税是义务性的。
Cremation ismandatoryin most areas of Guangdong.火化在广东大部分地区是强制性的。adj.required, necessary
同义词 binding,compulsory,de rigueur,essential,forced,imperative,indispensable,involuntary,obligatoryrequisitecommanding,compelling,compulsatory,imperious,irremissible,needful
反义词 free,inessential,nonessential,optional,secondary,unforced,unnecessary,voluntary
authoritativeadjective official, authorized
administrative,approved,bureaucratic,canonical,departmental,ex cathedra,ex officio,executive,imperial,lawful,legal,legitimate,magisterial,ruling,sanctioned,sovereign,supreme
bindingadjective necessary
bounden,compulsory,conclusive,counted upon,essential,imperative,incumbent on,indissoluble,irrevocable,mandatory,obligatory,required,requisite,unalterable
compulsoryadjective binding
compulsatory,de rigueur,forced,imperative,imperious,mandatory,necessary,obligatory,required,requisite
de rigueuradjective socially obligatory
a must,au fait,called-for,comme il faut,conforming to accepted standards,conventional,correct,mandatory,necessary,obligatory,proper,required,right
forcedadjective compulsory, strained
hard-and-fastadjective strict
absolute,binding,carved in stone,compulsory,conclusive,decisive,dictated,exacting,final,inflexible,irrevocable,mandatory,set,set in concrete,unalterable,unbending,written Is the appointment of worker- directors to be mandatory?
工人董事的任命是不是强制性的? kekenet

Although not mandatory, it is certainly the easiest way to manage the deployment.
尽管不是强制性的,但是它时管理部署的最简单的方法。 ibm

Due to foul play at other schools, the local school district enacts a mandatory policy during recess hours that segregates the schoolyard based on gender.
由于其它学校经常有不公平的比赛,当地校区制定了强制性的政策,即在课间期间,将校园按性别分开。 yeeyan

However, he said the new rules, contained in a ten-volume guide, would not be mandatory and there would be no punishment for firms that refused to correct their signage.
不过,他表示,十项指南中的这些新规则都是非强制性的。对于那些拒绝更改标牌名称的公司,并没有规定相应惩罚措施。 iciba

If anonymous binds are allowed, this step is not mandatory.
如果允许匿名绑定,这步操作就不是强制性的。 ibm

If the constraint is not mandatory, you have the option of disabling it by clearing the checkbox and clicking OK.
如果这个限制不是强制的,您有权通过清除这个复选框和点击 OK选择使它失效。 ibm

It is not mandatory to use them, but you should specify a default severity for any rules that you create.
对它们的使用并不是强制性的,但是您应该为您创建的所有规则都详细说明它们默认的严重性。 ibm

It is not mandatory.
这不是强制的。 ibm

It is a form of mandatory access control.
它是强制访问控制的一种形式。 ibm

Not all these fields used in the various methods are mandatory, so your process must reflect which option you select.
并不是所有运用在各种方法中的字段都是强制性的,因此您的过程必须反映您选择的是哪个选项。 ibm

Not all these interfaces are mandatory.
并非所有这些接口都是强制的。 ibm

Similarly, Personalized Delivery and Population Application patterns are mandatory, but we do not have these requirements.
同样,个人交付和通用应用程序模式也都是强制性的,但我们并不需要。 ibm

The courses will be optional at first, but could become mandatory.
首先这些课程是可选课程,但是可能成为强制性的。 yeeyan

This field is mandatory and identifies the query term.
这个字段是强制性的,它识别查询项。 ibm

This interruption mechanism is not mandatory and may not be supported by all JOLAP providers.
这种中断机制不是强制性的,不是所有的 JOLAP提供程序都支持。 ibm

This is mandatory.
这是强制性的。 yeeyan

This property is mandatory.
该属性是强制的。 ibm




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