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词汇 mandarins
释义 mandarins ˈmændərənz COCA⁶⁸²²⁷BNC²⁷²⁶⁴Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
n.中国汉语普通话mandarin的复数形式原型mandarin的复数 As with monkeys, so with mandarins.
猴子是这样,政界要员也是如此。 ecocn

The prime minister made a coded attack on mandarins as“ enemies of enterprise” in March.
卡梅伦首相三月时用隐晦的话攻击政府官员,称其为“革新精神的公敌”。 ecocn

All mandarins are trapped in their images.
所有的官员都被困在自己的形象中。 yeeyan

But the mandarins count only those babies whose father’s occupation is stated clearly enough for the cherub’s social class to be ascertained.
但政府工作人员只考虑孩子的父亲的职业是不是能够交代清楚孩子的社会阶层。 ecocn

China's mandarins are clearly not insusceptible to economic sense, and individual projects could bite the dust.
中国的政党领袖们显然没有考虑经济效益,孤立的项目又会败下阵来。 yeeyan

He has also vowed to take on the mandarins in Tokyo who have dictated postwar economic policy.
他也誓言任用曾经主持过战后经济政策的东京政界要人。 yeeyan

If the result of this and other new rules is that ministers see less of outsiders, the influence of their mandarins is likely to grow.
如果上述和其他新规定的结果使部长们与外人见面更少了,他们手下的公务人员的影响力就可能增加。 ecocn

Its navy was antediluvian: mandarins tried to emulate Western paddle- steamers with junks propelled by coolies turning treadmills.
它的海军落后西方:洋务官员提出纷纷效仿西方有帆的桨轮船的推动力由苦力变成了踏步机。 yeeyan

Like Roosevelt, Obama points the finger at the mandarins running the world’s second largest country, accusing them of manipulating U.S.-China trade.
与罗斯福一样,奥巴马对治理着世界面积第二大国家的官员指手画脚,指责他们操纵中美贸易。 yeeyan

Sceptics have also questioned his ability to wrest power from the mandarins who have dictated Japan's postwar economic policy.
怀疑论者质疑他能否从掌控日本战后经济政策的政界要人那里夺取权力。 yeeyan

Sitting around a table with its30- something mandarins is more like meeting junior partners at Goldman Sachs or McKinsey than the cast of“ Yes, Minister”.
同一桌30多岁的新加坡高级官吏坐在一起就像会见高盛或麦肯锡的次级合伙人,而不是见《是,大臣》的演员。 ecocn

The grandest Euro- mandarins such as Mrs Wallstrom agree that public opinion“ should not rule us in the same way as it does national governments”.
诸如沃尔斯特隆女士这样的欧盟顶级高官也认为民意“不应该以影响国家政府的方式影响到欧盟的决断”。 ecocn

The mandarins’ reputation has faded during the economic hardship of the past20 years.
然而,这些官员的声誉在过去20年的日本经济衰退中逐渐消退。 ecocn

To replace them, governments will have to offer something more than the steady life that attracted the older caste of mandarins.
要替换这些人,政府必须开出比“稳定”这一老一辈人看重的东西更诱人的条件。 ecocn

Treasury mandarins are already unsettled by doubts about who the chancellor of the exchequer will be next month or even next week.
财政部官方已经对“谁会在下个月甚至下周成为财政部长”这样的猜疑感到非常不自在了。 ecocn

With the LDP’s blessing, the mandarins made policy, to be rubber-stamped by the cabinet.
在民主党的庇佑下,高级官员们制定的政策并通过了内阁批准。 ecocn

Mandarins aggrieved by Labour’s supposed mistreatment of the civil service sometimes assume the Tories will show a patrician reverence for it.
官僚们由于饱受工党对国内公共服务的苛求,所以有时会猜想保守党会对他们表现出赞赏的态度。 ecocn




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