

单词 managing directors
释义 managing directors短语¹³¹⁶²⁰⁺³
un.总经理;董事经理;常务董事;🌏经理层;管理董事原型managingdirector的复数 Like all ten managing directors who have preceded her, Ms Lagarde is European and got the job largely because of support from the fund’s rich- world shareholders.
就像前十位总裁, Ms Lagarde也是欧洲人,能当选主要是因为享有该基金发达国家股东们的支持。 ecocn

Mark your letter for the attention of the managing directors.
表明你的函件由总经理办理。 iciba

The non-executive directors unanimously give their complete support to the current executives of the Committee of Managing Directors“CMD”.
所有非行政董事都全力支持董事局现任行政董事的工作。 chinafanyi

When I was a banker at Goldman Sachs, the rule was this: treat your vice presidents and managing directors as if they were your clients.
当我在高盛银行工作时,公司规定:对待你的副总裁和总裁要像对待客户一样。 yeeyan

Generally, performance shares and stock options are applicable to more senior employees, such as vice presidents and managing directors.
一般来讲,表现股和买入期权奖励适用于职位较高的员工,比如副总裁和董事等。 edu.sina.com.cn




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