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词汇 manages
释义 man·age·s 英'mænɪdʒ美'mænɪdʒ COCA⁸³⁴¹BNC⁸⁵⁷⁶Economist⁴⁹⁴⁸
vt. 经营,管理; 控制,操纵

control; keep sb/sth in order

vt. & vi. 办理; 设法对付

succeed in dealing with

vt. 使用; 吃

make use of; eat

be successful; achieve a goal;

She succeeded in persuading us all

I managed to carry the box upstairs

She pulled it off, even though we never thought her capable of it

The pianist negociated the difficult runs

be in charge of, act on, or dispose of;

I can deal with this crew of workers

This blender can't handle nuts

She managed her parents' affairs after they got too old

come to terms with;

We got by on just a gallon of gas

They made do on half a loaf of bread every day

watch and direct;

Who is overseeing this project?

achieve something by means of trickery or devious methodscarry on or function;

We could do with a little more help around here

handle effectively;

The burglar wielded an axe

The young violinist didn't manage her bow very well


❌ I couldn't manage to pass the exam.

✔️ I didn't manage to pass the exam.


manage, contrive


1.当后面跟动词不定式时, contrive用在将来时中,表示说话人实际所做的努力,至于是否成功,说话人则无把握,仅表示朝着成功的方向努力,用于过去时中表示“设法,图谋”,有时表示“竟然弄到…的地步”; manage则强调虽然有一定困难,最后还是设法完成了。


manage, deal with, dispose of, transact, treat


manage指人凭借知识、才能和经验等将某行业、部门或某一方面事务处理好,它强调的是有技术地控制人或处理事,以期得到好的结果,含有“成功”之义; treat用于人时,含有以何种态度或方式对待之义,用于物时,专指用某种化学物质处理某物; transact是正式用语,主要用于商业、生意中的协商、谈判,以达成一致; deal with中的deal用作不及物动词,是普通用语,应用广泛,用于人时意为“交往,对待”,用于问题、困难等具体事物的时候,意为“处理,应付,论及”,含有亲自处理的意思; dispose of是正式用语,含有通过法律或正当途径对某事进行妥善处理之意。例如:

He managed to get the work done with very little help.在没有多少帮助的情况下,他把工作完成了。
He treated me as a child.他把我当小孩子看待。
New timber should be treated with a preservative.新采的圆木应进行防腐处理。
He transacted most of his business by phone.他大部分生意是通过电话处理的。
I can't deal with this problem; can you manage it?这个问题我处理不了,你能处理吗?
They empowered him to dispose of the farm's property and funds.他们授权他处理农场的财产和资金。manage, operate, run




She managed the shop while the owner was away.店主出门去的时候,她照管商店。
She manages the money very well.她理财有方。


Mr. Smith runs a grocery shop.史密斯先生经营一家杂货店。
They ran the nurseries extremely well.他们把托儿所办得很好。manage to-v, try to-v

manage to- v 指设法做成〔完成〕某事,含有成功之义; try to- v 指争取做成某事,但不一定成功。例如:

He managed to get the work done with very little help.在没有多少帮助的情况下,他把工作完成了。
He tried to get the work done with very little help.他争取在没有多少帮助的情况下完成工作。control,direct,govern,manage,rule,supervise,administer









deal with,cope with,dispose of,manage,handle


deal with既可指处理具体事情,也可指处理或解决具有抽象意义的问题。

cope with指成功地处理或对付更为重大,更为严重的问题或事物。

dispose of与deal with同义,普通用法。



用作动词 v.
~+名词manage a car开汽车manage a chain store经营一家连锁商店manage a corporation经营公司manage a horse驭马manage a railway管理铁道manage a rifle会放枪manage a school管理学校manage a state治理国家manage a tool使用工具manage an institution管理一个机构manage an unruly child管束不守规矩的孩子manage financial affairs管理财经事务manage household管理家务manage money管钱,理财manage the affairs of a nation管理国家大事manage the cattle看管牲畜~+副词manage well很会使用manage admirably处理得令人佩服manage artistically艺术性地管理manage badly管理不良manage economically经济办理manage effectively有效管理manage governmentally行政管理manage honestly经营作风正派manage humanely处理仁慈manage incompetently不合格地管理manage ingeniously灵敏地控制manage judiciously明智而审慎地管理manage peremptorily断然处理manage politically政治处理manage profitably有利经营manage prudently慎重处理manage successfully成功管理manage systematically系统管理~+介词manage for money设法搞到钱manage with用…对付过去manage without没有…也能应付过去
manage with v.+prep.

用…对付过去,用…处理 succeed with sth

manage with sthWe shall have to manage with these old pencils.我们只得凑合着用这些旧铅笔。
We can't manage with these poor tools.我们无法用这些破旧的工具干活。manage sth with sthThe three-man board manages its business with care and dispatch.这个三人董事会办事细心、麻利。
manage without¹ v.+adv.

在没有某物的情况下继续 continue to live in spite of lacking sth

manage withoutIf we can't afford a new car, we shall have to manage without.要是买不起新车,我们就得将就着点。
manage without² v.+prep.

在没有某物的情况下继续下去 live or continue in spite of the lack of sth

manage without sth/v-ingI can't manage without a good night's sleep if I am to do a good day's work.要干一天的工作我晚上睡不好就不行。
The director should not have to manage without a secretary.经理没必要在没有秘书的情况下凑合着办公。
If we can't get the money, we'll have to manage without it.如果不能搞到那笔钱,我们只好将就对付过去。
Mr. Sharp is not here, you will have to manage without speaking to him.夏普先生不在,你干你的,没工夫跟他打招呼了。近义词 usefareshiftwielddirecteffectarrangecommandconcertconductoperateoverseedominateengineeraccomplishadminister反义词 failbunglemismanage
S+~+APeople thought we would go bankrupt, but we managed.人们以为我们会破产,可是我们撑下来了。
He doesn't stay with us, but comes down when he can manage.他不跟我们住在一起,但一有可能就跑到我们这儿来。
How did you manage for money?你是怎样弄到钱的?
Can you manage on your own?你一个人能行吗?
S+~+ n./pron.He cannot manage himself, so he can't be expected to manage others.他连自己都管不住,又怎能指望他去管别人呢!
She seems too young to manage three children and that big house.她太年轻了,看样子照顾不了三个孩子和那么大一幢房子。
James manages the local football team.詹姆斯在掌管当地的足球队。
She managed the shop while the owner was away.店主出门的时候,她照管商店。
John has built up his business.He manages a shoe factory.约翰创立了自己的事业,经营鞋厂。
The prime minister really manages the government.政府实际上是由总理管理的。
The satellite launchings are managed by a U.S.corporation that manages international telecommunication satellite by international agreement.发射卫星掌握在根据国际协议管理国际通讯卫星的一家美国公司手里。
The lawyer manages all the legal affairs of Mr. Brown.那律师负责处理布朗先生的一切法律事务。
My son is a lawyer, so he manages all my legal affairs.我儿子是律师,由他处理我全部的法律事务。
She manages the money very well.她理财有方。
Some thought that he was too tight with the purse string at times, but others said that he managed money effectively.有些人认为他有时把钱管得太紧,又有一些人说他会理财。
Can you manage chopsticks?你会用筷子吗?
I doubt whether Jack could manage a sailing boat.我怀疑杰克会不会驾驶帆船。
The rider couldn't manage his horse, and it threw him to the ground.骑马人控制不住马,马把他摔到地上了。
I couldn't manage 2 weeks' holiday this year, only one.今年我休不了两周假,只能休一周。
I can't manage another mouthful.我一口都吃不下了。
The hotel is badly managed.这家旅馆经营不善。
The store is managed honestly.那家商店经营作风正派。
World affairs should be managed by all countries in the world.世界大事应由世界各国来管。S+~+to- vDisguising himself as an old man he managed to make his way through the enemy lines.他化装成一个老头子,设法通过了敌人的封锁线。
We managed to make up for the lost time.我们设法把损失的时间弥补回来了。
We managed to finish the work ahead of time.我们设法提前完成了工作。
She managed to make herself understood in English.她勉强能用英语表达自己的意思。
With her work in weaving, she and her sisters managed to make out better.靠着她织布,她们几个姊妹的境况才有所好转。
Can you manage to carry that suitcase?你提得动那个皮箱吗?
How did you manage to get there in time?你们是怎么及时赶到那儿的?
Mr. Baker managed to find a place where he could park his car.贝克尔先生终于找到一个停车的地方。
The weather was bad, but she managed to swim to the channel.尽管天气很坏,但她还是成功地游过了海峡。
In winter, some animals manage to live without eating for many months.在冬天,有些动物几个月不吃东西也能活下来。



manage表示“做成”“完成”时,前面不能用can或could; 表示“使用”“享用”“吃”时,前面可用can, could或be able to。

用作动词Hemanagedthe company when his father was away.他父亲离开的时候,由他管理公司。
The success of the restaurant lies in that it is wellmanaged.这个餐厅的成功在于它的完善经营。
We can only manage $100 a week for rent.我们一个星期只能提供100美元的租金。 in charge, control
同义词 administer,conduct,dominate,govern,guide,handle,maintain,operate,oversee,regulate,run,supervise,take care of,take over,train,useadvocate,boss,captain,command,concert,counsel,designate,direct,disburse,engineer,execute,head,influence,instruct,manipulate,minister,officiate,pilot,ply,preside,request,rule,steer,superintend,watch,wieldcall the shots,call upon,care for,carry on,engage in,hold down,run the show,take the helm,watch over
反义词 follow,forget,leave,mismanage,neglect,obey,serve,surrender,yield,hurt,ignore,opposebumble,failverb.accomplish
同义词 work,carry out,achieveengineer,upstage,execute,jockey,scam,doctor,fix,contrive,effect,wangle,plant,succeed,swing,cook,rig,con,finagle,arrangebring about,bring offdeal withcope with,play games,pull strings,push around,put one over
反义词 mismanagedisturb,neglect,forget,failbumbledisorder,unsettle,disorganize,disarrange,destroy,ignoreverb.survive, get by
同义词 fare,cope,shift,muddle,stagger,endurebear up,carry on,get along,get on,make out,make do,scrape by
反义词 fail,mismanage,bumble The business user also wants to know who the responsible Data Steward is, which assets she manages, and how to contact her.
业务用户还希望知道负责的数据主管是谁、她负责哪些资产以及如何与她联系。 ibm

The container also manages the life cycle of each component.
容器还可以管理每个组件的生命周期。 ibm

The database server manages the allocation and de- allocation of memory in this portion.
数据库服务器在虚拟区中管理内存的分配和解除分配。 ibm

The kernel usually has some sort of security model that manages access to devices, files, processes, and objects.
内核通常具有某种类型的安全模式来管理对设备、文件、进程和对象的访问。 ibm

The software that manages this repository is the message server.
管理这个资源库的软件就是消息服务器。 ibm

The test manager is responsible for the execution of system tests within the set of guidelines and manages the various test roles who, what, and when.
测试经理负责指南集中的系统测试的执行,并管理不同的测试角色谁,做什么,以及什么时间。 ibm

The transaction manager manages global transactions and coordinates the decision to commit them or roll them back, thus ensuring their atomicity.
事务管理器管理全局事务,并协调进行提交或回滚的决定,从而确保它们的原子性。 ibm

Dashboard service: Manages sending notifications to the dashboard.
仪表板服务:管理向仪表板发送通知。 ibm

Each country manages its own budgets and deficits and is responsible for its own debts.
每个国家管理其自己的财政预算和赤字并且对自己的债务负责。 yeeyan

For example, in a banking system, you may have an object that manages account transfers.
例如在一个银行系统的,你可以有一个对象,管理帐户转帐。 infoq

I think it can be done in a way that both maximizes the contribution to development and manages the environment successfully.
我认为可以通过最大限度地为发展作出贡献和成功地管理环境的方法完成这项任务。 worldbank

In this solution, the previous view manages the network connection protocol.
在此解决方案中,先前的视图管理网络连接协议。 ibm

It not only manages the connectivity of the local network adapter, but also provides a mechanism to manage the connectivity of registered remote resources.
它不仅管理本地网络适配器的连接性,而且还提供了管理已注册的远端资源连接性的机制。 ibm

It manages the state and groups events in a coherent way.
它用一致的方法来管理状态并将事件分组。 ibm

Model the roles that define who manages these objects, and the goals that must be met by executing tasks on these objects.
对角色、目标建模,其中角色是定义谁来管理上述这些对象,目标是对上述对象执行操作所必须满足的。 ibm

Notice how the phases for the control project sometimes end a little later than the corresponding phases of the projects it manages.
注意对于这个控制项目的阶段,有时候是如何比它管理的相应阶段晚一些结束的。 ibm

Request Manager: This subsystem manages the search request from the client and then forwards the search request to the searching subsystem.
请求管理器:这个子系统管理从客户端发送过来的搜索请求并把搜索请求分发到搜索子系统中。 ibm

The Lifecycle Controller manages the assembly of information for discreet events.
生命周期控制器为离散事件管理装配信息。 infoq

The database manager on each node manages part of the database.
每个节点上的数据库管理器管理数据库的一部分。 ibm

These are grouped into pairs, where each pair manages one of the storage subsystems.
它们均按对分组,每一对管理其中的一个存储子系统。 ibm

This information is necessary for the technical staff that manages and maintains the data warehouse.
该信息对于管理和维护数据仓库的技术人员来说是必要的。 ibm

This process is long running so that it manages persistence of the state of the state machine.
此进程可以长时间运行,因此它可以管理状态机状态的持久性。 ibm

Virtualization software manages the utilization of middleware and hardware from IBM and other vendors.
虚拟化软件管理来自 IBM和其他供应商的中间件和硬件。 ibm

We must first understand that the GC not only manages objects but also maintains a separate reference object to the actual object.
我们必须首先理解这个 GC不仅管理对象,而且还会维护对实际对象的一个单独的引用对象。 ibm

When the requirement definition gets confirmation from stakeholders, the project team delivers the requirement baseline and then manages it during the project life cycle.
如果需求定义得到了涉众的确认,那么项目团队就会交付需求基线,并在项目生命周期阶段管理它。 ibm

Manages data source connections and runs report requests.
管理数据源连接和运行报表请求。 ibm




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