

单词 mammoths
释义 mammoths 'mæməθ COCA⁴⁸¹⁹⁸BNC⁶³⁸⁷⁸Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
n.长毛象;猛犸象;庞然大物;a.巨大的;庞大的;猛犸似的原型mammoth的复数 For example the hardy woolly mammoths lived in the extreme cold of Siberia.
毛猛犸长毛象就生活在西伯利亚极冷的环境下。 i21st

In all, the study included41 archaeological sites on five continents. The researchers found that, as humans migrated out of Africa, they left a trail of dead elephants and mammoths in their wake.
他们对5大洲41处考古地点进行研究,结果发现,人类走出非洲的途中,身后一路留下大象和猛犸象的遗骸。 ebigear

It is believed that10 million mammoths are buried under the frozen soil of Siberia.
人们相信,在西伯利亚冻土下埋藏着近千万的猛犸。 i21st

One problem is that scientists do not know how to arrange it as chromosomes, or even how many chromosomes mammoths had.
可问题是,科学家尚不知道如何将DNA排序成染色体,甚至不知道长毛象究竟有多少组染色体。 yeeyan

The hybridization of mammoths may explain other fossils that look like intermediates between the two species.
混血猛犸可能解释其它看起来介于两个物种之间的化石。 yeeyan

The team tested both theories by analyzing where and when elephants and mammoths were killed.
为此,研究小组分析了大象和猛犸象被人类捕杀的时间和地点等情况。 ebigear

“ People have always been interested in mammoths. But at the moment there is a bit of a mammoth craze, ” said Alexander Tarletskov, research fellow at the museum.
博物馆研究员亚历山大•塔利斯可夫说,“人们一直都对猛犸象感兴趣,但目前有一股猛犸象热。” yeeyan

Amid rumors that there were prehistoric mammoths wandering around the unknown region and that somewhere in its wilds was a mountain of rock salt80 by45 miles in extent, the two captains set out.
传言说有史前毛象在这个不被人知道的地域漂泊,而且在它的野外是80英里长45英里宽岩石山脉,两个队长出发了。 xiaoma

But scientists are dying to see real mammoths.
但是,科学家们仍渴望看到真正的猛犸。 i21st

By improving their hunting techniques, early humans seem to have played a major role in finishing off the woolly mammoths and nine other mammal species that weighed over a tonne.
利用改进了的狩猎技术,早期人类似乎扮演了终结者的角色,使长毛猛犸和其他九种超过一吨的哺乳动物彻底从地球上消失。 yeeyan

Columbian mammoths are ancient cousins of the modern elephant, and they have been extinct since the end of the last Ice Age more than 10,000 years ago.
哥伦比亚猛犸与今天的大象有着亲缘关系。他们在一万年以前的大冰河时代结束之时就已灭绝。 hjenglish

Huge sculptures of the mammoths are2.5 times larger than the real ones.
巨大的猛犸象雕塑,2.5倍大小足以以假乱真。 yeeyan

It contains many bones and tusks of mammoths which Taymyr is so rich in.
这里有很多猛犸象的骨骼和獠牙,这些遗骸在泰梅尔地区是十分丰富的。 yeeyan

One of the mammoths, you hope, is going to be your supper.
你期望着这其中某头猛犸象将会成为你今天的晚餐。 yeeyan

Six months later, another team generated a remarkable28 million bases of DNA from a mammoth bone and showed that mammoths split from African elephants about6 million years ago.
六个月后,另一个小组从猛犸象骨头中提取出了惊人的2.8千万个 DNA碱基,表明猛犸象为约6百万年前的非洲象的分支。 yeeyan

Some scientists suggest a possible return of mammoths using DNA from frozen mammoth carcasses in Siberia.
部分科研人员提议,如果提取西伯利亚猛犸象冻尸的 DNA进行克隆实验,猛犸象就有望重返地球。 yeeyan

The researchers compared sequences of DNA from the nuclei of African and Asian elephants, and from woolly mammoths and the American mastodon.
研究人员对比了非洲象和亚洲象,以及来自猛犸象和美洲乳齿象的细胞核 DNA序列。 yeeyan

We know there were people who pre-dated the Clovis culture who were butchering mammoths in the area.
我们承认在克洛维斯文明之前,这个地区就有人类在猎杀猛犸象了。 yeeyan

You're working in a team of hunters quietly stalking a herd of mammoths.
你是一群猎人中的成员,正在采取团队作战术悄悄地盯梢着一群猛犸象群。 yeeyan

Mammoths, which are related with Asia elephants, are now extinct.
猛犸象,这种与亚洲大象有关的生物,现在已经灭绝。 donghairen

Mammoths and mastodons are both elephant- like creatures with long tusks that both faded into extinction on this continent more than12, 800 years ago.
猛犸象和乳齿象都是类似大象的动物,有着长长的牙齿,超过1.28万年以前在这块大陆上已经灭绝。 yeeyan

Mammoths are close relatives of modern elephants. Mammoths first appeared in Africa about four million years ago and spread out across Europe and Asia.
猛犸和现代大象是近亲,起源于400万年前的非洲,后迁移至欧亚。 i21st

Mammoths may be long dead, but the secrets of their blood could help keep some people alive.
猛犸这种生物在地球上消失已久,但它们血液中的秘密也许可以帮助一些人活下去。 yeeyan




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