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词汇 Mamet
释义 Mam·et 英ˈmæmɪt美ˈmæmɪtAHDmămʹĭt 

United States playwright born in 1947But as MrMametmakes clear, consciousness alone won't save anyone.但是马麦清楚地表示,自省救不了任何人。
The effect is clever, especially when MrMametpeppers the script with incisive one-liners.But it has been years since he wrote anything with punch.演出效果很妙,尤其是马迈特在剧本里接二连三地撒上一针见血的俏皮话。
In a lean 85 minutes, MrMametmaps the minefield of any conversation about race, and this play is not without casualties.在一部85分钟的简短剧作中,马迈特布下了种族话题的雷区,这部戏绝不会没有伤亡。
“Always be closing,” Jackson said Thursday afternoon. Apparently, what holds true for DavidMamet's real estate hustlers applies to ballplayers as well. “It's the way it is in this game.”“总是在接近。”杰克逊在周四下午表示。很明显,对马迈特的房地产商适用的法则同样适用于篮球运动员,“比赛就是这个样子。” A provocative newspaper article for the New York in- crowd is one thing; a full-length book justifying Mr Mamet's Damascene conversion to the way of Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman quite another.
在纽约自己的人际圈子里写篇火药味十足的文章是一回事,为证明自己彻底转向弗里德里希•哈耶克和米尔顿•弗里德曼的思想是正确的而写一整本书则完全是另一回事。 ecocn

The effect is clever, especially when Mr Mamet peppers the script with incisive one-liners.
效果还不错,尤其是马麦在剧本里加的料——一些机敏的小俏皮出现的时候。 ecocn

As a polemicist Mr Mamet is impressive— but at the cost of intellectual honesty.
作为一个善辩者,马梅先生令人影响深刻——但他牺牲了理智上的诚实。 ecocn

But as Mr Mamet makes clear, consciousness alone won’t save anyone.
但是马迈特表明,单凭意识谁也救不了。 ecocn

Even a brain- dead liberal should appreciate the surgical finesse with which Mr Mamet punctures the pomposities of Gloria Steinem and Susan Sontag.
即使是脑残的自由主义者也能欣赏出马梅先生针对格洛丽亚•斯泰纳姆和苏珊•索恩塔格的夸大其词所用的讽刺艺术。 ecocn

Here in America, the basic issue of Mamet’s conversion tale seems to have gotten lost. As the doctor father of a friend of mine habitually asked about life: “ How did it happen?”
在美国,对于 Mamet这本关于讲述转变故事的书的基本的问题似乎没什么人关心,就像一个我朋友的父亲,一位医生常常对生命的发问:“生命是怎么来的?” ecocn

In“ Race”, Mr Mamet replaces moral righteousness with something more real.
在《种族》中,马迈特以事实真相取代了道德正义。 ecocn

In a lean85 minutes, Mr Mamet maps the minefield of any conversation about race, and this play is not without casualties.
在一部85分钟的简短剧作中,马迈特布下了种族话题的雷区,这部戏绝不会没有伤亡。 ecocn

In his treatise on directing, Mamet emphasizes the idea that the director must, above all else, think visually.
在他指导的论文,马梅特强调的理念,导演必须高于一切,视觉思考。 mtime

IT IS easy to recognise a David Mamet play.
大卫•马迈特的剧作易于辨认。 ecocn

Kerry had minor roles as an actor in the David Mamet films“State and Main” and “ Spartan.”
凯里在大卫·马麦电影导演的《欲望小镇》以及《斯巴达人》中担任过配角。 yeeyan

Maybe so, but as an apostate from liberalism Mr Mamet has simply embraced a new religion— with all the excessive zeal of the recent convert.
也许是这样,但马梅先生作为自由主义的叛变者已经简单地投入了新信仰的怀抱——还带着转变信仰释放的过度热情。 ecocn

Mr Mamet's vehemence commands a certain admiration.
马梅先生的热烈言辞博得了一些赞赏。 ecocn

On the surface, Mamet’s book falls into a long tradition of similar turns to the right.
表面上看, Mamet的书中的右倾转变绝不令人陌生,也算是有悠久的传统了。 ecocn




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