

单词 Maltese
释义 Mal·tese 英mɔːlˈtiːz, -ˈtiːs美mɔlˈtiz, -ˈtisAHDmôl-tēzʹ, -tēsʹ COCA⁴¹⁶³¹BNC²²⁷³³
a native or inhabitant of Maltathe national language of the Republic of Malta; a Semitic language derived from Arabic but with many loan words from Italian, Spanish, and Norman-Frencha term applied indiscriminately in the United States to any short-haired bluish-grey catbreed of toy dogs having a long straight silky white coat
of or relating to the island or republic of Malta or its inhabitants;

Maltese customs officers

来自拉丁语Melite,马耳他,可能来自腓尼基语melita,避难所,逃避所,来自malat,逃避。因其为位于地中海中部的小岛而得名。Maltese cross马尔他十字形…Maltese cat马耳他猫一种蓝灰色…
Malt +(-eseS.①形+名某国、某地的…⇒adj.马尔他人的n.马尔他人⁵⁰近义词 Malti马尔蒂Maltese cat马耳他猫一种蓝灰色家猫…
A man owned aMaltesedog and a donkey.有个人,养了一只玛耳太狗和一头驴子。
Language:Malteseand English are both official languages.语言:官方语言为英语和马耳他语。
English is the official language in Malta along withMaltese.英语和马耳他语是马耳他的官方语言。
Actress Elizabeth Taylor with her petMaltesedog, Daisy.伊丽莎白·泰勒的爱犬戴西从主人身上“遗传”了雍容华贵的气质。
A MAN had an Ass, and aMalteseLapdog, a very great beauty.主人有一头驴子,整日关在栏里吃草。
Stewed and stuffed dishes are a central feature ofMaltesecuisine.炖菜和填充类菜肴是马耳他食物的主要特点。 Most recently Elizabeth Taylor's dogs have been beautiful white Maltese.
陪伴泰勒度过最后一段人生的是几只漂亮的白色马尔济斯犬。 yeeyan

One the favourite Maltese sports is shooting or trapping anything that flies.
马耳他人最喜爱的体育活动之一是射击和捕鸟。 ebigear

The way a script like“The Maltese Falcon” was written is very different from“The Bourne Supremacy.”
《马耳他雄鹰》上映时的剧本撰写风格就与《伯恩的霸权》有很大不同。 yeeyan

The two men told Maltese military officers that they were senior air force colonels and one of them requested asylum, as they were getting out of their single-seater Mirage F1 jets.
两名飞行员从他们驾驶的单座幻影 F1战机中出来后,对马耳他军官自称是资深空军上校。其中一人申请政治避难。 yeeyan

The Maltese are overwhelmingly Roman Catholic and the influence of the Church is strong, with divorce and abortion still being banned by law.
马耳他人几乎都是罗马天主教徒,他们深受宗教影响,认为离婚和堕胎是为法律禁止的。 意大利电视节目在马耳他颇受关注。 ebigear

The Maltese lira is the currency of Malta.
马耳他里拉(货币代码 MTL是马耳他的货币。 ebigear

The Maltese nobility was established during this period.
马耳他人的高贵气质就是在这一时期形成的。 ebigear

There’s a hit novel in Britain narrated by the Maltese terrier Frank Sinatra gave her, which she named“ Maf, ” for Mafia, and three movies in the works about her.
英国的一本畅销小说中,弗兰克·辛纳屈赠与她的马耳他梗狗成为叙述者,她叫它‘ Maf’,取自 Mafia黑手党,另外还有三部有关她的影片正在筹划中。 yeeyan

A polling station for the Maltese referendum on whether to make divorce legal.
欧盟最后一个反对离婚的国家马耳他日前也投票通过离婚合法化的提案。 yeeyan

First, voters are not equal: under Lisbon, a Maltese MEP will represent only67, 000 voters, a Swedish MEP455, 000, but a German MEP857, 000.
首先,投票者之间的不公平:在《里斯本条约》框架下,一个马耳他的欧洲议员只代表67000个选举人,一个瑞典议员代表455000个,而一个德国议员则代表857000个选举人。 ecocn

Imagine that JD Salinger and Gabriel Garcia Marquez had collaborated on a manga version of The Maltese Falcon.
想象一下塞林格和马尔克斯合拍漫画版《马耳他之鹰》。 yeeyan

It is the fourth highest valued currency after the Kuwaiti Dinar, Maltese Lira, and the Bahraini dinar.
它是继科威特第纳尔,马耳他里拉,巴林第纳尔之后世界第四位的价值最高的货币。 ebigear

Italian news agency Adnkronos quoted an unnamed Maltese official as saying the migrants had not asked to be rescued, a claim denied by the migrants.
意大利新闻社 adnkronos引用一位不愿意透漏姓名的马耳他官员的话说,那些移民当时并没有发出求助。 不过移民们并不同意这一说法。 yeeyan

Malta has two official languages in Maltese a Semitic language and English.
马耳他有两种官方语言:马耳他语一种非Z系WZ和英语。 ebigear

Many Maltese avidly follow English football matches.
许多马耳他人热衷于英式足球比赛。 ebigear

No Maltese athlete has won an Olympic medal to date.
至今马耳他还未获得奥运奖牌。 ebigear

On Monday, Baranovsky asked a court to bail Bartenev, arguing that Russia had no jurisdiction when it grabbed him in international waters from a Maltese- registered vessel.
星期一,巴拉诺夫斯基要求法庭同意保释巴尔捷涅夫;他认为在国际水域从马耳他注册的货船上抓人超出了俄罗斯的管辖权。 yeeyan

Persistent research has found much fresh evidence in Italian and Maltese archives.
持续不断的研究在意大利和马耳他的档案中找到了新的证据。 ecocn

The company is one of the oldest Maltese winemakers.
该公司是马耳他最古老的葡萄酒制造商之一。 cccfna.mofcom.gov.cn

The main ethnic group is Maltese descendants of ancient Carthaginians and Phoenicians, with strong elements of Italian and other Mediterranean stock. Other includes Arabs, Italians, and the British.
其主要种族是马耳他人古代迦太基人和腓尼基人的后裔,有意大利和其他地中海祖先的血统,其他包括阿拉伯人、意大利人和英国人。 ebigear

The Maltese rebelled against the French forces with the help from the Great Britain.
在大英帝国的帮助下,马耳他人开始反抗法兰西统治者。 ebigear

The Maltese normally kill for the sport or trap birds to sell in cages.
马耳他人常常会为了这项运动杀死鸟类,但也会将它们捕获放在笼中售卖。 ebigear

To them, the little Maltese girl was going off on her great journey into the next life, alone and a little frightened.
对于马尔他岛上的人们来说,这个小女孩即将启程进入她的来生,在这漫长的旅程中她孤单一人,有些恐惧。 yeeyan

What are the exact origins of Maltese people? Their language seems to be closely related to today's Lebanese. Is the Phoenician origin theory viable?
马耳他人的确切起源是什么?他们的语言似乎非常接近现代的黎巴嫩语。腓尼基起源理论是可行的吗? blog.sina.com.cn




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