

单词 Mallon
释义 Mal·lon 英ˈmælən美ˈmælənAHDmălʹən 

United States cook who was an immune carrier of typhoid fever and who infected dozens of people 1870-1938近义词 Typhoid Mary伤寒病带者,社会恶习的扩…
Mallonsurmises that it's worried about accuracy.马龙猜测他们可能是担心准确性的问题。
Leonard, Bill Lyne, Anne-marieMallon, Verner D.放大图片 作者: George Mcmichael; James S.
Led by BillMallon, a shoulder surgeon in Durham, N.C.其实,如果按照一个最基本的标准,马尔代夫也并不是最差劲的。
Based on the basic physiological and biochemicalcharacters of the fungus, the separated strain is identified as Eurotium cristatumMallon& Cain.根据本菌株生物学特征将分离菌株鉴定为真菌界子囊菌门不整囊菌纲散囊菌目散囊菌科散囊菌属冠突散囊菌。
As a perimeter player, FranceMallonhas shot 47.3 percent and 41.8 percent of the 3-point percentage, free-throw line for the performance of 84%.作为一名外线球员,法玛尔有着47.;3%的投篮命中率和41
Mallonis the primary method accurate杩滃皠capacity, the pitcher had God in Greece, Poland and Spain have quite in the league.法玛尔有着一手精准的远射能力,这位神投手曾经在希腊、波兰和西班牙联赛中辗转过。 We went to Belfast, where I met with the Northern Irish leaders, including David Trimble, Seamus Mallon, John Hume, and Gerry Adams.
下一站是贝尔法斯特。在那里,我会见了北爱领导人,包括戴维·特林布尔、谢默斯·马伦、约翰·休姆和格里·亚当斯。 yeeyan

“ He didn't drive the vehicle into the river, ” Mallon said.
“他是没有将车开到河里去。”马龙说。 yeeyan

He has boosted the self-confidence of a town that is not always lovedit was recently voted the worst place to live in Britain, a charge to which Mr Mallon responded with some force.
他提升了一个不是总被看好的城镇的自信近来投票选出的英国最不宜居之地,指控马龙对一些暴力负责。 ecocn

In addition, said Gerald Mallon, a professor at Hunter College's School of Social Work, “a good partner might have picked out the signs of mental illness.”
此外,纽约大学亨特学院社会工作系的一位教授杰拉尔德·玛尔龙说。 “好的伴侣可能能察觉对方有精神病的迹象。” yeeyan

In the Armstrong case, her mental illness was obvious, Mallon said.
在阿姆斯壮的案子里,很显然她患有精神疾病。 玛尔龙说。 yeeyan

Its mayor is Ray Mallon, a controversial police chief turned local official who showed an early interest in zero- tolerance measures and was elected as an independent.
该市市长雷-马龙,一位受争义的警察局长变为地方官员,他很早就显示出对零容忍方式的兴趣并作为无党派人士当选。 ecocn

Mary Mallon was a New York cook who did not wash her hands and infected seven families in1906 with the typhoid of which she was an asymptomatic carrier.
玛丽·马龙是一名纽约厨师,由于她不洗手导致了1906年7个家庭感染了伤寒菌,而她自己却是一个无症状带菌者。 xici

Mr Mallon is ostentatiously green he drives an electric two-seater car yet tough.
马龙以关注环保自居他驾驶一辆双座的电动车却很强硬。 ecocn




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