

单词 Malkiel
释义 Malkiel ˈmɒlkiəl COCA⁷⁴¹⁰⁸BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
The sons of Beriah: Heber and Malkiel, who was the father of Birzaith.
比利亚的儿子是希别,玛结。 玛结是比撒威的父亲。 ebigear

The sons of Beriah: Heber and Malkiel.
比利亚的儿子是希别、玛结。 ebigear

Two other classics on investing are The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham and A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton Malkiel.
另外两部投资经典书籍有 Benjamin Graham的《做个智慧投资人》以及 Burton Malkiel的《华尔街漫步》。 yeeyan

“ Absolutely not, ” says Mr Malkiel.
“当然不会,”麦基尔表示。 blog.sina.com.cn

And Messrs Bogle and Malkiel are right to argue that the low- cost appeal of index funds will be diluted if too many bells and whistles are added.
宝格先生和麦基尔是正确的,他们宣称如果过多华而不实的因素被加在指数基金上的话,它低成本的吸引力将被减弱。 ecocn

Does Mr Malkiel have any serious doubts about China?
那么麦基尔对于中国就没有丝毫怀疑吗? blog.sina.com.cn

' There are certainly a lot of trade-offs, and it's worth explicitly considering them, ' investing expert Burton Malkiel recently told me.
投资专家马尔科尔 Burton Malkiel最近告诉我说,肯定需要做很多取舍,值得把它们都想明白; neworiental

Malkiel did not say when he expects the economy to recover, but he forecast higher interest rates.
马尔基尔没有对经济何时复苏发表看法,但他预期经济将来会有高利率。 bbs.capitalweek.com.cn




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