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词汇 maliki
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In a bid to take control of the deteriorating security situation, Maliki inspected the devastation late today and vowed to find the conspirators.
为了控制日益恶化的安全形势,马利基当天晚些时候视察了爆炸地点,发誓要找到真凶。 iciba

Mr. Maliki is to serve as acting minister for the posts of interior, defense and national security until nominees are designated.
马利基本人将代理内政、国防以及国家安全部部长的职位,直到指派了这些部长的人选。 voa365

Mr. Maliki has insisted repeatedly that he is close to forming a new government, while many analysts think he still lacks the votes needed to do so.
马利基一再坚持说,他更有能力组建新政府,但许多分析人士认为,他要这样做仍然缺乏足够的票数。 voanews

Mr. Maliki said the idea was not just to open a bridge, but to send a message to an ignorant and sadistic culture that there are forces at work to stop such dark powers.
马利基说,他们的想法并不仅仅是庆祝一座大桥的开通,同时他们要向那些无知自大的施虐狂们送去一个信息,那就是伊拉克有的是制止黑暗势力的力量。 ebigear

Mr Maliki’s only quasi- ally, the Kurdish block, has too few seats to secure him power.
马基利唯一的准同盟就是库尔德团体了,但其过少的席位难以保证他上位。 ecocn

Overall, he may control up to40 seats, perhaps enough to give Mr Maliki or Mr Allawi a majority together with the Kurds.
合起来他将会控制超过40个席位,把库尔德人算进来,也许可以让马利基或阿拉维取得议会多数。 ecocn

They may single out the State of Law alliance led by Mr Maliki, who claims the credit for Iraq’s improved security.
反动势力可能会针对由马利基领导的法律联盟委员会,他们声称将会改善伊拉克的安全状况。 ecocn

“ Maliki’s worst nightmare is still waking up to find a Sunni general in charge of the country again, ” says a seasoned Western observer in Baghdad.
巴格达一位经验丰富的西方观察家说:“马利基最坏的噩梦仍然是醒来一看发现一位逊尼派将军再次掌管了他的国家。” ecocn

A spokesman said he was testing to see whether Mr Maliki or the Americans would arrest him.
发言人表示,萨德尔是在试探马利基先生或者美国人是否会逮捕他。 ecocn

Allawi said that he wanted Maliki to apologize for referring to Iraqiya as a representative of Iraq's Sunni voters.
阿拉维表明他希望马利基就认为伊拉克联盟是伊拉克逊尼派的投票人代表而道歉。 yeeyan

As the shoe flew, Bush ducked while Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki, who was standing right beside him, barely flinched.
当鞋子飞来,布什躲避了,但是正好站在他旁边的伊拉克总理马利基几乎没有退缩。 yeeyan

But after Mr. Maliki and Obama met, Dabbagh said he hopes U.S. combat forces could be out of Iraq by2010.
然而在奥巴马与马利基会面后,达巴格又说,他希望美国的战斗部队能在2010年撤离伊拉克。 voanews

But many commentators ridiculed the idea that INIS would act without the prime minister's approval and pointed out that the court awarded damages in the case to Maliki.
但是,许多评论家嘲讽那种伊拉克国家情报局会在未经总理批准下采取行动的观点,并指出法院在这一案件中判决对马利基进行赔偿。 yeeyan

Here too Mr Maliki has been weaving controversial alliances, backing one group against another.
马利基先生也在这儿编织有争议的同盟,支持一方反对另一方。 ecocn

If Mr. Maliki fails to produce a new government within a month, the constitution requires the president to nominate another candidate.
如果马利基不能在一个月之内组建新政府,按照伊拉克宪法规定,总统必须提名另外一名总理候选人。 tingvoa

If parliament endorses this package, Mr Maliki will have30 days to allot the entire gamut of ministries.
如果国会接受这个方案,那么马利基先生有30天的时间将所有部长分配到位。 ecocn

If so, Mr Maliki would continue to rule but as a caretaker, but that would create more uncertainty.
如果这样,马利基总理将继续执政,但只是临时代理的。 不过那样会造成更多的不确定性。 yeeyan

Moreover, many Iraqis, including Shias, fear that if Mr Maliki were to have another term he would consolidate power within an increasingly autocratic regime.
而且,很多伊拉克人,包括什叶派,担心如果马利基再一次提出条件,会使得其日渐独裁的政权更加稳固。 ecocn

Mr Maliki and others will of course cheer the exit of the foreign forces, but will also know that— if violence flares again— he may have to ask for foreign help once more.
马利基先生和其他人当然会欢庆外国部队离开,但也会知道——如果暴力活动再次发生——他可能不得不再次寻求外国的援助。 ecocn

Mr Maliki could team up with a Kurdish block, though that still would not give him a majority.
马利基可能与一个库尔德阵营联合,但那可能仍不能保证他获得多数席位。 ecocn

Prime Minister Maliki's coalition was credited by various Baghdad newspapers with winning a large margin because of his recent success in imposing law.
巴格达的几家报纸都认为,马利基总理的联盟因为最近在法制方面的成功而在选举中居于领先地位。 iciba

That is one reason why Mr Maliki will insist— at any rate before the elections— on a rapid American withdrawal.
这就是马利基先生为什么坚持——无论如何在竞选之前是这样——美国快速撤军的一个原因。 ecocn

The State Department says it understands the need for a democratic Iraq to have relations with Iran and that it is not criticizing Mr. Maliki's decision to visit Tehran.

The fact that Mr Bush met Mr Maliki in Jordan's capital rather than in Baghdad highlights how anarchic Iraq has become.
布什会晤马利基是在约旦首都,而非巴格达,这一事实强调了伊拉克的无政府状态有多严重。 ecocn

The Shia-dominated government of Nuri al- Maliki has never received much support from its Sunni Arab neighbours, some of whom see it as the creature of an increasingly assertive Iran.
马利基领导的什叶政府从来就没有得到过阿拉伯逊尼派邻居的支持,一些人就认为这是咄咄逼人的伊朗在伊拉克的傀儡政府。 ecocn

Maliki tried to block the second shoe with his arm.
马利基曾试图用手臂阻挡第二只鞋子。 ebigear




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