

单词 male sex
释义 male sex meilseks 短语⁵¹²⁸⁰
For both groups, age, male sex, duration of diabetes, and a history of being hospitalized for diabetes-related problems also were significant predictors of mortality.
对两个小组而言,年龄、男性、患糖尿病时间、糖尿病就医病史,也是死亡率的重要预测因子。 yeeyan

Risk factors include overweight, male sex, and Hispanic ethnicity.
危险因素包括:肥胖,男性和西班牙种族。 dxy

Since adult males are sexually mature, they excrete higher concentrations of the male sex hormone testosterone in their urine.
由于成年雄猴性发育成熟,所以它们排出的尿液中所含雄性激素睾丸素的浓度更高。 yeeyan

Thanks to high levels of the male sex hormone testosterone, men are far more competitive and motivated for success than women.
因为有雄性睾酮,男性比女性更加积极地追求成功,更加求胜心切。 yeeyan

These all were the shows of male sex center doctrine actually, and it influenced the literature creation of our country deeply and lastingly.
其实这些都是男性中心主义的表现,它深刻而持久地影响着我国的文学创作。 iciba

Male sex and diabetes were the two strongest independent variables for predicting an abnormal or high-risk SPECT scan, the investigators report.
研究人员还报道,男性和糖尿病时两个预测异常或者高危异常 SPECT检查的两个独立预测变量。 iciba




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