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词汇 malcolm
释义 malcolm
Followed all his public life by the F.B.I. and the police, Malcolm was now being pursued by the Nation, with its thuggish“ pipe squads,” the Fruit of Islam.
马尔科姆在公共场合露面都是被联邦调查局和警察层层保护,因为他当时被“伊斯兰民族”组织下的“伊斯兰果实”凶残的“枪管队”追杀。 yeeyan

On February21,1965, at the Audubon Ballroom, in Washington Heights, multiple assassins fired shotguns and pistols at Malcolm as he stepped to the lectern for a speech.
1965年2月21日,在曼哈顿奥特朋舞厅的一个报告会上,多名凶手在马尔科姆准备上台讲话时,用猎枪和手枪将他杀害。 yeeyan

When Bill Clinton wore an “ X” cap, he was not railing against blue- eyed devils; he was gesturing to this late, “ humanistic” Malcolm.
比尔·克林顿戴上“ X”标志的帽子时,他不是在责怪蓝眼睛恶魔,而是向这位晚年“人道主义者”马尔科姆致敬。 yeeyan

“ I’ve been in classrooms and watched them teach about the sit-ins and about the controversies between Martin Luther King and Malcolm, ” he said.
我去过课堂,看到他们在上课,关于静坐示威,以及马丁路德金和马尔科姆之间的争议。 yeeyan

“ I sometimes think that you do not really understand what will be the effect of this book,” he wrote Malcolm in a long letter.
“我有时候会想,你没有真正了解到这本书将会造成的影响,”他在给马尔科姆的一封长信中写道。 yeeyan

“ I'm listening,” said Malcolm and sat down, indicating the armchair opposite him.
“我听着。”马尔科姆边说边坐了下来,并指指他对面的扶手椅。 yeeyan

“ My whole life has been a chronology of changes,” Malcolm told Haley one night, and, in a few months, he would transform himself yet again, becoming El- Hajj Malik El- Shabazz, a Sunni Muslim.
“我的整个生活就是个充满变化的年表,”有天晚上,马尔科姆这样对哈雷说道。 过了几个月,他再次改变了自己。 他成为了一名逊尼派穆斯林,更名为哈吉·马利克·沙巴兹。 yeeyan

“ You’re another of the white man’s tools sent to spy!” Malcolm told Haley at their first meeting.
“你是又一个白人派来刺探情报的奸细!”第一次会面的时候,马尔科姆就这么告诉哈雷。 yeeyan

After interviewing Malcolm for Playboy, Haley persuaded him to collaborate on an “ as told to” autobiography.
在为《花花公子》采访马尔科姆之后,哈雷成功地说服他在“被告知”的自传中一起合作。 yeeyan

After reading up on the Nation, Malcolm sat in his cell and wrote twenty-five drafts of a one- page letter to Elijah Muhammad, pledging his spiritual loyalty.
了解这个组织之后,马尔科姆坐在囚室里给伊莱贾·穆罕默德写信,誓死效忠于他。 为了这一页信,他反反复复打了二十五次草稿。 yeeyan

But what do Malcolm’s readers see in him?
但是,马尔科姆的读者们在他身上看到了什么呢? yeeyan

Dean attended drama classes at UCLA University until he landed the professional role of Malcolm in the play Macbeth.
迪恩在加州大学洛杉矶分校学习表演,并曾在戏剧《麦克白》中扮演马尔科姆。 kekenet

Finally, the relationship between Malcolm and his mentor exploded.
最终,马尔科姆和他导师之间关系破裂。 yeeyan

Haley cared for Malcolm, but he cared for the book no less.
哈雷为马尔科姆提心吊胆,但是他也同样为他的书担心。 yeeyan

He soon published articles about the Nation of Islam and Malcolm in Reader’s Digest and The Saturday Evening Post.
很快,他就在《读者文摘》和《周六晚报》上发表了一系列关于“伊斯兰民族”组织和马尔科姆的文章。 yeeyan

I never saw Malcolm late for an appointment.
我从没见过马尔科姆约会迟到。 yeeyan

In 1964, Malcolm decided to reform his soul, alter his politics, and refashion his public image.
1964年,马尔科姆决定改革他的精神世界,改变政治观点,重塑自己的公众形象。 yeeyan

In 2005 Robert Ivey wrote Healey and claimed that the letter had in fact been written by an employee named Malcolm under Mark’s name and in his voice.
2005年罗伯特•艾维律师在写给希利的信中声称,这封信事实上是由一位叫马尔科姆的雇员以马克的名义和口气写的。 yeeyan

In Boston, Malcolm worked for William Paul Lennon, the son of a successful Rhode Island merchant.
在波士顿,马尔科姆曾为威廉·保罗·列侬工作。 他是一个罗德岛成功商人的儿子。 yeeyan

Of course, Malcolm was also the only person ever to attempt a land speed record in South Africa.
毫无疑问,马尔科姆是迄今为止试图在南非创造陆地记录的第一人。 yeeyan

One evening, in 1931, in Lansing, Michigan, when Malcolm was six, his father, Earl Little, a part-time Garveyite teacher, went to collect“ chicken money” from families who bought poultry from him.
1931年,马尔科姆六岁,住在密歇根州的兰兴。 那时候,他父亲艾尔·利特是个兼职的加维主义教师。有天傍晚,他去别人家收“卖鸡钱”,那些人家都从他手里买过鸡。 yeeyan

When Haley first met Malcolm, in 1959, he had recently retired from a twenty- year career in the Coast Guard, and had embarked on a career as a journalist.
1959年哈雷第一次见到马尔科姆。 那时候,哈雷刚从干了二十年的海岸警卫队退休,并重新找到了一份当记者的工作。 yeeyan

Yet even in the final passage of his life Malcolm failed to build a serious political movement or create a coherent point of view.
然而,甚至在马尔科姆生命的最后阶段,他仍没能成功地组织一场重要的政治运动或者建立连贯的政治观点。 yeeyan

Malcolm, who was sent off to a series of foster homes and an all- white school, scarcely saw her for twenty-five years.
马尔科姆随后被送到很多家庭寄养,并被送到一所白人学校上学。在随后的二十五年里,他很少见到他母亲了。 yeeyan

Malcolm says he was sometimes“ dizzy” with hunger.
马尔科姆说他有时候饿得“头昏眼花”。 yeeyan

Malcolm started reading Kant and Nietzsche, H. G. Wells and Herodotus; he even tried to memorize the dictionary.
马尔科姆开始读康德、尼采、威尔斯和希罗多德的著作;他甚至试着背字典。 yeeyan

Malcolm was an electrifying spokesman for black dignity and selfhood, a radical prod to the mainstream movement, but his role in the civil-rights movement was marginal.
马尔科姆是黑人尊严和个性富有激情的代言人和主流运动的激进的推动者,但是他在民权运动的角色是边缘化的。 yeeyan

Malcolm was not above appealing to the worst instincts of his followers.
马尔科姆并没有激发出追随者们最坏的本能。 yeeyan




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