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His United Malays National Organisation UMNO, the main party in the coalition, is keen to be seen as the defender of Malay- Muslim identity.
马来民族统一机构 United Malays National Organisation,又称巫统作为联盟的主要成员,希望被视为马来穆斯林的维护者。 ecocn

That is particularly true if UMNO decides to play on tensions between Malaysia’s majority Malays and its ethnic-Chinese and Indian minorities.
尤其是如果巫统决定挑起马来西亚多数马来人及其华裔同印度少数民族之间的紧张气氛时。 ecocn

The Orang Asli are culturally distinct from the Malays though some who venture out into the towns and cities have been known to become assimilated with the Malays through marriage.
原始人在文化上和马来人不同,其中一些人来到城里,并与马来人的通婚,成功的融入其中。 ebigear

The New Economic Policy NEP, introduced in 1971 instituted racial preferences for majority Malays, when ethnic Chinese and Indians owned much of business.
1971年,大马经济主体为少数的华人和印度人所控,但制定《新经济政策 NEP》却给予主要的马来人民族优惠。 ecocn

The Malays and Moors are Muslim, the majority of whom practice Sunni Islam.
马来人和摩尔人是穆斯林且多数是逊尼派的伊斯兰教徒。 ebigear

At independence these people were given citizenship, but in exchange Malays were granted special “ privileges” to protect their political power and assure a larger share of the country’s wealth.
在独立期间这些人群被给予马来西亚国籍,但作为交换马来人获得了“特权”,以保护他们的自己政治权力,并确保自己国家的财富份额。 ecocn

In 1971 Malaysia’s second prime minister, Abdul Razak, began a policy of racial preferences for majority Malays and other“ sons of the soil”.
1971年,马来西亚第二任首相 Abdul Razak,对占人口大多数的马来人和其他的“土地的儿子”,开始了一项种族优先政策。 ecocn

It also worries about its brain drain over300,000 university-educated Malays work abroad.
它同时担心它本身的人才外流超过30万受过大学教育的马来西亚人在国外工作。 ecocn

Most analysts believe that despite the avowed Islamism of the insurgents this is primarily an ethnic- separatist fight of Malays against Thais, rather than part of any international jihad.
很多分析家认为,尽管伊斯兰公开承认叛乱,但这从根本上来说是一场马来人和泰国人之间的种族分裂对抗,而不是国际讨伐异教徒行动的一部分。 ecocn

Mr Ibrahim takes the long view, arguing it might take another100 years for Malays to catch up with other races.
易卜拉欣先生持长久观点,主张马来人要赶上其他民族还需要100年。 ecocn

Nonetheless, for some in his party and the government bureaucracy staffed largely by ethnic Malays, he is still going too fast, or even in the wrong direction.
然而,对于党和政府的官僚主要是由马来族裔组成来说,他仍然是走得太快,甚至是走错了方向。 ecocn

Resentment has spread from Chinese and Indians to poor or pious Malays.
从华人印度人,到劳苦大众,到虔诚的马来人,无不心中激起怒火。 ecocn

These days, many argue that all the quotas and affirmative-action programmes to help the Malays are now not only obsolete, but counter- productive.
近来,许多人认为,所有用于帮助马来人保持配额和优先的方案,现在不仅已经过时,而且适得其反。 ecocn

Too often, party colleagues were left to fight the fires after another round of good old plain- speaking from MM. He upset ethnic Malays by remarking they had not adapted well to Singapore.
行动党的同事经常在资政内阁一轮直率的讲话后出来灭火,他评论那些没有很好地适应新加坡的马来人令他烦恼。 yeeyan

Malays are by constitutional definition, Muslims.
马来人根据宪法的定义应该是穆斯林。 ebigear

Some are of mixed ethnic origin and are descended from Turks, Iranians, Malays, and others, most of whom immigrated as pilgrims and reside in the Hijaz region along the Red Sea coast.
一些是混合的少数民族,包括突厥人,伊朗人,马来人,和其他族群的后裔,大多数人作为朝圣者移居并且在红海沿岸的汉志地区居住。 ebigear




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