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词汇 Malang sag
释义 Malang sag
The main oil-generating sag in Santanghu basin is Malang sag, and main pay zone Permian Lucaogou formation.三塘湖盆地主要的生油凹陷是马朗凹陷,主力油层在二叠系芦草沟组。
After several years of exploration, Niujuanhu, Mazhong and Heidun reservoir have been discovered consecutively in Malang sag.三塘湖盆地经过几年的勘探,先后在马朗凹陷发现了牛圈湖、马中、黑墩油田。
Organic matter heterogeneity was counted and studied for the fractured “in situ reservoir” samples of upper Permian series in Malang sag Santanghu basin.三塘湖盆地马朗凹陷上二叠统芦草沟组油藏多为“自生自储”裂缝型油藏,油藏样品的实验分析揭示了油藏宏观、微观两种尺度上的“有机质”非均质性表现;
The fractures in Lueaogou group Malang sag Santanghu basin are mainly netted, oblique crossed and interlayer ones with high thickness, minor width and middle scale.三塘湖盆地马朗凹陷芦草沟组裂缝主要以网状缝、斜交缝和层间缝为主,裂缝密度大,宽度小,规模中等。
The middle Permian Lucaogou Fm. was dist ributed within Malang sag and the southwestern part of Tiaohu sag.It was the main source rock composed f rom carbonate rocks and dark shale.三塘湖盆地中二叠统芦草沟组分布于马朗凹陷和条湖凹陷西南部边缘 ,主要由碳酸盐岩和暗色泥岩组成 ,是盆地主力生油岩。
To understand and find favorable carbonate reservoir, characteristics of Permian carbonate reservoir in Malang sag have been reviewed which shows that they fall into two kinds: limestone and dolomite.为正确认识碳酸盐岩储层 ,寻找有利储集区 ,对马朗凹陷二叠系碳酸盐岩的储层特征进行了研究和论述。




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