释义 |
Malagrida 基本例句 马拉格里达¹⁰⁰ MalagridaManifatture Company produces around one million of items per year and the firm’s yearly turnover is seventeen million of Euro.运动服饰/休闲服饰/眼镜/配饰 玛拉格瑞达制造公司1988年,玛拉格瑞达制造公司在意大利成立,同时确立了其基本组织机构。 MalagridaManifatture is one of the best well-known factories in knitwear and sportswear garments area.A lively and dynamic established since 1988.作为针织品和运动服装领域的知名工厂之一,其年营业额达到1700万欧元,年生产能力约为100万件。 The conflict between clerical and secular authorities came to a head with an assassination attempt on the king, organised by a family to whomMalagridaacted as confessor.牧师与当局的斗争最后发展为对国王的暗杀。马拉格里达将自己装扮成受迫害的教徒,并和他的追逐者一起策划了暗杀。 |