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apx. 基本例句 abbr.appendix However, APX and LOX genes expression were inhibited by the treatment. APX和 LOX基因表达明显可被硅酸钠处理抑制。 fabiao The isozyme expression of POD, PPO, SOD and APX in longan seedlings changed with different degrees under Pb stressed. 铅胁迫下龙眼幼苗体内 POD, PPO, SOD及 APX同工酶表达均发生不同程度的改变。 fabiao APX developed each process and the careful scheduling in accordance with the Job Orders of each production line, machine and procedure whenever the factories received the Sales Orders. 把所有工厂接到的订单,按照每张订单的生产路线设定规划出整间工厂每台机器、每个工序的仔细排程。 apx-s.com Currently no APX application uses these subsystems. 当前没有 APX应用程序使用这些子系统。 hotdic It is known that the problem is APX- hard for general graphs and NP-hard for planar graphs. 此问题在一般图下是 APX困难问题,在平面图下是 NP困难问题。 cnki Moreover, the increased activity of APX was probably resulted in the accumulation of heme. 而且, APX活性的增加可能是由于亚铁血红素库积累而引起的。 ricesci PCR and APX activity detection showed that transgenic plants were obtained. 检测证明目的基因已经整合到烟草基因组中。 fabiao Since we prove the problems are NP- complete and APX- complete, we propose three heuristic algorithms to solve them. 我们证明了这个问题不仅是 NP完全的同时也是APX完全的,因此我们提出了三种启发式算法解决此问题。 fabiao So far this is the first report of the full length APX gene from apple. 迄今尚未见到从苹果中克隆到抗坏血酸过氧化物酶基因全长的报道。 fabiao The activity of ascorbic acid peroxidase APX showed no remarkable change in the initial infection stage, but increased during later stage of infection. 抗坏血酸过氧化物酶 APX的活性在感染的初期变化不明显,而在感染的后期活性有所增加。 cnki The contract, which is part of a wider modernisation agreement between the two navies, will supply four APX systems for the M-Class frigates. 该合同是两国海军更广泛现代化合作协议的一部分,将为 M级护卫舰提供四套APX系统。 com Thus sharpens the ability of the anti- oxidation forces and it would be also helpful to get more information about the role of APX playing in AsA- GSH cycle and its metabolism pathway. 通过基因工程的方法提高活性氧清除酶活性,从而提高植物的抗氧化胁迫的能力,并为研究其代谢途径以及在抗坏血酸-谷胱甘肽循环中的作用奠定基础。 fabiao APX can create accurate production planning and scheduling. APX可以建立准确的生产计划和排单。 apx-s.com |