

单词 makoto
释义 makoto

In Japan, according to Makoto Shimizu, a professor at the University of Tokyo, more than650 products are approved as“ Food for Specified Health Use, ” from fighting fatigue to preventing allergies.
根据日本东京大学的 Makoto Shimizu教授说,从抗疲劳到抗敏感,已经超过650种产品被认可为“对特定健康有益的食品”。 yeeyan

The problem is that Japan lacks a social safety net, says Makoto Yuasa, the organiser of the Hibiya tent village, who dropped out of a PhD programme at Tokyo University to help homeless people.
问题是日本缺乏社会安全网,日必谷公园帐篷群的组织者汤浅实说道。他放弃了在东京大学的博士课程,投身到帮助无家可归者的活动中来。 ecocn

“ He just plods along in life, and has very small ambitions,” says Makoto Yoshitani, the series's28-year-old author.
“他仅是在生活的道路上步履沉重缓慢的走就是了,没什么大野心,”该书28岁的作者 Makoto Yoshitani说道。 yeeyan

“The idea is to raise awareness of the problem, ” said Makoto Uchiyama, professor and chairman of the department of neuropsychiatry at Nihon University School of Medicine, who conducted the survey.
日本医科大学神经精神医学院的主任真由中山教授做了此项调查,他说:“做这个调查的目的就是为了增强人们对这个问题的意识。” ebigear

Fake window with blinds lamp designed by Makoto Hirahara.
在假窗户上安装上百叶窗似的灯——由睦绫香发明。 yeeyan

Japan's Yuji Nakazawa left, Marcus Tulio Tanaka back and Makoto Hasebe celebrate after beating Denmark June24 at Royal Bafokeng stadium in Rustenburg.
日本的中泽佑二左,马库斯图利奥田中背部和长谷部诚在庆祝击败皇家巴福肯在勒斯滕堡体育场丹麦6月24日。 q.163.com

Zvjezdan Misimovic headed a good chance over and Tomasz Kuszczak made a couple of decent saves to deny Makoto Hasebe.
基维杰泽丹•密斯莫维奇创造了良好的机会并且库兹扎克挽救了几个像样的球来否认长谷部诚。 myowen




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