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Makkah 'mækә BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹ 基本例句 麦加阿拉伯语名称 In no time, the word spread all over Makkah that Muhammad had something important to announce. 穆罕默德有重要事情要宣布的消息立即传遍了麦加的大街小巷。2muslim Shaykh Abu al Hassan Nadwi says that the Arabs' first answer in Makkah was evidence of their realistic and practical approach. 谢赫艾布·哈桑·奈得威说,麦加阿拉伯人的首个回答是他们现实与确切态度的证据。2muslim The annual pilgrimage Hajj to Makkah shows the real Islamic brotherhood of all races and nations, when about two million Muslims from all over the world come to Makkah to perform the pilgrimage. 当每年来自全球将近两百万的穆斯林来到麦加朝觐 Hajj时,此朝觐活动即彰显所有种族及国家之间真正的伊斯兰教兄弟情谊。 tdict The emigration however made those who were left behind much more vulnerable. There would be many more tormentors for every Muslim left in Makkah. 然而,迁徙者让剩余者更容易受到攻击,剩下的穆斯林遭受的痛苦会更多。2muslim What a Wonderful Month! I like To listen to Holy Quran from Makkah. and the prayers of Traweeh in every Mosques around the Globe. 多么美好的一个月!我喜欢听麦加古兰经。祈祷在全球的所有清真寺平安。 blog.sina.com.cn “ Iraqis never had a so great chance to travel to Makkah than now, ” notes Sheikh Abdullah Ahmed, a Baghdad religious leader. 巴格达宗教领袖阿卜杜拉。艾哈迈德提到:“伊拉克人民从未有过像现在这样好的机会前往麦加。”2muslim Apparently, they were going to Makkah for Umrah and wanted to know as much about the rituals of Umrah as possible. 显然,他们是去麦加参加副朝且想知道更多的关于副朝的事项。2muslim At the time, Makkah was a great trading center and Khadijah was one of the wealthiest traders in the city. 当时,麦加是一个巨大的贸易中心,而赫蒂杰是市里最富有的商人之一。2muslim At her death, she was buried outside Makkah in a grave dug by the Prophet himself. 她归真后,葬在麦加外穆圣亲自挖的一个坟墓里。2muslim Between1829 and1834, he traveled from his hometown of Wadan to Makkah and back. 在1829年与1834年之间,他从家乡瓦丹去麦加,然后返回。 www.1x1y.com.cn Both left their beloved Makkah, along with their belongings, memories, beloved ones, and families, and immigrated to the land where they could survive with their faith of Oneness. 都是离开自己深爱的麦加,放弃了他们的财产,回忆,所爱的人和家庭,迁入那片土地,在那里他们不会死于信仰独一的主宰。2muslim Four new Customer Service Centers in Riyadh and Makkah have been completed and further ten centers are expected to be commissioned by year end. 四个新的客户服务中心在利雅得和麦加已经完成,并进一步十个中心预计将委托年底前完成。 amazing-network-marketing Muhammadpeace and blessings be upon him never raised or commanded any of his followers to raise a sword against his enemies in Makkah. 在麦加时,穆罕默德愿主福安之从未召集或命令他的弟子拿起宝剑同敌人作战。2muslim One of the early tactics of the chiefs of Makkah to try to suppress Islam altogether was a campaign of terror which varied according to the status of the recipient. 麦加部落首领们试图阻挠伊斯兰的一个早期计谋是根据穆斯林的不同社会地位发起各种恐怖活动。2muslim What is needed is more awareness on these heritage sites around the globe because the time is running out quickly as Makkah is being blown to pieces. 我们需要的是更多世界各地的这些文物古迹的认识,因为时间已经不多了迅速麦加是被炸成碎片。 google |