

单词 making money
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The banks have become better at making money in tough times, he says.
他说, 现在银行已经能够更好地在艰苦的时候仍然赚钱. ecocn

“ Making money is not an easy thing to do with online video, ” says Tyler McFadden,27, who heads up business development for the company.
“靠在线视频赚钱可不是件容易的事,”27岁的泰勒·麦克费登说。在二人中他主管公司商业拓展。 yeeyan

Answers such as that discourage people because they see no way of making money from it.
像这样的回答使人泄气.因为人们看不到能从中能赚钱. ebigear

But how were those trading desks making money?
但是,这些交易席位如何赚钱呢? ecocn

FOR a businessman, if there is anything better than making money, it must be making more money.
对于生意人来说,如果有什么事情比赚钱更好的话,那一定是赚更多的钱。 ecocn

He clearly liked the idea of making money without working for it.
很明显,他喜欢这种不工作就可以赚钱的主意。 ibm

I like making money, but I love making money when I’m helping someone or providing value just like I’m doing with this article.
我喜欢赚钱,但我更喜欢通过帮助别人或者提供有价值的东西赚钱,就像现在我写这篇文章一样。 yeeyan

One reason is that Scottish academics have got better at making money from their research.
其中一个原因是苏格兰的学者更会利用自己的研究成果赚钱。 topsage

Since a penny saved is a penny earned, you’ll be making money every time you take a sip.
因为节约一分钱就等于赚了一分钱,当你每次喝一口水的时候你就是在赚钱呢。 yeeyan

This is a critical number because if you are making money, you can grow your business without needing help from anyone else. Your business is sustainable.
这是一个重要的数据,因为如果你正在赚钱,你就可以扩张你的企业而不需要来自其他人的帮助,你的企业是能够维持的。 yeeyan

Making money is not a race.
赚钱是不是一场比赛。 yeeyan

Making money is painful.




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