

单词 making believe
释义 making believe短语¹⁰⁶¹⁰⁰⁺
As George watches, Benny begins smashing it with his hammer, uttering cries as he does so; he is making believe that the machine is screaming with pain.
乔治看着他开始用他的锤子使劲砸那个磅秤,边砸边叫;他假装那个机器正痛得尖叫。 yeeyan

Jet grabbed the Frisbee and flopped down on the grass, making believe I wasn't there.
杰特叼住飞盘,然后趴在草地上,仿佛根本没有我这个人。 goubbs

Don't believe in me in such a land of making believe.
在如许一个卖弄的全国你别信任我。 dghl998

I used to sit there, making believe to learn Japanese.
我常坐在那里,装作学日语。 yygrammar




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