

单词 makes fun
释义 makes fun短语³³⁹⁶⁸
It fails when Edgar makes fun of him and they argue.
当埃德加取笑他的时候,他们发生了争执。 yeeyan

It is the universe that makes fun of us all.
你在开我们的玩笑?是世界万物在开我们的玩笑。 xici

The C.O. makes fun of him and denies his request.
狱警拿他开玩笑,拒绝他的请求。 yeeyan

A business owner or CEO who constantly makes fun of himself will erode confidence in his abilities.
一个不断开自己玩笑的企业所有者或总裁将损害他能力中的自信。 yeeyan

Chua makes fun of her own extreme style of parenting.
蔡女士自嘲自己极端的教育风格。 hjenglish

He still makes fun of me, like when he told his mother how we met.

However Google refuses such claims and even makes fun of this kind of buzz.
然而 Google却拒绝了这些呼声,甚至还取笑这类的言论。 blog.sina.com.cn

I just want one day where no one laughs at me or makes fun of me.
我只想拥有一天,没人笑话和取笑我。 yeeyan

If your colleague often makes fun of you or passes sarcastic remarks about you or your work, it may be more than just banter.
如果你的同事时常取笑你,或者对你或你的工作冷嘲热讽,这些可能并不仅仅是玩笑话。 hjenglish

Mr Trillin makes fun of the arrival in the Port of Galveston, Texas, in1908, from somewhere“ near Kiev”, of his father and his Uncle Benny.
他取笑他的父亲和叔叔本尼从基辅附近的某个地方在1908年到达德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿。 kekenet

She calls me an old-fashioned guinea, she makes fun of my singing.
她叫我老式珍珠鸡,她取笑我的歌唱。 blog.sina.com.cn

She can't understand my being jealous. She calls me an old-fashioned guinea, she makes fun of my singing.
他无法理解我的嫉妒,称我为老式的意大利人,还嘲笑我的歌曲。 blog.sina.com.cn

The wind makes fun of me. oh, the wind blows my hat away.
风和我开玩笑。哦,风吹走我的帽子。 netsh




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