释义 |
make mistake短语⁶⁶⁸¹⁵ 基本例句 v.犯错 If make mistake when painting, pls clean it with the cloth with clear water or volatilization liquid. 误涂的地方请立即用洁净的布沾以清水或挥发性液体清理。 blog.sina.com.cn There is no reason for me to get upset when I make mistake. 当我犯错误时,没有什么原因会使我不安。 iask.sina.com.cn This is good for me to tell this person. So he won't make mistake again in the future. 我很高兴告诉他这个。这样他以后不会在犯同样的错误。 iqing We re human and we make mistake even when we only have good intentions. 常人,即使有些时候我出发点是好的也会犯一些错误。 fangce Before correcting others, meditate on yourself whether you make mistake first. 要纠正别人之前,先反省自己有没有犯错。 ebigear Don't be afraid to make mistake, to stumble and fall. 不要害怕犯错误,困顿和跌倒。 zdxjcw Grow up space for inferiority, let them presume to try, and allow to make mistake the mistake. 给下属成长空间,让他们敢于去尝试,并允许犯错误。 baidu I couldn't help wonder, can you make mistake and lose your fate? 我忍不住纳闷,我们因犯错而错过命运吗? blog.sina.com.cn If because of GF's fault& I go make mistake then I would be in double fault! 如果因为女友错,我就去犯错,那我就是错上再加错! uhhooh.com If you met the Mr. wrong, please say no, if you make mistake you may follow Mr. wrong. 当你遇到错误时,请说不,如果你愿意执迷不悟的犯错的话,那就跟随错误走下去吧; cri It's easy to make mistake with English. 用英语很容易出错的。 jukuu Making mistake is not horrible, the most horrible is fear to make mistake. 犯错误不可怕,可怕的是对犯错误的恐惧。 blog.sina.com.cn People who do nothing won't make mistake. 只有什么事也不干的人,才不至于犯错误。 blog.sina.com.cn Statistic of the physics and mechanics index of soil and rock is a tedious and important work. Statistic by handiwork is easy to make mistake and is difficult to be checked. 岩土物理力学参数统计计算是一项繁琐而又重要的工作,手工统计易出错,且难于校核。 cnki Usually projection method is used for this purpose, but this method is tedious and easy to make mistake. 以往,此项工作都是通过投影法完成的,但此法繁琐,易出差错。 cnki We all make mistake, but it's the wise who learn not repeat them. 人人都犯错误,但聪明的人学会了不犯同样的错误。 blog.sina.com.cn You make mistake, get all tangled up, you just tango on. 一旦你犯了错误,搞的乱七八糟,你仅仅只要继续跳探戈舞。 yingyu |