

单词 aptitude
释义 ap·ti·tude 英ˈæptɪˌtuːd, -ˌtjuːd美ˈæptɪˌtud, -ˌtjudAHDăpʹtĭ-t›d', -ty›d' ★☆☆☆☆高四GIMST宝八COCA¹⁸⁵⁰⁴BNC¹⁸⁷²³iWeb¹²⁷⁷²

UC天资; 天生的才能,天赋

natural ability or skill at doing sth

inherent abilityability,capacity,capability,genius,talent,competence,faculty,gift,aptitude











发音释义:'æptɪtjuːd n. 天资;自然倾向;适宜
结构分析:aptitude = apt有…倾向的、适合+ i连接成分+tude名词后缀→自然倾向,天生适合→天资
用作名词 n.
动词+~demonstrate an aptitude for mathematics表现出学数学的天赋develop one's aptitude发挥自己的才能develop one's aptitude for music发展音乐才能have a remarkable aptitude for inventing new things具有发明新东西的杰出才能show an aptitude for mathematics表现出学数学的天赋形容词+~mathematical aptitude数学才能mechanical aptitude机械才能singular aptitude杰出的才能outstanding aptitude杰出的才能decided aptitude明显的能力definite aptitude明显的能力distinct aptitude明显的能力extraordinary aptitude非凡的才能great aptitude非凡的才能natural aptitude天赋peculiar aptitude特殊才能rare aptitude罕见的能力scholastic aptitude学术能力special aptitude特殊才能specific aptitude特定的能力superior aptitude杰出的才能vocational aptitude职业能力名词+~migration aptitude迁移倾向employment aptitude职业能力~+介词aptitude for languages学习语言的才能aptitude for writing写作能力; 文才aptitude for journalism搞新闻工作的才能介词+~a boy of remarkable aptitude天资聪颖的男孩
用作名词n.an aptitude test

能力倾向测验one designed to show whether sb has the natural ability for a particular job or educational course

ap贴近+t拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,=ed+itude抽象名词后缀,表性质和状态→已经贴近某个事物的性质和状态→天然的倾向,习性⇒天资对知识和技能的天然倾向。非常记忆ap阿婆+titu踢土+de的⇒阿婆说踢土的那个人天资聪颖联想记忆感激gratitude上苍让你具备这种才能aptitude词根记忆apt能力+ itude状态⇒才能,天资词根记忆apt+itude表示状态=有能力的状态近义词 wit智力brain脑gift礼物skill技能flair天赋knack技巧talent天赋genius天才mother母亲ability能力fitness健康capacity容量facility设备keenness锐利tendency趋势proneness俯伏aptness适合性intellect智力propensity倾向capability能力brilliance才华cleverness聪明proclivity倾向competency能力mother wit天资competence能力inclination倾向proficiency熟练intelligence智力perspicacity敏锐understanding理解penchant喜好倾向endowmentU捐助奖金…faculty大学的系或院…bentbend的过去式和过去分…tendentiousness有倾向性的capablenesscapable的名词形式…反义词 inaptitude不适当
用作名词n.Eric has little mechanical aptitude.埃里克几乎没有机械方面的才能。
He had an aptitude for journalism.他有从事新闻工作的才能。
He has a natural aptitude for painting.他有绘画天分。
My son has no little aptitude for sport.我儿子在体育上不会有什么出息。
Beavers have possess an aptitude for building dams.水獭有筑坝的习性。
Edison had a remarkable aptitude for inventing new things.爱迪生具有发明新事物的非凡天资。
He has a singular aptitude for in dealing with a crisis.他有处理危机的杰出才能。
He has little aptitude for mathematics.他没有数学才能。
He showed great aptitude for in painting.他显示出很大的绘画才能。
He shows demonstrates an aptitude for learning languages.他表现出学习语言的才能。
I had no aptitude for accountancy and began to hate it.我没有做会计的才能,开始讨厌它了。
My daughter is showing an attitude for at maths.我女儿在数学上很有天资。
She demonstrates an aptitude for music.她显示出音乐天赋。
She has a natural aptitude for dancing.她有舞蹈天赋。
She has an aptitude for playing the violin.她在拉小提琴方面很有天赋。
She showed a natural aptitude for the work.她表现出了做这工作的天赋。
She's shown no aptitude for learning languages.她看不出来有学习语言的天赋。
That student has an aptitude for mathematics.那个学生很有数学天分。
These people share the same interests and aptitudes.这些人兴趣相投,才能相近。
We will take your personal aptitudes and abilities into account.我们会考虑到你的个人特长和能力。
Aptitude tests can help one in choosing a career.能力倾向测验可帮人们选择事业。
He is a pupil of great aptitude.他是一个悟性极高的学生。
He is a scholar with great aptitude.他是位才华横溢的学者。~+ prep. -phraseHis aptitude for dealing with children got him the job.他善于和儿童打交道的本事使他得到了这份工作。~+to- vHave an aptitude to vices易染恶习。
用作名词That student has anaptitudefor mathematics.那个学生有数学方面的天赋。
He shows greataptitudein painting.他在绘画上表现出很高的才能。
He has littleaptitudefor a business career.他没有从事商业的资质。
He has anaptitudefor languages.他具有学习语言的才能。
Edison had a remarkableaptitudefor inventing new things.爱迪生具有发明创造的非凡才能。
Most school-leavers should take anaptitudetest.大多数中学毕业生都应参加能力倾向测试。noun.inclination
同义词 predilection,propensitybent,disposition,drift,leaning,proclivity,proneness,tendency
反义词 antipathy,dislike,hatedisinclination,inaptitude,incapacity,skillessness,stupiditynoun.quickness at learning
同义词 competence,flair,knack,proficiency,savvyability,capability,capacity,cleverness,faculty,gift,intelligence,smarts,stuff,talentgiftedness,what it takes
反义词 inability,incompetence,ineptitude,ineptness,ignorance,impotence,lack,stupidity,weaknessdisinclination,inaptitude,incapacityskillessness
God-given talentnoun natural ability
capability,gift,innate ability
abilitynoun power to act, perform
aptnessnoun talent
artnoun skill, creativity
bentnoun inclination;talent
ability,aim,aptitude,bag,disposition,druthers,facility,faculty,flair,forte,genius,gift,inclination,knack,leaning,mind-set,nose,penchant,predilection,predisposition,preference,proclivity,propensity,set,tack,tendency,thing for,tilt,turn,weakness for
brightnessnoun intelligence
IQ,acumen,aptitude,brilliance,competence,smarts The Debian team officially recommends using Aptitude.
Debian官方团队推荐使用 Aptitude。 yeeyan

The Durham team used aptitude tests to show that pupils of a given ability get far higher A-level grades now than they used to20 years ago.
杜伦大学的研究小组用能力倾向测试来说明现在得 A的学生和20年前得 A的学生的能力差异。 ecocn

All of us benefit greatly from this surge of human energy and aptitude.
这些人才的热情和才能的爆发令我们受益匪浅。 yeeyan

But Schwartz argues that deliberate practice will almost always trump natural aptitude.
但是施瓦泽指出刻意的练习会胜过天资。 yeeyan

But this isn’t about natural aptitude, it’s about practice.
但是这无关天资,这需要练习。 yeeyan

I think a high school graduate with superior aptitude should by all means go on to college.
我认为一名具有出色天赋的中学毕业生绝对应该继续念大学。 kekenet

I've concocted the Venture Capital Aptitude Test VCAT to help people decide whether they are right for the venture capital business.
我炮制了一份风险投资家资质测试 VCAT来帮助人们判定自己是否适合从事风险投资行业。 yeeyan

In fact, most people do good work and then get promoted into a position they've shown no aptitude for.
事实上,大部分人工作表现很好,然后被提升到一个从来没有显示出有能力做好的职位上。 ebigear

In language learning it is attitude, not aptitude, that determines success.
在语言学习过程中,是态度而不是天资决定成功。 yeeyan

In my experience, if someone can run a network or a server, they have the aptitude to handle programming.
以我的经验,如果某人可以操作、运行网络或服务器,就有学习编程的资质。 cnblogs

It must not be inferred from his introspection, his absent- mindedness, his secrecy and his solitude that he lacked aptitude for affairs when he chose to exercise it.
不能因为他的内省,他的恍惚,他的隐秘和他的孤独,就武断的认为他在处理事务时缺乏资质。 yeeyan

It requires aptitude and diligence, but it does not require a single ounce of moral imagination.
该项目需要能力和勤奋,但不需要一丁点儿的道德想象力。 yeeyan

Our aim is more to discover writing talent in a science student or scientist than a scientific aptitude in a budding journalist.
我们更多是为了发现科学研究者或科学家的写作天赋,并非挖掘初出茅庐的记者的科学资质。 ecocn

ScienceDaily July22,2010 — General aptitude tests and specific mental ability tests are important tools for vocational guidance.
今日科学2010年7月22日一般的能力倾向测试和具体的心理能力测试是就业指导的重要工具。 yeeyan

That skewed view— and not some lack of aptitude— may be what keeps girls from pursuing math and science as a career.
这种并非能力不济而导致错误的看法,可能阻碍了女学生选择数学和科学作为自己的职业。 yeeyan

They almost universally exhibit an advanced aptitude for understanding complex technology and its applications.
在理解复杂科技及其应用方面他们普遍有着相当聪慧的才智。 ibm

This generalist theory is what the idea of IQ is based on—meaning that an aptitude for math probably means an aptitude for reading, too.
这种通才理论就是 IQ说法建立的基础,他们认为一个数学资质好的人,可能同时也擅长阅读。 yeeyan

Unless you’re just starting out in life, you have some skills or talent, shown some kind of aptitude.
如果你不是刚刚踏入人生旅途的话,你应该会有一些技能或天赋,应该会展示出一些天资。 yeeyan

Whereas the aptitude tests are designed to test the application of mathematical knowledge to unfamiliar problems.
然而天资测试却测的是将数学知识运用到解决陌生问题中。 yeeyan

Aptitude will download and install of the programs you specified.
Aptitude会下载和安装你指定的这些程序。 yeeyan




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