

单词 Makati
释义 Ma·ka·ti 英ˌmɑːkəˈtiː美ˌmɑkəˈtiAHDmä'kə-tēʹ COCA¹³⁵⁴⁶⁸BNC⁶⁷⁴⁹²
A group of Filipino renegade officers and soldiers who staged a standoff with the government in the financial hub of Makati City surrendered to police after half day of confrontation.
这些官员和士兵是在菲律宾的经济中心麦卡提和政府上演了这一只有半天的反叛。 iciba

A resident douses water onto his house as a fire razes nearby houses in Makati City, Metro Manila, April19, 2011.
菲律宾大马尼拉地区马卡蒂市19日发生火警,正当大火开始吞噬周围房舍时,一名当地住户正用水泼洒自家住宅。 lihpao

Esperanza Street Corner Makati Avenue Makati City, 1228 Philippines.
菲律宾马卡提城马卡提大道兰萨街角6号。 asd0066.com

These are the contestants for the upcoming Miss Philippines- Earth2007 pageant posing at a hotel in Makati City, south of Manila.
近日,菲律宾马卡蒂市举行了“2007年菲律宾地球小姐选美大赛”。 chinabroadcast

An inmate pedals a stationary bicycle attached to a battery that is used to power lights and electrical appliances inside a city jail in Makati, Metro Manila July7,2010.
犯人固定自行车踏板连接到一个用于内部马卡蒂市监狱在权力灯和电器电池,马尼拉2010年7月7日。 bugutang

Around this time, Makati's old foe Kadann seemingly made a fatal move: he attempted to grab power by prophesying himself ruler of the Empire.
在这期间,马卡蒂的死敌卡丹看起来正在做出一个自寻死路的决定:他试图通过预言自己为帝国统治者的方式来攫取权力。 starwarsfans

Earlier Monday, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton met with Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Makati at the U. N. to make the U.
周一早些时候,美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿Hillary Rodham Clinton与黎巴嫩总理纳吉布·米卡提 Najib Makati在联合国会晤,并向他传达了美国的意见。 douban

Fire razed at least900 shanty houses in Makati City, on Tuesday, leaving more than2,000 families homeless, police said.
警方表示,这场大火至少烧毁马卡蒂市9百栋棚屋,超过2千户人家无处可归。 lihpao

Unfortunately, Kadann heard the second's mockery, and struck out at Makati with Force lightning, advising him to “ Learn to rein in your subordinates, dear Admiral.”
不幸的是,卡丹听到了那名军官的嘲弄,于是以原力闪电击飞了马卡蒂,并告诉他:“学会管束自己的下属,亲爱的将军。” starwarschina




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